Wednesday, December 31, 2014

Therefore, choosing the most expensive solution of the Oslo Fjord Data Engineer hunted clean water

Here we present an image of 2.7 giga pixels from Aalesund, taken as 800 images freehand from the lodge. The image was produced in 2009, and it will be possible to see some changes from how the city is today.
Therefore, choosing the most expensive solution of the Oslo Fjord Data Engineer hunted clean water in seven years - there are now available 8 fun things you can use Map's data to new research: How can this platform become more efficient Now this "social media" bigger than ever This company gets multiple projects when arrows pointing down
Phone / fax: 23 19 93 00/23 19 93 01

PHOTO: Q AVENUE PHOTO 1. PRICE A wedding photographer in Norway takes today between 14,000 and 35 0

PHOTO: SPARKS STUDIOS This blog post has been the subject long and we just have not been entirely sure when it would fit to publish. But now we've got a whole long year for us, with lots of experiences, conversations and dialogues with photographers, not to mention insight from several quarters, and feel that we can now provide a good and broad blog post about it to choose WEDDING PHOTOGRAPHER. And we just want to emphasize that in THE NORWEGIAN WEDDING BLOG, then there is the investment we put above all in connection with the wedding celebration, although we know that the priority may be different from others iron board and that we respect fully.
I was even very unlucky with my own wedding pictures and the experience of this, and therefore know how incredibly important it is to choose the right wedding photographer, and the value of it. My choice was made 15 years ago, and I chose the one that was featured as one of Norway's best photographers, and I sat in my budget to be sure to get this photographer, and looked iron board even that date for wedding fit into the photographer's form. For me there was no doubt taking the investment, but unfortunately it did not help in my case. Today we only have a picture that we feel is livable, but it has never come into frame, and thus, there was no enlargements. When we look at the, there will be no go'følelse because we can not forget the experience itself, which was very unfortunate. The time it was mostly just studio iron board and no 'get acquainted' hours in advance to check if the chemistry was right, which is the alpha and omega! iron board Therefore, dear all brides and bridal parties; I know it is a big decision iron board and you get NEVER this day and those moments again, so take good care of the opportunity. It's the only thing you will NOT regret. With this as a foundation we go. I would also emphasize that I am an advocate for small businesses, emerging, not least those who go under the title 'underdog'. And there are plenty of new talent out there that we are rooting for, and we believe that everyone iron board with talent, deserves to be valued in terms of their fee. The same applies to the established which survive in their industry because they are skilled, and not least willing to change with the times. A skilled photographer 'new or established' will get any wedding and bridal couples to shine boundless, whether it is mostly elegant or super 'DIY home garden' wedding. But not shrink budget on the photographer. It is the only thing you should give full marks, according to your budget and your wallet. Stretch as far as you can, and + on a little iron board longer.
We know that it is uncomfortable to talk about prices and money, and many dread it; both to ask and to say it. NWB is not here to denigrate anything when it comes to pricing, for we believe that everyone deserves wages for the work they perform, and a photographer 'not only takes pictures one day' but work ahead, not least editing and preparation of images afterwards which takes around iron board 30-50 h. NWB does not put prices, we only conveys. As we see it, and as we have studied, it is very varying with prices at a wedding photographer iron board in Norway today, and there are no 'template', because prices vary according to very much; how many files you get hours of photography, high resolution or low resolution files, print, album etc.
We are going to relate to day photography in this blog post, as it is what we believe is wedding photography in the modern era. Many bridal couples in Norway have until now chosen hour photography, only marriage and portrait photography, or just studio photography for weddings etc. NWB based primarily on showing wedding with day photography, because we want to tell a story and inspire with love as much as all that beautiful. iron board A wedding is a beautiful love story that is told through a wedding celebration, where all small moments, stock the full magic, and the whole story. We believe that butterflies in the stomach, while the bride dress up to her beautiful I, is as important as YES to the man, or dance in my arms late at night. The whole day is a celebration, and one moment becomes the second, and so they follow each other throughout the day to all your wedding iron board is told through small touches, the first sight, and the last farewell to the guests. It's all the little moments 'stitched together' that becomes your wedding day, and it is so your unique love story should be told, and not least remembered.
PHOTO: Q AVENUE PHOTO 1. PRICE A wedding photographer in Norway takes today between 14,000 and 35 0000, for all-day wedding photography. There is a big gap, but most skillful lies between 20,000 and 30 000. It will happily vary slightly on time, some 10 hours, some 12 hours, and some driving without a clock on day photography and are ready when the bride may wish they and the party of dabber, bridal leave the premises, or the cake is eaten etc. Our advice is happy to follow those most fleksib

