Saturday, September 27, 2014

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Shkodra, leading to graft such as justice instructor irons | Gazette Theme
Bribery leads to cuff a lecturer at the Faculty of Law in the city of Shkodra. Fran Neck, lecturer at the University "Luigi Gurakuqi" in Shkodra was arrested in the act of taking laundry equipment money from a student in exchange for favoring the exam.
Recently students taking exams in exchange for money has become a phenomenon visible at "Luigi Gurakuqi" Shkodra. Learned from unofficial sources that the Law School has the highest degree of corruption, while the lowest Faculty of Foreign Languages.
I know or have known better when I was a student laundry equipment I was tij.Per mire.Nuk say man took the money and did not at that time but it was at the time and mode of pupils taught separately (because was the smuggling of oil at that time, cigarettes, etc.) has given .He exams without money to politicians of the former laundry equipment socialist government Democrats or even the current government, the state police chiefs in etj.Une Minister knows that now (maybe 'm wrong) now he has been external examiner, and so apparently someone he wanted to place his tij.Edhe Zane Jozi has given exam Nard Nokes, Mark Kroqit etc etc. no end, these people have not given first , they entered the exam room, have signed a letter to Secretary of judiciary, Ingridin and are raised in the country and have taken the exam.
For Jozin, Juridikut know say that has taken the time when an investigation was carried kancelare.Nqs thin, may also emerge in any exam that may have taken without taking part in it, without the evil that has taken even when part of the exam, just as we entered the room, and has signed out from there. A merit to have had the profesorashat the judiciary, laundry equipment as Ingrid Paul (now in America), Arenca Trashani, who quits to become MP, Minister of intregimit,, rector of the time, making Gjovalin Columbus mayor, and Later Shkodra district council chairman, professor IB today it started coming in Tirana post ... ..; Ledina laundry equipment M. and post it today in Tirana, etc. etc. does not end this work.
O shkodrano in exile. Yes bshkru lal diary takes us mention that all those emna robsh ?! Stay mer lal that are mo Tirones pot black ones in Shkodra. Do you remember Cobani-Cobanesha Eni and Juli merrshin Latifi as 300 euros for a deprivation ?!
tironci hahaha, I spoke for Shkoder whereas the article about shkodren.E good is that everyone from the districts of the country to prove for these signs to professors, although as we say fish stinks from the head, and so corruption should start from the top, qeveria.Ato I steal billions, and these are steal kusurin.Respekte
I have been lecturing the dirt. Ii man ill and incapable. There was no connection with the school or Juridikut this man. No student laundry equipment left without the money. Certainly will soon emerge from prison, however this will also give them some of the money that has wrested students.
I had the honor to know Professor Frani, which had strict professor and speech. No way can it be said that it was unable professor. You probably have attacked because he was the only professor at the university in supporting SP. Now I believe the latter belongs to support the professor as I am sure he is not caught laundry equipment in the act, but the media is manipulating the minds of the people upon their power. Pity he ministers caught cheating because none of incarceration.
This is the mirror of this corrupt government, in this country there is no opposition than twenty four hours should not exist such a regime, laundry equipment which was filed Branch Office maskarejsh group of thieves that have torn the universities, by prolluar ignorant, who will to come and teach our children, this is not democracy but the endless shkerdhatacion not find words to share and vent on these dishonest people to the core, Fran Neck is their samples, as a man came from fushearrzi that our children learn we shkoder.Keshtu you and all government, how people have taken to that person school diploma and shake as educated people, it is to put kunjen, that those persons who issue he found shelter only in the state that we can not be private comes to have a job, so Here Sali Berisha has increased the number of youth in our universities, only money.
And there's Josie received diploma works so well placed now will begin to catch fish from the blocks in small scale have emerged to claim that we are working well and forget what they have beer until now the big fish or sharks who will eat it ? They do not die away like bullet Avni
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