Prime Minister Abe of Japan triggered a high-profile stirella diplomatic hostage crisis directly connected with the STM32 camera, no other external circuits, stm32 read data from the camera, and then directly to the TFT (ILI9320 stirella chip) effectiveness and speed: each frame image adjustment became 160x120,8 seconds, 320x240 stirella when image quality is probably two to be adjusted, just experiment is successful, the excitement, so starting to use disruptive manner totally nude webcam receive data code is not finishing.
Program -IAR ourdev_473545.rar (File Size: 469K) (the original file name: stm32_Demo_ili9325.rar) no schematics, I also take out a direct camera connection basically is like this: 3.3v 0.7v drop a string diode, to the power of the camera, I just took a 1N4148, can also be used. Measured voltage is 2.6v like this camera stirella HREF (horizontal sync) --- PG3 VSYNC (frame synchronization) --- PG5 PWDN --- grounded PCLK --- PG4 SIO_D --- PG7 SIO_C --- PG6 XCK1 ( The system clock --- PA8 D0 ~ D7 --- PA0 ~ PA7 RESET pick 51 RC reset circuit type LCD screen: the chip is ILI9320, a little change can become the next ILI9325 PF6 ~ 10 #define nCS GPIO_Pin_8 #define RS GPIO_Pin_7 #define nWR GPIO_Pin_10 #define nRD GPIO_Pin_9 #define nReset GPIO_Pin_6 data port: PD0 ~ PD15 to a total of 40 lines, whistling ---------------------- ---------------------
No schematics, I also take out basically direct camera connection stirella is like this: HREF cameras (line sync) --- PG3 VSYNC (frame synchronization) --- PG5 PWDN --- grounded PCLK --- PG4 SIO_D --- PG7 SIO_C --- PG6 XCK1 (system clock --- PA8 D0 ~ D7 --- PA0 ~ PA7 RESET pick 51 RC reset circuit type LCD screen: the chip is ILI9320, little change under it become ILI9325 PF6 ~ 10 #define nCS GPIO_Pin_8 #define RS GPIO_Pin_7 #define nWR GPIO_Pin_10 #define stirella nRD GPIO_Pin_9 #define nReset GPIO_Pin_6 data port: PD0 ~ PD15
There are several debugging SCCB I think is more important, one must give the camera system clock, you can use an 8M stm32 output clock received XCK1, not too fast, and I think the work is also required when SCCB system clock a. Second, stirella the data SCCB feet to pull when STM32io stirella port settings should be set as a pull. When the input is set to pull on, I tested, not the pull is not successful. Third, there is a delay function, the time can not be too short, you have to be careful not to delay code optimized away by the compiler of. SCCB code I did not look carefully, is a direct take wangguanfu the AVR code to be changed, only the changed portion of io port operations directly on the success. Please look at the code directly. Have a data output, stirella then, first of all to provide the clock, the clock must be provided. stirella I think that no configuration can also have data output, there is no actual, you will first SCCB good tune then the next step now. ----------------------------------------------
First, is to give the camera to provide the clock, then SCCB initialize camera, and then based on the timing stirella once every pclk read data, and then to combine the data into rgb data you want. And must handle is the line sync signal and the frame sync signal, which is directly related to the data collected your x, y coordinates, as well as before and after each point rgb combination sequence data. Specifically look at the data sheet timing diagram. The best you can have a logic analyzer to analyze the data output of the camera, knows in the end there is no data. Logic analyzer armok have sold hundreds of pieces. You can also look at the oscilloscope signal. First SCCB debugged before it reads data ov7660 id, and the ability to read and write SCCB, basically stirella completely successful, and the rest are some small things.
ov7660 is 8 can be used 16 of tft LCD (not supported 8) show it? ? A: I also used tft 16-bit mode. ili9320 back: [40 F] money32 landlord hello, ask to the system clock must 8M it? You can do a little stirella lower? A: Yes, but the effect of the unknown impact on the camera's ...... stirella my program which is first with 8M PA8 output clock, good initialization SCCB; initialization stirella is complete, I changed PA8 ordinary GPIO mode, to generate their own Flip Clock .
Download: Related posts Address 1: 18 yuan camera (OV7660) +27 yuan TFT LCD display + M16 success! ! Full set of data
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