Tuesday, December 30, 2014

Here is the holder assembled to pc and posted on youtube. Will not put all on this page then you wi

Found out that I should try to put together danzo the pictures I took on the trip from Northern Norway to Eastern Norway. These are images that are not processed and I've taken the move without thinking so much of the shadows and the like. When I looked at them I found out that a course in taking pictures is not so stupid, but I like such memories from trips I'm on whether the images are superb or not. A little bit about how the pictures are taken.
The pictures are taken while I drove from Bodo to Askim, and I stopped at Saltfjellet, Dovre and some seats to. Also got time for a quick trip back Trondheim where I visited the cathedral. Got also taken a look inside the church, but where it is not allowed to take pictures. So no pictures from inside the church. But for a church. Amazing stories and art that tells me that we are a country rich in history, only one bothered to read.
Now it's so church history is not always the most exciting we can read, but when one takes the time to read so you understand that there are important stories that are told through the eyes of the church. Taking it away church eyes so it is incredible stories that emerge and that gives us an insight into how it was to live many years ago. Glad I live now and not then. Life was not as easy as today.
Here is the holder assembled to pc and posted on youtube. Will not put all on this page then you will never get up my page. Because of the loading will take too long. Pictures on websites makes them becomes slower if those not linked to the page from other places. Therefore youtube danzo and other such services danzo ingenious. Are other ways to do this too, but I'll have to take another danzo time. The ride is long and many hours is the only thing you see forests, lakes and mountains. But if you clear your mind and let himself be carried away by nature and what it has created so you get an amazing trip through a beautiful landscape. Do you take the time to stop and enjoy the scenery, I'm sure you can find peace of mind. Such trips are also part of helping me to think about everything and nothing, because you spend so many hours in the car. And something must now find while driving in 15-20 hours.

Monday, December 29, 2014

It can be difficult to tell someone that you love them. It may be your own children, your parents,

It's like that with most of us it is hard to put into words the feelings one think it is important to pronounce. So why is the phrase that we all know: A picture tells a thousand words, both correct and not least applicable.
A picture captures a moment and our lives are composed of moments both good and less good. Moments define us as people and says who we are and where we have been and perhaps where we are headed.
It can be difficult to tell someone that you love them. It may be your own children, your parents, your friends or your greatest love. One way to put it is to gather together good moments you had together or experiences that you think describe how you feel.
You've probably rummaging through old boxes and been sitting looking at a picture long, you laugh together, trying to remember what was said that made you laugh, it is not important. The important thing is that you are together and doing well, the donkey on image sitting in long and it is preserved for you and those you love forever.
Compiling these moments in a photo book and create a pictorial narrative, is for you and not least the one you give this photobook to filled with memories and describes precisely what our words are too poor to be able to tell. There are few things that are stronger than moments shared and perpetuated for posterity common joy and inspiration.
December 19, 2014 0264
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The second program we used to create digital story was Audacity. This is a program you can download

