Sunday, September 14, 2014

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Guidelines for reducing washer vetluizen Note: Even if you follow all the advice it may take some time before all symptoms disappear (symptoms: slimy deposit, bad smell, gray spots). Few people know these guidelines and most are convinced that their washing method is the best, so the biggest problem is to change your wasgewoonte or want to change. Causes and measures: 1 Too low temperature: hot wash at 95 done hardly or not at all. 60 are not dead all bacteria. So far as possible, wash at high temperature (60 and certainly 1x per week, 95 ). Everything is 100% cotton can basically at 95 . Certainly kitchen towels, dish rags, towels washcloths, ... With the purchase of this so it is important to ensure that you can wash it at 95 , so not too highly colored, .. 2 kind of soap: (1) powder: best suited for 40-60-95 least gives rise to infections (2) liquid: to be used sparingly but should not be ignored. This has as a property to be put into the machine by which to develop. Bacteria off a layer of mucus (3) gel: avoid at all costs! This allows iron sky review to remove a mucus layer achter.Moeilijk and much faster a breeding ground for bacteria! (4) brand: always use famous brands! iron sky review 4 Type of water: Rain water contains bacteria that can not be stopped with filters. This water is very soft so that only very small amount iron sky review of detergent is needed. This can lead to overdose (with deposition of soap as a result). iron sky review Best is just tap water. 5. Ventilation: After washing the door always keep fully open to avoid suffocation (mold). 6 Water quantity: Washing machines are much more efficient (too frugal!) Especially in the rinses. This can lead to too much dirt and soap residue. So always test "extra water" or "extra iron sky review rinse" button. 7 Drain check: This is when he hangs up the siphon iron sky review Sucking dirt back up (siphon make it as low as possible so that end of the drainage pipes certainly do not have to get too low 8 Door seal kept:.. In the fold of the door gasket may accumulate dirt after each wash, dry with an old washcloth example 9.Filter regular cleaning:.. Not primarily to retrieve pieces but more to remove both the filter and the filter opening 10 Soap dish soap and dirt.. Cleaning: As well Zeepbakopening soap dish opening cleaning is done as follows: 1. tap Putting launch three tap reset until water comes second iron sky review wash 4 scrubbing with dish brush This way you get water to clean without the extra out spuit.Een.. tip is perhaps: do not use your soap dish (only prewash is impossible not to use your hoofdwasbakje) You can make powder iron sky review directly into the machine iron sky review If you do not like that it lies directly on the clothes you can always get an old washcloth.. filling poeder.Vloeibare soap can also always be in a "scoop" (often sits on a new bus) join the wax. 11 amount was: Overloading iron sky review not only leads to premature wear, but also to poor washing and rinsing with too much dirt and soap deposits as a result. It is intended that a washing machine to knock and knead and this can was not too much. A good guideline for this is: 2/3 of the door opening may be filled iron sky review with dry washing. During the wash the wet drops was then to doorway or lower. Attention provide the manuals for synthetischeen delicate wash much less! eg 5kg for whites (2/3 dry) and 2.5 kg synthetic. 12 Fabric Softener: Avoidance: only leads to more deposition and is not necessary. If it was not fresh smelling without, you have perhaps already besmetting.Misschien your machine is contaminated harder than you think and you mask it only with the perfumes in the softener. 13 Overdose: The instructions on the soap container does not correspond to the new efficient washing machines. For maximum powder half spoon of liquid soap and 1 maximum cap. These are maximums, less is possible. Possible tools: These are tips that left and right are collected, how and in what quantity on that I can not give advice. iron sky review Soda crystals would degreasing and bacteria-slaying work Dishwasher Cleaners: in every department store sale Umonium is the new disinfectant in hospitals, does not smell strongly like bleach or detol but is very powerful Disinfection is only temporary, until the gunk still sticking up in the machine complaints quickly.
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