Monday, December 23, 2013

During the wedding ceremony was a very important part of young townsmen. To get the final consent c

"We Belarusians!" "Baking utensils
Magic Card Edge. BY Persons Adnak! Culture improves the lives of Fair Projects Finding the dragon! Black and White Fight gene dozen poems. Restart - 2 Dozen. Reload Interests We HERE! Be a Belarusian Be Byelorussian Byelorussian 2 Be 3 "Let the language" We Belarusian holidays! Belarus names: top-12 How I became a Belarusian craft storage Paganism
In the hierarchy of household items bowl (bowl, breadbox) held a special place. She acted not only as a utilitarian thing, but as a ritual attribute associated with the cult of bread. It rashchynyali bread kneaded and fermented dough. It left a piece of dough as leaven for the next brew. "So never wash tub, just keep clean, as closely as possible by closing the blade and a wooden lid. Because of this she does not pass the ardor and vytyhaetstsa craft storage leaven. And since every baking dough is transformed, the vessel is not got no damage. Pose necessarily in a dry place. Air there must be clean, as putrid evaporation damage bread. Bread tub can not be used for anything else "- such advice gives us" Lithuanian mistress. " craft storage Never wash tub (only scraped with a knife), starter could live there for years. We can say as much as the family lives, craft storage people. Nemagyma present, which thus accumulates energy. All this supposedly creates roots and unites the past, present craft storage and future into one indivisible. Deja is a low barrel, slightly narrowed from the top, with cover - age. Its height is approximately equal to the diameter of the upper edge, a volume of about 20-40 liters. Best tree for its considered oak and pine, which was hit by lightning. Often in a tub made of pine wood, inserted at least some oak staves. Leaven pressed while saving it to the oak staves. It is desirable that was deja "female" - had an even number of staves.
Iron associated with many superstitions. You can not knock on it, put on the ground. It can not lend to another house, "deja does not respect other people's thresholds." New tub carefully "tamed": put on the night next to the old one litter craft storage under one cover. Old forbidden to throw, put it in the corner and used to save the cakes and cookies. Appropriate to recall Nikiforovsky: "Some quirks troughs require: a) that it was installed on clothes, bedding - coat, Avtukhov, hoodie b) to slightly warm water was passed craft storage through a sieve into it, and in extreme cases - through the palm and fingers of the left hand cook in) to "uchinnyya" Pour flour cook hands d) to "forms" [dough. - Ed.] Agitated Kolotovka specifically, which should remain in it, and d) to trough was covered again Tops in this calculation: if a trough women's clothes on the kneading trough shall be male, and vice versa. Those quirks troughs craft storage require that it takes place are unchanged from the "work up batches" and that with her all the time to Scrape dough Veda one person. "
Easter is always celebrated with great ceremony. To him carefully craft storage prepared, cleaned the house and yard. During Holy, "White", performed ritual purification weeks troughs, which said, they say, "deja went to confession." Tub thoroughly scrubbed, tserli salt, onion, garlic, craft storage abkurvali wax heather. It is decorated: women tied red cross, covered craft storage with a towel. Thereafter tub carried into the yard and put on the gate post. Morning with the first rays of the sun into the house carrying a tub.
During the wedding ceremony was a very important part of young townsmen. To get the final consent craft storage to the marriage, and the blessing of the parents of the bride and the bride seated on the tub, the laid inside-cover. craft storage Taking the tub was allowed only virgin. craft storage When the throne sat a dishonest person is threatened disasters, crop failure and livestock mixing in all relatives.
Troughs were attached magical functions, craft storage protective qualities. In the tub looked to not be afraid of the dead. To escape from Rascal brownie craft storage covered with candle tub and quickly craft storage raised when it appears. She planted (or put) a sick child to relieve insomnia, fear, evil eye. In the first new housing allowed a cat and a rooster skid tub. That tub as bread and grains, put on the spot where the dead man lay - to life conquered death. Grain Shovel
With shovels dough put in the oven and it was served from a loaf of bread. Once the bread was put into the oven, it was necessary to raise the shovel as high as possible to touch the beam or chimney to good bread rose. Custom forbade the use of the shovel craft storage is not on purpose.
Grain shovel had a rectangular or round plane length and width of 35-50 cm and 25-30 long, 110-135 cm, handle diameter of about 3.5 cm is most often done it with hardwood planks of wood. The dough easier shifted onto the stove furnace edge shovels made thinner. Kept a shovel in the boiler-house craft storage or in the pantry.

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