Home About Us Project Blog Bildebok Digital Storytelling washington township Animation Our blog Ørjan Computer games and play Animation Assessment and clutter of work requirements Anders Reflection on digital story, picture book and animation =) How to arrange Norwegian language font? How to use blog in kindergarten? Oda Reflection on work requirements How to work with digital storytelling in kindergarten? How do I include one child in terms of ICT? Kristin Reflection on work requirements Why ICT in kindergarten? ICT with toddlers? Michal Computer games, is that good? Affects media children's play? Intranet
Before starting, washington township you may want to plan a bit. The better prepared you are as an adult, the easier it is to "let go" of his own plans and let the kids escape to with ideas in the pipeline. Is there something washington township I found out after these three years, it is that plans one stock in kindergarten, goes very rarely so they had thought. It often appears something unforeseen.
Find out what you want with your project, what is the theme. It may for example be retelling of fairy tales, jokes, poems, documentation from a trip or a molding project, let the children draw and invent a story, or simply washington township give the children a camera with a mission to capture something they like at nursery and something they do not like, or something that is fun and something that is scary. Here it is only your imagination that stops us.
Children washington township like to tell stories, and it's something kids have a lot of it is the imagination and creativity. washington township By letting kids use digital story, this will be a tool for children washington township to develop creativity and tells his pleasure.
We've even done a project with children in kindergarten. As an example and inspiration I can tell how we did it. There my group chose to do was to retell a fairy tale. We started on the basis of "Seventh Master of the House", and let the children draw from the adventure. It was not quite like that. The four girls character completely different things, and it seemed we they continue. After completing drawing, kids got to choose which drawings should be after another and they explained what happened. Afterwards we wrote a new adventure based on what they had found. So scanned kids drawings, and we sat there together on the data. Children washington township were also given lines that they read into the tape recorder, one of the students was "narrator". We put everything washington township together on the data. Although we had planned anything, it ended up being something completely different. The girls had made a completely new adventure that was incredibly creative and amazing. What we saw was that the new adventure had actually with some elements from the original adventure "seventh father in the house."
The program we have used even at school is Windows Movie Maker. This is a simple program that can be used to create digital story or animation. In this program allows it is possible to put together images and sound, which is exactly what a digital story contains. After either having character, taken photos or drawings made on data insert them into Movie Maker. This is something that fine possible with the children. It may be okay that you're not working with too large a group of children simultaneously. 3-4 children is just right I think. Children can be accessing the file to retrieve the images, and drag images washington township to where they should be.
The second program we used to create digital story was Audacity. This is a program you can download for free from the internet. You can record audio directly in the program, or add audio files that you have made otherwise, and edit it as you wish.
About this gets in difficult degree for you, there are options. Should we read a story, it is possible to read it through either on the phone or directly on data in a program called recording (this is on most computers).
Challenges children's participation in such projects may be impatience and uncertainty. I've even seen that much of what is done in kindergarten, being done by adults or simple solutions just for it to go a little fast. It is not always have such a good time in a busy daycare everyday, but I believe that one must be able to take the time that children should be involved washington township in practical tasks that can take some time. I also believe that many adults choose washington township to do tasks with digital tools themselves, perhaps precisely because they are unsure of their own expertise. washington township They will probably then conclude that since they can not so well for himself, can not have kids either. But in many cases I do not think that's right. Children learn incredibly fast, and has also grown up among digital media. Today's children are not called "competent children" without reason. It's about that adults must dare to let the kids get to try and participate where they can (Bae et al. 2006. s.32-33.).
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Last Post Reflection on work requirements include How one child in terms of ICT in kindergarten? How to work with digital storytelling in kindergarten? Evaluation and reflection

Sunday, December 28, 2014

The wolves consists of archive images that are processed to obtain a more drawn look. The textures

