Banjaluka, is the only company in the Republic of Serbian engaged in the production of knitted products from wicker is "Eco-Trade" from Modrica. Its owner, a chemical engineer from Zadar, Zoran Kojic, said he accidentally became involved in the matter. His refugee trail from Croatian ended in 1997 in his native Modrica, and I met with the production of knitted products and knowing its value and tradition, decided to embark on this challenge. As a connoisseur of two European languages, contacted the German importers of wicker and, receiving an affirmative answer, in the autumn of 1999 he registered his own company and began production for the German market. This business once dealt with a large state-owned enterprises steamers "Development", "Interplet" and "Bosnafolklor". This year marks the past seven years as "Eco-Trade" with its products appeared on the German, Austrian and Swiss market. His twenty subcontractors meet the needs of Western European client and so far has not happened to the goods, because of poor quality, is returned. Especially interesting is the Swiss market where "Eco-Trade" presented technique basketry. - It is also important that we are in 2005, as the only company from the region steamers participated in the largest international festival of yodeling in Aarau who during three days 20,000 people visited. We were present at the International Trade Fair in Celje, as well as at the "Tendence" in Franakfurtu and other international meetings - says Kojic. According steamers to him, the modern life of the rich West is inconceivable without baskets of wicker, and this is supported by and are the largest trading houses in Switzerland equipped in eco-style. The product portfolio of "Eco-Trade" is very rich, from baskets for bread to the woven furniture and wickerwork be equally concerned steamers with both men and women. - The production process is simple and starts from obtaining orders. Then the devices work orders for knitting that select the type and quantity of goods that have to do in a given period of time. Finished products are collected in a warehouse where there are dressing, washing, painting and as per customer request steamers coloring or bleaching - explained Kojic. However, there is another side to this story. Namely, in the Republic of Serbian, said Kojic, there is no interest of government to revive wickerwork activities and to support companies engaged in this business. On the other hand, manufacturers of willow rods in the Federation receive an incentive of 600 marks for a thousand square meters. - Our main problem is the lack of good quality and at a price affordable raw materials and at the same time the vast plantations of willow rods lie neglected. Technology of willow rods is very primitive, which only increases steamers the cost of raw materials, and thus the finished product. In addition, Wicker is not classified as agricultural crops so you do not get any subsidies from the state - explained Kojic. To solve the problem of shortage of raw materials, "Eco Trade" has made the project plantations of willow rods on the surface steamers of 20 hectares in the area of Modrica. - Time to the next 20-30 years the problem persists materials. Concessions for plantation steamers is approved, but we have not provided funds for the project, steamers which amounts to about 120,000 euros - said Kojic. According to him, the demand for wicker products wicker is constantly growing, especially abroad, but the lack of quality raw materials does not allow domestic producers to meet these potrebama.Fokus
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