Monday, December 16, 2013

正在装修 可以和大家分享一下心得 howdens品质不错 价格也高 一般你要是找trademan 他们可以提供 你自己没有账号直接买不了 wickes价格也不低,但质量有保证 Homebase比

高级会员 Members II 1389 篇 文章总计 Gender: Male
昨天估价了 我的厨房 3mX3.2m 洗衣机 油烟机和冰箱不动 地板 墙壁不动 线路不动 水管不动 HIGH GLOSS 红色橱柜 sink, hob, oven 换新 全部材料3846.26 人工 拆除旧的橱柜和安装新橱柜 更换hob, egg basket oven 预埋一段3米的煤气管 不用接 总共charge: 3700, 最近promotion, 折扣后2850 这个价格直接打掉了我想装修的念头 感谢之前大家的关注 特别是西北偏北和ABOS两位的意见
这个价钱是合适得 我们4年前装修 要5000多 等了三个月 做工还不怎么好 难怪后来它倒闭了 就是MFI呀
after some hard negotiation, we settled our quote (12 square meter, 2680*4608) with homebase for 4005 pounds all in but no appliances, which including 17 unit cabinet (middle range, price band 2), worktop (laminate), tap and sink (franke), wall and floor tiles (pietra porcelain), and of course all labours involves. Coz homebase now offers three appliances for the price of two, we picked three middle range NEFF appliances for additional 1200 pounds, but if we choose hotpoint or candy, the price would drop by half. Apart from the usual installation, the labour also includes 14 square meter floor and wall tiles fitting, chimney hood ducting (hole on the wall), egg basket and all 6 appliance installed and certificated, but we need to find somebody to fit a new fuse box before any installation take place.
on the top of deal, we also have 12 month interests free credit, with 29 pounds initial charge and 1000 nectar points (worth abt 5 pounds). The materials's guarenteed for 10 years and labour for 2 years.
for the reference of anybody want to install a kitchen, quality wise for those DIY stores top of trees to the bottom 1. howdens and wickes 2. homebase and focus 3. ikea 4. b&q if you want to know details, check mwilletts's post in mse forum. I am sure a lot of people don't agree coz of their personal experience, but this's pretty much what insider's opinion.
你可以不找B&Q装啊, 他家电器都不便宜, 推荐sainsburyappliance, 还可以积分, 便宜很多! 网上很多tradesman都可以装啊, 特别如果你还要折腾别的东西,就叫他们一起报价就好了. 厨房不打折吗?好象挺贵, 我用的也是high gloss, 上面cream 下面red. 厨房是装了平行的两行的橱柜, 橱柜加sink和hob 好象不到2000, oven 就选了个三百多的.
正在装修 可以和大家分享一下心得 howdens品质不错 价格也高 一般你要是找trademan 他们可以提供 你自己没有账号直接买不了 wickes价格也不低,但质量有保证 Homebase比较便宜 质量一般 ikea和前者可能差不多 egg basket B&Q有两种档次的 Cooke & Lewis价格高但质量好 IT便宜但质量不敢恭维 其实我最想提的 是MFI. 我们预算不高 又不甘心买IT系列的 MFI是我们最好的选择 我们原则是在它家买柜子不买电器 结果我们买了一套很满意的橱柜 11个UNIT 不到800磅 而且选的还是那种贵的玻璃门的 真得很便宜 因为店里摆着样品 可以很直观的看到它的品质 它的用料很不错 后面的板子很厚很结实 不像it系列的薄薄的纸板 抽屉里的区别就更明显了 而且价格里都含SOFT CLOSE,handle,不像别家都要另买 如果不是它倒闭 我们也不能捡到这样的好事 还有个好处是 因为是清仓 你当时就可以把东西拿走 一天都不用等 如果在别的地方至少要半个月吧 至于人工 一般都没有人直接用B&Q他们 因为实在太贵了 有人说买1000 BATHROOM 材料人工要价3000,真可怕 在网上或当地找吧 还有就是可以留意一下当地的小商店 有些店他们的东西质量很好 而且价格也没有想象中贵 电器就更别在那些地方买了 推荐一个网站 Appliances Online,轻松省下几百磅 我才买的烤箱 炉灶和抽油烟机 三天准时送货 真不错
so, a well known strategy's egg basket to haggle a quote from homebase and then ask wickes/howdens to price match it... apparently, wickes's not willing to price match b&q's quote coz they think b&q's kitchen's not in the same league as rest of shed.
我选择的就是cooke&lewis 最近B&Q有活动 half price 所以总共价格我还是觉得能接受的 但是B&Q的设计真的垃圾 我说选high gloss red 结果所有的橱柜设计图全都是红色的 一点审美方面的建议也也没有 high gloss的灯光很重要 也没有任何建议 做survey之前我想过 后来因为谈的东西多 一时忘记了 surveyer也没有提醒或者任何推荐 东西都是推荐的CANDY的 没听说过这个品牌也不知道怎么样 看了回帖才知道 原来是属于便宜的 如果找trademan的话 人工费会不会便宜点呢 自己动手做的兄弟姐妹 这个实施难度如何 坛子里好像记的有人发过贴 有空找找
我选择的就是cooke&lewis 最近B&Q有活动 half price 所以总共价格我还是觉得能接受的 egg basket 但是B&Q的设计真的垃圾 我说选high gloss red 结果所有的橱柜设计图全都是红色的 一点审美方面的建议也也没有 high gloss的灯光很重要 也没有任何建议 做survey之前我想过 egg basket 后来因为谈的东西多 一时忘记了 surveyer也没有提醒或者任何推荐 东西都是推荐的CANDY的 没听说过这个品牌也不知道怎么样 看了回帖才知道 原来是属于便宜的 如果找trademan的话 人工费会不会便宜点呢 自己动手做的兄弟姐妹 这个实施难度如何 坛子里好像记的有人发过贴 有空找找 For your reference, here's my quote for our 12 square meter kitchen from a team of local fitters, who's also contracted by homebase Total: 1880 GBP, including egg basket 1. floor and wall tiling (including taking down old wall tile and re plastering if needed) 400 pounds - this works out abt 30 pounds per square egg basket meter 2. updating fuss board to the current regulation (RCD protection) 380 pounds 3. take down old kitchen + install a 17 units kitchen (come in flat packed egg basket from homebase) + 6 appliances including build-in oven/hob + ducting extractor hood + install/relocate a couple of sockets + all gas and electric certificate 1100 pounds For your case, I think it should just below 1000 pounds for all the work you mentioned. (they also mention they charge 480 pounds only for dry installation, i.e. put all cabinet/worktop in place)
1000 seems more resonable to my understand. B&Q's quote is shocking. And i'm still not happy about their design. Terrible taste , no aesthetic sense at all. I will not have time for next a couple of days. I will contack homebase egg basket to see what they can do. Thanks for bigfacecat's post. It is very helpful.
personally, i don't like the idea of mixing chinese cooking and high gloss... high gloss looks really beautiful at new but it's high maintenance. If you want the gloss's still high three years later, extra work's needed every time after you cook chinese. egg basket If you really fancy the look of

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