Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Fascinated by this unusual Society of Children and yellow princess, I remembered his blankets, bosh

Green Castle glowed cherry is covered with drops of rain. Under the wide, leafy canopy birds seeking refuge from moisture. Soaked feathers pulled them to the ground while trying to shake off the water with him. Retarding the Caproidae under the wings would not you even a little too warm.
The orchard was amazed May stern-faced, dressed in a hard, gray suit that was like a cape dragged the ground. Proudly and firmly asked a little warm air for ripening their fruit. The most important was his little princess cherries that are bledunjavih heads in dismay peeping under the wide, wet coots. Green Castle is even more emphasized their pale faces. The rain Rosie as she was trying to wash off all the dirt contaminated environment, before the sun brightened their lives. They waited patiently for the warmth of the sun.
Just when they thought that the rain will never stop and will remain free hugs children's screams, rainbow colors returned them hope. Ruddy yellow morning polished drops of rain, sleepily and lazily stretching her arms and hugged East shy of May cherries. By lowering lash welcomed bosh wife the east the sun, while the tired crown wiping tears of joy.
When the school bell summoned students to class, cherry knew she would be dull, tired clouds withdraw to the chambers of sleep, and that the princesses have time to prepare for his first ball in the orchard. Long they skillfully painted pale faces magical shades of yellow color. Their hearts were played with the first pink air. Excitement grew with blue sky. A day full of nightingale song promised a big celebration. Earthworms have sailed into the depths of the country that is fast drying and preparing the ground for najpočasnije guests.
The school bell sounded the end of class. Ball in the orchard could begin. Yellow Princess bosh wife eagerly awaited first public presentation, the first contacts with the enthusiastic kids. From a distance, she heard a squeak. Everyone started running toward the green castle in the middle of the orchard. One blanket hastily wore basket of wicker. Cart is quickly filling fragrant, yellow fruits.
Fascinated by this unusual Society of Children and yellow princess, I remembered his blankets, bosh wife which is a distant May, the last time you brought me these juicy fruits bosh wife in a basket of wicker, from which I was smiling bosh wife and that whitefish. I was looking forward to this May, and now with a set of my heart trembles as small Cyclone bosh wife before ripening.
May 29, 2012 at 23:24 Reply
This story I remember my favorite bosh wife grandmother, which my childhood bosh wife had painted the most beautiful colors ... Last year in May left us forever. Such childhood memories, past time, elicit tears but a smile and happiness ... I'm not sure I can comment that will describe the feelings that you caused in me ... Great writing!
Joy flower in it, because cherries are called to return to nature, to show us their habitat-ORCHARD, because many people think that they live in markets, growth in supermarkets, that are harvested in the fridge ... The real charm to climb the tree, as the watchtower and taste live cherries. :) :) :) It was a thoroughly enjoyable game for children bosh wife and adults.
Thank Željana :) Magic arrived in a green castle in the form of the May cherries.
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