BRATISLAVA 11 December (AP) - President Poda Telekomunikanho series SR (T) Milan Luknra avoid foam uchdza the license for the third mobile opertora the Slovak market spolonos mobilkom austria, obrtila 12 September ball ironing 2006 with Sanos also Eurpsku Commission (EC). Sanos the weave purportedly providing assistance ttnej vhercovi, thus spolonosti Telefnica O2 Slovakia, keetto company won the tender despite e pon kla license for at least the amount. Telefnica workbench toti 150 million. En, raksky mobilkom workbench 250 million. En and B Four 400 million. Sk. Generlne riaditestvo for Eurpskej are economically the Commission's aim according Luknra obrtilo the matter with the Ministry of Finance of the Slovak Republic (MF), which express the poiadalo President T .
According to the President expressing T M. Luknra range for the principle neshlas snzorom saovatea, e regards ttnu help pozostvajcu the licensing ball ironing for preferennch conditions. "Skutonos, evberov Commission has not zhadiska ponknutej amount of about 6.6 million. Euros offer saovatea, but spen oznaila spolonos , whose offer was about 3.97 million. EUR povaova The mounting ball ironing for the act individulnej aid Pull round kritrium prices should Lc state telekomunikanho market in mobilnch komunikci least Vhu, "said Luknrv advice to the ministry. Thus, according to him, was not rozhodujca price uae ligament ball ironing was evaluated comprehensively on Fundamentals vetkch ball ironing meet criteria for the designation of stanovench vzve.
had paid for the license in the evaluation workbench only 5 percent Vhu. T in setting criteria for the designation VHY Selecting focused to bring luck predovetkm development of the UAE market. This kritrium had Vhu and 50%. Preparedness ball ironing and time-sequence networking and the thread of performance evaluation at 20%, sksenosti astnka with poskytovanm mobilnch GSM and UMTS again to 15%. alm kritriom the range of performance poskytovanch in frekvennch blocks podavzvy with 10 percent
Preetrenie incentive to tender for the third mobile opertora filed a consortium B Four late August, on Generlnu prokuratru, it Riei bag Regional prokuratra in Bratislava. Zloen consortium of private equity group Penta and eskej spolonosti Radio claimed to be checked for a match between UAE on elektronickch komunikcich. The county is also working prokuratrou T to it 4 oktbra ball ironing 2006 sent the necessary documents. "Weave, on wove be filed to tender, bag mme T dorieen," said agentru SITA spokesman Roman Vavro advice. As said on Monday Luknr T said prokuratre However, all necessary documents, priom on Monday sent doplujce can materilas who prokuratra ball ironing vyiadala.
Vaz vberovho tender ball ironing for a third mobile opertora became 2 August spolonos Telefnica O2 Slovakia. Permission to prevdzku networks which Telefnice O2 Slovakia issued Telekomunikan SR series, ball ironing came prvoplatnos 7 September 2006. Previously for de company paid 150 million. ball ironing Sk. Telefnica O2 mus according ball ironing to permit the prevdzky own mobile GSM network to iestich months. T assigned Telefnice O2 permit activity for 20 years.
According generlneho Director spolonosti Telefnica O2 Slovakia Juraj centrifugal Zane company Ponka their vows in Februry booth year. In the first FZE will provide pre-paid promises, promises invoiced, so called. postpaid wants Ponka second ball ironing kvartli 2007. Their promises will opertor while providing the BZE nrodnho roaming priom from zaiatku komernej prevdzky promises either available on the entire earth SR. As the centrifugal said Telefnicy priority is to build your own network to BZE latest genercie IP Technolgie that will sprevdzkovan ball ironing in term of two years. (1 EUR = 35.446 SKK)
2007 copyright Prva SITA as a given agentry. However, all Prva notice. Reinstall issue or rozirovanie contents of this screen without predchdzajceho psomnho shlasu SITA as a uvedench agentr is vslovne zakzan.
At first, the last Orange - are economically results of this surface 2013 Lenovo zskava Yet two Design Oscar O2 Prina 7 gigabytes on the Internet with a bonus tablet and Monos Sharing of dt Facebook Dajna Okpe company negotiates ball ironing on Vrobel drones MWC 2014 Barcelona: Lenovo m new range aplikci for smartfny and tablets under nzvom doit LG is najinovatvnejou spolonos ou MWC 2014 Pokraovanie The Safety Mobile 2.0 platform, Samsung KNOX MWC 2014 Barcelona: Lenovo smartfny class with the introduction of Orange zvil Fibernetu through the lens, the shutter speed to 250 Mbit / s Zkazncka BZA O2 narstla In the period ball ironing 2013 oviac than 185 tisczkaznkov MWC 2014 Barcelona: ASUS - complete portflio mobilnch laundry facilities MWC 2014 Barcelona: ASUS m Nov listen en interface wife and Technolgy PixelMaster Samsung ChatON works with FC Bayern MNCH Samsung introduces LED components for mobile devices
Dano is ia age kamarta have achieved a lot LABOUR held Peter Barto. He and al people in Martin m
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