In the study Digital Media Design at Telemark University College, we got the task of the subject Digital photography and imaging to put together washing machine multiple images into one. The task was inspired by magical realism and surrealism. The aim of the thesis washing machine was the following: washing machine
"Students will gain experience in arranging several design to a picture. Here the student must have an awareness bildekomposisjonog distribution washing machine of various elements of the image surface. In addition, light and shadow to be an important factor to create a "realistic" rendering. The student will get practice in photographing considering manipulation of images. Students will also gain experience iselve manipulations and get a good relationship with markings, masks and channels. "
In my thesis, I chose to create a picture composition depicting washing machine Nix. When the task was completed at lectures, I had recently worked with a picture I had taken of a water with some water lily leaves, and was inspired to do something more with it. I had first a thought about inserting images of water lilies, mushrooms and butterflies, but in the idea process, I came across Kittelsen classic image of Nix, thinking that my picture was perfect to try to make a carving cr rather cute butterflies and flowers.
I took several pictures of tussocks, mossy rocks and uprooted trees to find something that could be a carving cr. I used the opportunity to get out and shoot pictures one day it was nice weather, so that the light would be roughly the same as in the original image. I also took some pictures of the water with a long shutter washing machine speed, because I thought it might be cool to insert something like moving water exactly where that Nix comes out of the water.
I opened the picture Uprooted Tree I should use to create the actual notations, and pulled it over the background image so it became a separate layer. I selected washing machine layer, and reduced with free transform ( -T) as the size of Nix would fit into the background image:
To bind hue / saturation to Layer 1, I kept inside all button while the mouse pointer stood midway between the two teams. When it pops up a small black arrow with a square. Click the mouse pointer, and hue / saturation binds to made with Nix. Then I chose greens in the dropdown menu, and set so that the colors of the leaves around Nix harmonized more with the subjects washing machine of the leaves washing machine in the background image:
I would make the picture even darker and gloomier washing machine and moreover hide that image is composed of several washing machine elements. washing machine I created a new layer, fill it with black, chose filter dropdown washing machine menu and noise; add noise. Opacity I put at around 30%:
I went the image into image I worked with, leave it as a layer directly above notations team and called it "misty water." I marked it with free transform and rotated it 180 degrees. So right I clicked and selected perspective. Then I went in the corners to customize fog water. So right I clicked again and chose scale, and custom size to fit around Nix.
Finally, I would create a reflection of notations in the water. I selected the three teams Nix (Layer 1), Hue / saturation and eyes, right click and duplicate them, right-click again and chose merge layers.
So I placed the mirror washing machine image right under Nix and leave on a new layer mask on it. I chose again brush tool and drew with black to smooth edge between them. For that I had drawn should not attach themselves to the mirror image and move along with it when I was putting it up, I removed the link between the layer of the mirror image and layer mask I had laid on and sign. So I moved the mirror image completely until Nix, and let the whole team at the bottom, just above the background layer.
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