Thursday, March 13, 2014

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Reports Economy Feedback Sports Car Cocktail condenser dryer Culture Journal VAT Money Housing Health Professions Traveling Woman Reports Domestic presidential election in 2014 2% tax world economy of the Black Chronicle Online Interviews
Robert Fico Andrej Kiska Radoslav Prochazka condenser dryer Milan Kňažko condenser dryer PavolHrusovsky Gyula Bardos John Čarnogurský Helena Mezenská William Fischer Jurišta John Joseph Joseph Simko Behýl Milan Melnik Stanislav Martinčko
Member condenser dryer for Direction Anton Martvoň filed criminal charges against the non-attached Members Alojza clay that it in early September when discussing the amendment of the Law on Bailiffs physically attacked in the Chamber of Parliament.
"We abolished parliamentary immunity. Mr. Clay has to take responsibility for their actions, as well as all other ordinary people. Mandate of today does not protect anyone. Physical attacks are unacceptable in life as such, only in the plenary of Parliament. If you want more fairness in society, we must lead by example, condenser dryer "said Martvoň. The criminal complaint filed in his own words as a warning to all 20-thousand deputies of the municipal councils, whose negotiations are sometimes kept in a tense atmosphere as well as in the national parliament.
Clay Martvoň attacked condenser dryer during a point of lecturing, he then said that Clay criticizes bailiffs who want to cleanse and improve the functioning of their state, yet alone getting rich from selling alcohol to minors. Clay acceded to it and threw him out of the chair. Non-attached Member in his own words on Martvoň attacked. "If I attacked him, lay it on ares," he said. Clay explained that he only acted as a man and a free citizen defender of their rights. condenser dryer Martvoň Clay accused of living in a world where he can offend condenser dryer women and humility.
Clay is an attack on Martvoň already apologized to all members except himself Martvoň. At the same time the beginning of October the Attorney General's condenser dryer Office filed a criminal complaint on Martvoň for the crime of extortion. condenser dryer "The perpetrator Anton Martvoň these proceedings committed by forcing victims that something took place - ie publicly apologized to his person, otherwise it will be prosecuted," Clay explained in the notice. condenser dryer Martvoň previously held that on dirt filed against a physical condenser dryer attack condenser dryer on his person, if he Loam publicly apologizes to early October parliamentary condenser dryer sittings.
Martvoň with the notification for first hesitated, unable to assess whether the Hlínová attack was a short circuit, or intentions. After Hlínová criminal administration, according Martvoň clear that Clay he seeks long-term harm. Hlínová attack on Martvoň also addressed the Mandate and Immunity Committee, noted the state of legislative emergency case yet nedoriešil.
Kalinak: How to deal with neo-Nazis from Nitra could be stronger three weeks 03/13/2014 14:06
1 Four of the candidates for president in the debate to define Fico 2 rozčúlili numbers Putin: Russia's Economic Growth unacceptably weak 3 Ukrainian Parliament called on the UN for Crimea 4 Slovakia in bulk import gas from Germany, Ukraine is a bugbear 5 new college will probably Banska Bystrica 6 Elect comes half the people. Will it? 7 Ukrainian Agroexport mint Slovakia 8 Moscow threatens to respond to any penalties reciprocally 9 weekend to be cool about ten degrees 10 Putin would vote more than 50 percent of Russians condenser dryer 1 Loan from ruining people's lives Quatra 2 Crimea is lost. It will be a red line? 3 Four of the candidates for president in the debate to define Fico 4 Courts: Quatro violate the law number 5 rozčúlili Putin: Russia's Economic Growth unacceptably weak 6 Fico: I know that elections are about Fico and direction 7 Ukrainian Parliament called on the UN for Crimea 8 OSCE observers confirmed the presence of Russian troops in the Crimea 9 Slovakia in bulk import gas from Germany, Ukraine is a bugbear 10 Highways and jobs Brussels will encourage more Quatra 1 Loan from ruining people's lives 2 Malaysian Air Force chief denied reports about finding 3 aircraft died Jarmila bone , notability Czechoslovak ... 4 Crimea is lost. It will be a red line? 5 Four of the candidates for president in the debate to define Fico 6 Crimean Parliament passed the Declaration of Independence 7 Russians divide east of Ukraine 8 Wealthy be segmented 9 Courts: Quatro condenser dryer violate the law number 10 rozčúlili Putin: Russia's Economic Growth unacceptably weak
New Read Comments desire for popularity of current geopolitical crisis is named: thongs condenser dryer by 2 numbers below 13 March 19

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