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Our free Info-Flyer Download now for free down our current information flyer on various areas of law. Each treated Info flyer summarizes the main questions and answers front load washer on the subject. Profound knowledge in a nutshell! to download!
Locally and nationwide! We are based in Kreuztal in wins and advise and represent you not only in space victories, but gladly nationwide. Benefit from our many years of experience and expertise! Request now!
Attorney Dr. Gerd Christian Kotz I am a specialist lawyer for traffic law and insurance law. To my practice areas in addition to the specialized ombudsmen include the tenancy and tenancy law. Furthermore, I am interested mainly for the internet law and medical law. We help to your good right! Request now!
Attorney Hans Jürgen Kotz I am specialist in employment law. To my practice areas in addition to the specialist advocacy include marriage front load washer and family law, tenancy law, and tenant law, and traffic law. Furthermore, I am interested mainly for the misdemeanor cases and the work contract law. Right and getting right - We make sure! Inquire now
We are flexible if you can not come to us in our office so you agree with Just a "lawyer's home visit" with us or use our online legal advice for a first assessment of the legal situation. Legal advice
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Together with our friendly office team, we ensure that you are in our home in Siegen St. in Kreuztal well looked after at 104-106 wins and qualified advice. The law firm of lawyers Kotz in Siegen / Kreuztal is fully handicapped-accessible facilities and accessible to reach through the entrance of the house Siegen road 106. Our firm philosophy corresponds to the fact that we are constantly striving to provide you with a service that will meet your needs. After all, you are as a client at the center of our activities as a lawyer in Siegen. front load washer Our mission as an attorney is to help you as our clients the best possible advice and to find an individual, customized solution for your legal concerns. We take it to heart that you are well informed. Therefore, we clarify on over costs may be incurred, also comprehensive. A first overview provides our costs Note. Their lawyers in Siegen are always available for questions. Subjects of the lawyers Kotz
The focus of our activities as specialists and lawyers front load washer in victories on the fields of transport law, insurance law, labor law, tenancy law, Internet law, inheritance law, competition law, family law and tax law.
In the fields of our specialist front load washer ombudsmen we can especially sound and qualified advice. Dr. Gerd Christian Kotz has been a lawyer in victories as a lawyer specializing in traffic law and lawyer specializing in insurance law. Attorney Hans Jürgen Kotz is specialist in employment law. In the fields of our specialist ombudsmen (labor, transport and insurance law), we have a high level of experience, know the respective pitfalls that are always on the current case-law in the picture and advise you particularly competent and reliable as Rechtsanw & aum
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