Friday, June 13, 2014

Hello, I know, a hnliches topic has been discussed here already a long time. In three phases, the n

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Hello, I know, a hnliches topic has been discussed here already a long time. In three phases, the neutral conductor at gleichmiger load, ie for example a purely resistive load should not be overloaded. In one room, washer and dryer to be placed. There we have only one fuse for light and power points. Additionally there is still a 5-wire three-phase for a previously envisaged stove. vanessa garcia DAFR 3x16 overload protection are available. There only a grounded outlet but is currently connected to L1. New line pull is not possible without large caulking. At least one knnte washing machine to operate this and the dryer on the safety of the room. Wre it acceptable for L2 to take the dryer, with common N? I currently falls alernativ only that One could secure the N conductor additionally. Besides, you knnte the current L3 as N-use and mark accordingly. The two sockets are dedicated only for W-machine and dryer are used and are marked accordingly. I know that it is not VDE compliant, but an electrician told me it was probably not a problem to use L1 and L2 in common N. If the load type of W-machine and dryer similar? The dryer has a grenteils Wrmepumpe, the washing machine motor and the heating coil (resistive). I knnte both machines vanessa garcia with a power meter to measure with phase indication. Is this acceptable or should in this case, the dryer definitely the backup space with separate N?
"No problem" when separation into three arbitrary networks with common N without securing the neutral I think but for the wrong. Especially in the case of unbalanced load of the 3 phases can flieen quickly unzulssige on the N conductor storms, although each phase is protected by a 16A. Therefore, I'm vanessa garcia asking for the specific application with these 2 machines.
What feature here "in any 3 networks"? The prerequisite is of course that the 3 wires / fuses are distributed to the outer conductor of a 3-phase network. Otherwise it does not.
On the north can only max. the power of a Auenleiters flieen if one disregards harmonics. So if you pull off operations 16 A flieen 16A on the N at 2 x 16A 16A flieen also on the N at 3x16 Fliet on the north nothing more. Fri newly installed sockets but you need a GFCI. So just in the distribution vanessa garcia a 4 pin set 3 FI circuit breaker 16 A behind it and then you can anschlieen 3 sockets.
Moin .. unfortunately misunderstood again and again with the current in the neutral conductor / phase power supply. If a symmetrical load is connected to the 3 Auenleitern, then there is no power on the neutral conductor (was already vanessa garcia erwhnt). For unbalanced loads, but same type, such as multiple resistive loads (heating) is the neutral current is always less than the highest Auenleiterstrom. The same is true if all the loads inductive or capacitive are (same cos phi). However, if Inductors, capacities and Resistive loads in three-phase system are mixed, then the neutral current can rise to almost 3 times Auenleiterstrom (max 2.73-fold). Extreme example: L1 is loaded with a coil L2 is loaded with a resistance L3 is connected to a capacitor charged to the current phases L1 and L3 are then no longer shifted by 120 Opposite the L2, but only by + - 30 This then causes the almost three times the current in the neutral conductor. Thus, different phase shifts in the Auenleitern thus can cause erhhte Neutralleiterstrme. - Non-linear loads generate not sinusfrmige storms in the Auenleitern. Polluters such as electronic loads such as computer, TV, etc. Not sinusfrmig means (Fourier analysis) there are different frequencies in the game. Since the frequencies have the 3 times the frequency vanessa garcia of the fundamental frequency (50 Hz 3x = 150 Hz) on all Auenleitern're at the same time, there is no phase shift here. So the power of the 3rd is in the neutral conductor the sum of the 3rd in the outer conductor, so in the worst case by a factor of 3 in the neutral conductor can summing all 3 times (odd) of the mains frequency. OW
Worm theory but now times to practice A World Cup has 2.2KW 2KW which are purely resistive load, the remaining vanessa garcia 200W is about 70% resistive load, Where should therefore come from the additional burden of the neutral conductor.

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