Radioteatrets major venture in the fall, a episodic hørespill in 12 parts - Kongshavn toploader dancing in the moonlight premieres November 21 on NRK P2. In this connection toploader dancing in the moonlight should a commercial - hereinafter promo - produced to demonstrate commitment through the television screen.
Radiopromoer represents a slightly different challenge than the promos we usually stock. Apart from a poster with pictures of leading roles with opphuggeriet Kongshavn in the background, there was little material beyond the hearing game to grasp. For me as a graphic designer and animator, this is a fantastic starting point: Being able to work with you to create images toploader dancing in the moonlight and moods into sounds and grades one can only experience through sound. toploader dancing in the moonlight "Radio has the best shots" is an old statement and something that I certainly had in mind during production, both because I think it is the best at radio drama, and that the images from the TV screen must challenge the audience to think, fantasize and interpret further yourself. Man is a director in his own head when listening to Radio Theatre toploader dancing in the moonlight and promo want to remind people of this.
One of the characters, Martin, has a past as a soldier in Afghanistan. He is also about to open a relationship with a fresh and ongoing girl named Lena. The story in promo is taken from a confrontation toploader dancing in the moonlight between them, where Lenas fascinating, fearless and ongoing character appears. It also omitted little doubt that Martin has something to hide, and this setting seemed we gave a good and titillating taste of what to expect in Kongshavn.
Since promo from the start gave opportunities to get a job out of the ordinary, we started the idea process at an untraditional ways too. After slicing down confrontation between Martin and Lena to 30 seconds, I shared in dialogue cues - what are you talking about character, boiled down to one word. Below you can see the film that we worked for during toploader dancing in the moonlight brainstorming. I jotted down associations that emerged from the key words and started jobbing to illustrate situations.
Then I adapted these illustrations to sound clips and ended up with a storyboard. Storyboard toploader dancing in the moonlight is a usually a hand drawn, rough cartoon over which images the film should contain. It provides the first visualization of the finished movie, and can help with the planning of production progress. Here you see the finished storyboard, toploader dancing in the moonlight notice the similarities to the finished movie: toploader dancing in the moonlight Storyboard toploader dancing in the moonlight Storyboard 1 2
When the storyboard was finished, I scanned it in and let the pictures together with audio clips and adapted each picture temporally to the audio side - hereinafter animatic. This shows approximately how far each image will be in the finished movie:
The observant reader will see that there Martin says that the Taliban had killed Aisha, so deviates storyboard animatic from. Once the storyboard was assembled into a animatic, it turned out that I would need a photo to this remark. I considered several solutions that you can see in the third storyboard picture, but ended up with the fabric hovering over a blue sky. Theatre mask as you can see is an alternative toploader dancing in the moonlight to the skull with snake tongue, in case it was too brutal.
I shall advance regret the percentage of non-Norwegian word in the following lines. toploader dancing in the moonlight I've picked out 2-3 pictures from the movie which I shall show how is constructed. The videos are without sound and requires toploader dancing in the moonlight descriptions in this article to give particular meaning. The nomenclature "shot toploader dancing in the moonlight ###" toploader dancing in the moonlight refers to the numbering of the pictures on the storyboard. Taliban takin 'ovah toploader dancing in the moonlight - shot 009 -011
The wolves consists of archive images that are processed to obtain a more drawn look. The textures are tracked on the movement of the wolf. Then an outline laid on and finally the characteristic yellow, luminous eyes that all the wolves toploader dancing in the moonlight in the movie has.
The well is created and rendered in 3ds max and have separate passports for shadows and highlights that compositeres top of each other to gain more control. In this case it had not strictly necessary since I did so many changes in terms of how it had looked if I had rendered all together right from 3ds Max, but old habits are hard to break. Along with shadow and highlight passes rendered i also an object id pass that makes it possible to select parts of the image indiviuell after treatment. This makes it possible to add contours only on logs around well.
Finally in the film you see the node view of Comp, showing how all the elements are woven together toploader dancing in the moonlight into a finished picture. These can be quite intricate, this is the simpler kind. Each rectangle represents a change of the original file and the process works hierarchically, the original file starts at the right side and sent into the first amendment. This change is then sent on to the next amendment also carried forward to the final result. toploader dancing in the moonlight
Here you see how shot 13 - skull with snake tongue - is made. One of my colleagues, Christopher Homan, posed benevolent up to deliver his line. This filmed and I used that founded

