Monday, January 26, 2015

In order to quickly and effectively get rid of plaque, mildew and odors, try cleaning the washing m

Sooner or later there comes a time when the hostess suddenly starts to notice some strange smells from your washing machine, a little scale, filter clogging, and more. And then begins to think seriously about how to get rid of it all. After all, how long will last you your washing machine is completely dependent on the care of her, on how well its operation occurs, pračka a stiffness in your home water flows and on what cleaners and how often to apply it.
Many housewives, rubbing the outer part of your washing machine, do not always understand and think that here, too, needed a thorough cleaning. In consequence of which, after some time with great horrified to discover that on the surface of its equipment has accumulated too much dirt to clean which will take more than a little bother. Therefore, to ensure that this did not happen surface pračka of the machine must be constantly and thoroughly cleaned. To do this, you will need regular brush, sponge and any dishwashing detergent. Dishwashing liquid should be diluted with warm water in a ratio of 5: 1, and starting to wash the surface pračka of the sponge machine and the door seal and - brushing. After that, all you must wipe with a damp cloth, then dry.
Filter located in the washing machine pračka is very important for it to work, but after a while it starts to clog, resulting in a slow circulation of water, sometimes in unexpected flood, as well as unpleasant pračka odors.
So to avoid all these hassles, you need to constantly clean the filter. To do this you need to put the machine near any capacity, pračka for example, pračka the pelvis, and open the bottom cover panel, drain all the water from the hose, then pull out the filter and clean it completely. pračka
If you suddenly feel some smell from their cars, it says that it is time to clean the drum. To clean the washing pračka machine smell, you will need one cup of plain bleach, which will need to pour directly into the drum of the machine, and then empty the machine turn on the mode with a high temperature.
After waiting a bit, the device should pause for about one hour. Then turn it on again before the end of the wash, take a rag and wipe dry the entire reel. The door should be left open for the purpose of evaporation. pračka Producing pračka a clean about 2 - 3 times a month, you can avoid any odor, mold and even the most stubborn dirt.
If there was a stink washing machine, then it definitely has a mold. This is the most unpleasant that do not like the hostess. Therefore, in order not to bring up this and avoid mold, you need every week to handle your washing machine. To do this you need to take a tablespoon baking soda and mix it with warm water in equal proportions, and then process pračka all the available seats for you, including a rubber seal, which collects the most dirt.
In order to quickly and effectively get rid of plaque, mildew and odors, try cleaning the washing machine with citric acid, which, due to its cleaning effect, has become popular among many housewives.
To fill this need, instead of citric acid powder is about 150 - 200 g, to enable continuous operation pračka machine at 60 degrees. Acid begins to interact pračka with scale and gives a response that begins very quickly destroy the whole lime. Spin is not necessary to include, but extra rinse can not hurt.
Such cleaning must be done at least one time in 6 months. Also, for an even greater effect pračka in the citric acid can add a little bleach. The only thing in the apartment will be too pungent smell, the house will have to open all the windows pračka to all the steam that is generated when connecting to these substances, had no effect on your health. But after such a cleansing washing machine will not only shine with clarity and brilliance, but also to get rid of even the largest pollution in inconspicuous places pračka for us. This procedure must be done no more than once every three months, otherwise the acid can eat all the rubber parts of machinery.
For excessive dirt conventional means are no longer able to cope and so clean washing machine descaling solution can be prepared from copper sulfate, which copes with this problem. pračka It will also be good to use this solution as a preventive measure. To do this, you need to wash the cuff machine solution and leave for 24 hours. In some cases, all appropriate replacement gum washing machine on the grounds that she is too old and wash it useless.
With this tool, you can even wash the inside of the refrigerator. What can I say, because we were able to even clean the kettle from scale. Also washing and cleaning of the machine using the vinegar. To do this, pour two cups of vinegar and pour turn on long laundry. In any case no laundry or washing

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