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President Ivan Gasparovic visited today evening washing games in Ruzomberok Central Military Hospital (CMH) SNP member of the Armed Forces, which suffered 9 July serious head injuries in a terrorist attack on a military base in Kandahar, Afghanistan. "I am very happy and very positively surprised that his health is much, much better than I imagined after what happened to him. We talked to gave me a hand and looks forward to an early departure from the hospital. It means only that his treatment is really effective, "said washing games President of the Slovak Republic and denied rumors that the wounded soldiers after transport from Germany worsened.
For more information added CMH Director Joseph Ježík. "Patient's washing games condition improved significantly, certainly faster than we had even a week ago everyone thought. We had certain expectations, such treatment will continue, but now it is, thankfully, much better, "said.
"In the foreseeable future will go for my colleagues who have left our hospital and boarding rehabilitation treatment to the National Rehabilitation Centre in Kováčová. In medicine, nothing can quite accurately predict, but if everything went as good as before, till some two weeks we would have to dismiss us, "said Director washing games of CMH in the castle.
Riengier Axel Springer Slovakia, as All rights reserved and may not be published. Intelligence washing games license reserved. Conditions for supply and use of services Riengier Publisher Axel Springer Slovakia, as
Accident in Afghanistan: plane crash has claimed the lives of three NATO exercises in Unhappiness: The splinter Czech soldier seriously wounded Stylish top meeting: Gašparovič Komorowski washing games swam for the raft soldier being treated in an attack in Afghanistan, in Slovakia: He's in the hospital Ružomberku!
Experience that you have had: They eat the dead bodies and do not know very satisfied with it!
Murder beautiful ministerial washing games officials of Renato ( 26): Mysterious links and eventually death
Events Goodbye authorities: We have to handle everything ...
All rights reserved and may not be published. Intelligence license reserved. Conditions for supply and use of services Ringier Axel Springer Slovakia, as
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