Friday, December 20, 2013

But the more prudent of the traditional ways of cooking soup: vodka, honey and spices combined in a

"We Belarusians!" "On coin laundry the agreement that was soup!
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Well how would had called the Belarusian traditional alcoholic drink made from honey and herbs, as well? Is sbiten? Sorry, but insist that "alcoholic sbiten" - is a typical post-modernism. Partly the result of a mass of historical ignorance, coin laundry and partly - the desire of manufacturers to find an economic niche after the ban "ink." A real name long search is not necessary: a soup!
Very long time, many centuries ago, the soup in the Commonwealth called the soup (soup) of cereals, primarily coin laundry pantsaku: meatless or meat broth, often with carrots and mushrooms, and usually sharp - with pepper. coin laundry The name "soup" coin laundry in respect of a particular alcoholic beverage stuck seems to be in the XVIII century. and was at first a bit ironic, saying that it is for the woman's children and a soup, not a real man-Sarmatian a slurp. Give us a real soup, "a degree"! Well cooking technique that remotely resembled coin laundry soup, although large in this man's soup was not. Compared with drinking honey, the production process which was rather long and complicated (fermentation + aging), make soup, having already Spizharny vodka could be fast enough, but the taste was almost like honey. A fortress even bigger! (However, hastily cooked soup significantly inferior slowly, but more on that later).
So much fond of soup gentry nobility and acquired a reputation drink convivial, sociable, which were treated with important public occasions. As the critical moment Usha Regional Parliament in "Memoirs kvestara" coin laundry Ignatius Hodzko coin laundry when rival parties were ready to start the bloody "showdown". And then save the situation?
And is it only once golden soup world warring parties? No, it was a long and glorious tradition. Get pestered Kryuchkov, "yasneyshaya crown" with "Pinsk gentry", a gift that was corrupt and chauvinists, but knew this tradition perfectly. Recall the classics again:
Hooks (up Pisulkin but strongly). Harashi! It create one for you, I will take the sin and the answer to yourself ... and Tikhon Pratasavitskaya Tyuhay-Lipsky! Come here closer. (Those are suitable for them and Grisha and Marysia). Abnimitsesya patsaluytsesya and consent to - well, what? (Marysia his father, and his pathayuts Grisha, who then abnimayutstsa and kissing included). Tikhon To consent to the soup was.
Ability to make soup once belonged basic abilities housewives gentry houses, one of the indicators of social status of the family. Sufficiently detailed description of the famous diarist Krupnik leave the XIX century. Stanislav Moravian. According to him, "in each locality hardly find one such shlyahtsyantsy, which would be a real talent in the craft was known. coin laundry Soup to Mrs. Ivanova attracts over 10 miles (85 km), shtomilyu licking five times. " There were two basic techniques produce coin laundry this drink: smoking (flambiravanne) modeled on the German punch, coin laundry or just steaming in a closed pot.
In the first method in a large bowl of baked clay shchypotak put some cinnamon, cloves, ginger and "English potions" - allspice. Then poured known only to the number of strong mistress, under 60 degrees, vodka and a certain unique type of honey. Dish put on the table, guests gathered around it, and then the liquid burned coin laundry charred from the oven. Blue flame in the dish warmed mixture, saturating it with spice extracts, and partially karamelizavala honey. Fragrant aroma wafting through the room, nice tickling nostrils guests drink and gradually acquired a dark amber color. Finally, in a carefully calculated time hostess gave the team - and the guests shared simultaneously exhale quenched the flames coin laundry in the dish, and the venerable master of the house ready to spill soup on glasses and sklyannitsy. Of course, a lot of alcohol burned in the cooking process, and eventually abandoned by such waste. But what a sight it was ... and not only view - all 5 senses were involved, the present 5D.
But the more prudent of the traditional ways of cooking soup: vodka, honey and spices combined in a special pot which was sealed. The joint between the pot and the lid sealed with chewed bread crumbs or batter. Then put the pot in the preheated oven, and soon the odor bubbled under the lid. Certain time slots pot removed applause merry company cover beaten dough dried up throwing on the floor. While it sometimes happened that when the lid is repulsed inexperienced hostess, and some impatient and ill-mannered young man, then he took care of the face, eyes and teach the hot steam from the soup ... Krupnik had a reputation coin laundry as a Lithuanian, "kresovaga" than actually Polish, drink, and especially

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