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In this era of advanced now, we would have been very familiar with the air conditioner. Modern life, especially in urban areas can hardly be separated from the use of this technology. But if many of us who know how to work ac so can result in a comfortable air (read: cold) for life? The cold air is actually an output hanging fruit basket of the system consists hanging fruit basket of several components, namely the AC compressor, condenser, orifice tube, evaporator, expansion hanging fruit basket valve and evaporator. Here is a brief description of the role of each of the sections:
AC compressor hanging fruit basket is the power unit of the air conditioning system. When the air conditioner is run, change the AC compressor working fluid / refrigent form of the low-pressure gas into a high pressure gas. High pressure gas is then passed to the condenser.
The condenser is a device used to convert a high-pressure gas into a liquid of high pressure which will then be supplied to the orifice tube. The condenser is part of the "heat" of the air conditioner. Condenser can be called hanging fruit basket a heat exchange that can transfer heat to the air or to an intermediate fluid (a kind of water solution containing hanging fruit basket ethylene glycol), to bring the heat to the orifice tube.
Orifice tube is where the high-pressure fluid-derived pressure and temperature into the low-pressure cold liquid. In some systems, in addition to installing an orifice tube, expansion valve is also installed.
Expansion valve is an important component in the system air conditioner. These valves are designed to control the flow of cooling fluid through the valve orifice is changed into a liquid form when the refrigerant hanging fruit basket vapor leaving the expansion valve and enters the evaporator / cooling.
Refrigent absorb heat in the room through the cooling coils and evaporator fan blows cold air into the room. Refrigent in the evaporator began to change back into a low-pressure steam, but still contain a small amount of fluid. Refrigent mixture then goes into the accumulator / dryer. It can also act as mouth / second orifice for the liquid turns into a pure low-pressure steam, before going through the AC compressor to obtain pressure and circulating in the system again. Typically, the evaporator fitted with silicon hanging fruit basket that serves to absorb moisture from refrigent.
The thermostat on the air conditioner operates by using a bimetallic plates are sensitive to changes in room temperature. These plates are made of metal that has 2 different expansion coefficients. When the temperature rises, the outer metal expands first, so that the plate bends and finally touch the electrical circuit that causes an active AC motor.
AC Compressor that is on the cooling system is used as a tool to compress the working fluid (refrigent), so refrigent hanging fruit basket into the AC compressor flows into the condenser hanging fruit basket condenser is then compressed in. In this section refrigent compressed condenser will change phase from the vapor phase into refrigent refrigent liquid phase, then refrigent issued a heat of vaporization heat is contained in refrigent. hanging fruit basket The amount of heat given off by the condenser is the sum of the energy required hanging fruit basket compressor and heat energy taken evaparator of the substance to be cooled. In the condenser pressure refrigent within the condenser pipes are relatively much higher than the pressure that is on the cheek refrigent-pipe evaporator. After releasing refrigent through the condenser and heat of vaporization of the liquid phase to vapor phase refrigent then passed through an expansion valve, the expansion valve is refrigent pressure hanging fruit basket is reduced so refrigent changing conditions of the liquid phase to vapor phase which then flowed into the evaporator, inside the evaporator will refrigent changing circumstances of the liquid phase into the vapor phase, hanging fruit basket the phase change due to pressure refrigent refrigent made such that after passing through the expansion valve and evaporator pressure becomes very down. This can practically be done with the existing road dievaporator pipe diameter is relatively larger when compared to the diameter of the existing pipe in the condenser. With the change of conditions refrigent liquid phase to the vapor phase to phase change from liquid to vapor phase refrigent then the process requires energy is the energy hanging fruit basket of evaporation, in this case the energy is used Adala
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