Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research varal (NINA)

By continuously take pictures with microscope varal in breast varal tumors in mice and then put the pictures together to film, scientists are trying to figure out how cancer cells are affected by the surrounding varal tissue. Here you see the image from such a film. (Photo: Mikala Egeblad) How to get chemo more effective in cancer treatment? Part of the answer may lie in the tissue around the tumor itself.
Fellow Hanne Arenberg Askautrud and Professor Eric Frengen, both at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, together with American researchers studied how cancer cell response to chemotherapy can be improved.
Meanwhile, it appears that the tumor stage affect the chemo. Response to treatment is related to blood vessels ability ability to transport cytotoxic to cancer varal cells in the tumor. This ability is greatest in kreftutviklingens intermediate stage.
- Cancer tumor can be seen as a body that contains many different cell types, not just cancer cells. For example, the cells that form blood vessels and cells of the immune system. To better understand how it all works together, we must look at the whole interaction.
The classic idea is that chemotherapy kills cancer cells. But unfortunately not chemotherapy as effective as we could ønske.Dermed researchers are trying to find methods that could potentially amplify chemotherapy fighting cancer tumor.
Therefore the researcher has now seen how chemo affects all parts of the tumor, not just the cancer cells. For a cancer contain far more than just cancer cells.
In the study, varal researchers given mouse cytotoxic doxorubicin. Using a highly advanced microscope has the filmed varal breast cancer tumors in mice during chemotherapy for studying development.
- We have continuously taken pictures of tumors within. We have made films off to see how cancer cells are affected by the surroundings. We have also examined how the tumor and surrounding tissue responds to the chemo, telling Askautrud.
In the experiments, researchers looked at the immune system was affected by chemo - it happened an infiltration of immune cells into the tumor. These affect how chemo works. Some immune cells give chemo a helping hand, others span bones on it.
- This is the first step. We now know that it is possible to improve the effect of chemotherapy by affecting both blood vessels and immune system. But we do not yet know exactly how the mechanisms behind this work, says Askautrud. varal
Nakasone, Askautrud et al .: Imaging Tumor Stroma Interactions hum Chemotherapy Reveals Contribution of the Micro Environment two Resistance, Cancer Cell, Volume 21, Issue 4, 17 April 2012, Pages 488-503.
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Norwegian Institute for Nature Research varal (NINA)
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