What a trip. Oh, and the place (Stora Sjöfallet National Park) will be just fine pig. The springs are, and no matter how many different levels. How much more there as we trundled along The interest, even though the running time is three hours longer melkeen. For example, iron 3 a local roadside or Suorva Dam waterfall is atleast the size as the Brown Power and mammoth total interest rate. The approach is only a quarter of an hour at the most, and thus easier to make way for the Interest rate in the parking lot. Now I'm not saying that Koro'd iron 3 be a lousy place, but if you see Jykylästä winter time then you might get somewhere, then prefer even over there or somewhere huudeille Europe. Well, in any case, there is a place Rick Mc Gregor's okay to write about the topology of the http://kiwiclimber.se/iceclimbing/iceguide/iceguide.pdf yes survives the basic facts. As a small remark, the first time in this, that topossa mentioned time and route lengths should be treated with caution. Falls can be found to suit all tastes categories Wi2 - Wi5 and a length iron 3 of 20 - 400m. We went, therefore, with treble at noon on Thursday or really yheltä köröttelemään Jyväskylä. The pair gets break, a shopping trip, and what seemed like endless iron 3 thicket of Sweden, after we were informed about 12h and 40min later, 0:40 CET. The moon was shining and the sky lit with the light of pallid Greven and Grevin Falls, which side of the road you want to put up a tent for the night. Both watched in amazement Falls, iron 3 but did not dare to say out loud to the other, the Down here tomorrow should we dare to comfort. Reason was to climb Greven WI3 300m. Tent up and the men to sleep around 02 pm local time. For some reason, not hotsittanu to put the bell to ring at six just yet, so put seiskalta ;) Friday, iron 3 shortly before the bells went on the road and the car siihenpä you woke up. Antti koisas makosan olosesti so I decided to wait for the bag chilling iron 3 in warm. I listened to the wind gusts and I tried to guess the volume and sounded bad. Well, luckily it was only an illusion and does not really blown out much. Was cooking the basic jääkiipeilyaamiaisen of eggs, bacon, rye bread metukalla and almost solid coffee. The still waters of the day and packing up camp. It was something like ten to the surface when we got to the car to go towards the falls. Snow boots on and the most direct route. The most direct way mixer is always the best, but Did not. But no've been this time either. We ended up boulders in the middle, and the progress of snowshoes was almost impossible. Our time we got to the rocks twisted to one side and the volatility Oh, there went pretty straight path to the falls. In the afternoon, we noticed that the path was about 200m from the car to the side so it is no wonder that noticed. We got putoukelle and tiirailtiin the easiest route, which was all a bit difficult to assess the scale of this completely obscured the big routes novices. iron 3 Put stuff in order and bell approached noon, that is, we began to be really busy. The route should be topon by 7 lengths of rope length. Häsläsin rig in the neck, and I thought a little boulderoida temperature & feel before Liidia. I hit the wall and picks feet kicked up and the left leg iron was an unpleasant metallic sound. Iron had gone just a thousand pieces and the tip of the spikes swayed uncontrollably. Oh, I'd mie halunnukkaan anything here to climb. Well yes, we varakamppeet was, but it was a car. A quick calculation, it was decided that we did not send the car to pick them up, because at that point it's already so much that not getting anything done. It was decided that Antti liidaa iron 3 my first little iron 3 higher pillar top and mind I try to kinkata Yhella iron suit. Evil will be practiced in the same booth to do and Abalakov landing. This was done, and the way it worked out just fine, but the sun was shining into the hillside so hot, that the screws veinasi to melt away from the wall. Glossed over the snow, but still came yes delivery time promptly booth. Oh and by the way do not Abalakov strings to cut it for you. Of them had in fact become too short and we had to use the landing Slingia. Well, all's well that ends well, and again tomorrow with more success. Hiking in the lodge house shared with four kinds of Stockholm jääkiipeilijää that their things were spread out to dry in the interior. The boys seemed to be a good hööki on. Had climbed to the pin Alpint (WI3 400m) named ten of the rope's iron 3 length and route planning to climb onto the Adelnin (Wi5 100m) on Saturday. So yeah - the evening was crowned by a text message: "you ordered the tip of the peaks and the long bar has arrived in our store. T Prisma seppälä sport" I was, therefore, ordered the cuffs on spare parts, because they are not directly agreed to the new shoes. Well then arrived a bit late ;) Well, let's not chewing it helped, but then the shower, cook and sleep.
Hiking hut idyll.
Saturday We woke up at half efficiency of hostels and Casino countries olti
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