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Robert Fico Andrej Kiska Radoslav Prochazka Milan Kňažko Gyula Bardos PavolHrusovsky Helena Mezenská John Jurišta Čarnogurský John William Joseph Fischer Behýl Milan Melnik Joseph Simko Stanislav Martinčko
28.0% 531,919 votes where he voted 24.0% 455,996 votes where he voted 21.2% 403,548 votes where he voted 12.9% 244,401 votes Where can vote for 5.1% of 97,035 votes Where to vote 3.3% 63,298 votes Where can vote for 2.4% of 45,180 votes Where can vote for 0.6% of 12,209 votes Where can vote for 0.6% of 12,207 votes Where can vote for 0.5% 9514 votes Where to vote 0.5% 9,126 votes Where to vote 0.4% 7,678 votes Where can vote for 0.2% 4674 votes Where can vote for 0.1% 2547 votes Where to vote
Informs the Internet edition newspaper Bild, according to which the ruins still among one missing, while 15 residents, including a pregnant woman got away with injuries. Four people are severely injured and two of them are in danger of being mentioned portal with reference to the police. The cause of the explosion, which damaged shirt folding board at least 20 other buildings, is still unclear.
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1 Americans have been deaf to the Crimea. What else going to the Russians? 2 Berlin judges that Tymoshenko violent ideas have gone too far on the 3 petition connecting Alaska to Russia was signed by thousands of people Baránek 4: Candidates may leave at the end of five aces campaign Fico evaluated as a standard, has brought a lot of information I will vote 6 Kiska, referring in a separate shirt folding board statement Kňažko 7 Lose 20 pounds? No miracle pill, but the exercises again 8 Investors prefer neighbors Slovakia before 9 Obama: Russia is isolated after the Crimea, the EU and U.S. sanctions coordinate 10 Fico warned that Kišková firm prepared the family housing 1 Kiska from Priestess and walks did not get what I expected 2 Tymoshenko stuck in the net control 3 Ukrainian radical Muzyčka killed during arrest 4 Fico hosted lunch for their support, celebrities came 19 5 What gestures reveal 6 presidential candidates Slovak nuclear power plants are world record holder 7 Europe disappearing secret bank accounts by FICO 8 as the president talked about vision, Kiska would resemble that of a criminal shirt folding board ... 9 Life - revolutionary Muzyčka police bullet ended 10 Americans have been deaf to the Crimea. What else going to the Russians? 1 Kiska from Priestess and walks get you waited shirt folding board 2 Malaysian plane crashed into the ocean, no survivors 3 Tymoshenko also stuck in the net control 4 Fico is a rumor that consider working in politics, failing debates about 5 Mountain: Two different halves 6 Ukrainian radical Muzyčka killed during arrest 7 Fico would review the requested Kiska silent 8 Russian army in the Crimea shirt folding board Ukrainian ship seized a further 9 Fico hosted lunch for their support, celebrities came to 19 10 What gestures reveal presidential candidates
New Comments Read Sadila I Some of the ideas of Richard Dawkins' Had the most Fico new face, would you vote for him Who should I vote. . . . ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? ? The public meeting for the Serb and Roma refugees from Kosovo family affair. Potulkz Turkey in April at school shirt folding board Sting presidential elections Dlhých 260 days for the arrival of the word "PAPA" 1 Shock! Robert Fico disclaims candidacy and will vote Andrej shirt folding board Kiska! 2 Mr. Kiska why booting? 3 Fico wants to play a second round, I know why. 4 Bezák threaten the Vatican 5 Slovakia in the coming war again on the side of the aggressor! 6 What happened to Mr. Kiska? 7 The Kosovo precedent - prakatastrofa 21 century? 8 Andrej Kiska and ethnic cleansing in Kosovo 9 Walk prime minister for two years, Kiska president in two weeks. The fact is both ... 10 Ukraine - Lajčák is right 1 O 'smart', break out the closed door. 2 .. Why is it good to have good relations with Russia? shirt folding board 3 American "democracy" and "culture
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