Coursework commercial washing machines 1 Coursework 2 About the blog Search: Recent Posts WORK REQU

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Coursework commercial washing machines 1 Coursework 2 About the blog Search: Recent Posts WORK REQUIREMENTS 5 - the use of games in BARNEHAGEN WORK REQUIREMENTS 4 - USE OF animasjonsfilm In BARNEHAGEN WORK REQUIREMENTS 3 - USE OF DIGITAL STORY TALE IN KINDERGARTEN WORK REQUIREMENTS commercial washing machines 2 - USE OF DIGITAL SOUND IN KINDERGARTEN PROGRAM: WINDOWS MOVIE MAKER Archive April 2012 March 2012 February 2012 January 2012 Categories Anime Coursework Pictures Digital storytelling ICT in kindergarten commercial washing machines Audio Video Applications Games Specialization - "ICT in kindergarten" Anette Anneli commercial washing machines Bente Cecilie Erland Hanne Jane Jorund Kamilla commercial washing machines Lise Marita Monica Nina A. Randi (Teacher) Terje (Teacher) Other blogs Culture Children Marshes top nursery Other Websites Fåvang kindergarten Meta Register commercial washing machines Log in Entries RSS Comments RSS
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Saturday, December 27, 2014

Attach the lens to manual focus and the camera to manual settings. Since you most likely are in a v

Photographs of star trails are a wonderful sight and since you now have strayed into this page, I expect you wonder how they are made. To follow this tutorial you will need Adobe Photoshop and Adobe Bridge. Bridge is not a must, but it helps tightly. I also take the assumption that you are shooting in RAW.
Shooting First you must collect kyle landry the constellations and then it is important to have the equipment in order. The ideal is a camera w / lens, tripod and a intervalometer. Some Nikon cameras have built-in intervalometer. This can be found in the menu. In addition to all this you need a starry sky and great patience.
Attach the lens to manual focus and the camera to manual settings. Since you most likely are in a very dark place, it is difficult to focus on something far away. The easiest is when to focus to infinity to get the stars sharp. A tip is to use live view, zoom in and focus on the stars they see as clearly as possible out.
When all settings are in order you initiate intervalometeret to take pictures continuously. How many pictures you take depends on the size of the memory card or the size of your patience.
After treatment It is now Adobe Bridge is good to have. Navigate to the folder you've added images. Open as one of the images kyle landry in Adobe camera RAW. Edit this photo as desired and click 'OK'.
With all the images marked go to the menu and select "Tools -> Photoshop -> Load files into Photoshop layers." This is a new test of patience. Now open Adobe Photoshop photos and put them into one's own image as separate layers. This may take some time so now it's just to sit back to wait.
Want more control you can choose the more time-consuming way to go. This method allows you to remove tracks from planes etc. First you need to hide all the layers by clicking away øyesymbolet for each team. Furthermore, you start at the bottom layer and click øyesymbolet to show that layer. Go to the drop down menu and select "lighten". Do you have a track you want to remove from the picture as templates over it with black brush. This continues until you have finished all the teams.
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Friday, December 26, 2014

Researchers controls telescopes so they zooms in and take close-ups of details on the surface or fu

Girls Games: board & mobile Super New Animal Friends Newton Lillepri Radio - school holidays MGPjr Superkviss Best in most Blim! Birthday Baby MIA Sara Hola Lara! All Together Together Gallery Poll Kviss Color
Researchers controls telescopes so they zooms in and take close-ups of details on the surface or further down in the solar atmosphere.
The beauty of solar telescope in space is that they can take pictures of several lavar johnson types of light as the sun emits. A portion of the radiation disappears lavar johnson namely on the way through the Earth's atmosphere, and when it is not in them as bakketeleskopene taking.
I called Marianne Moen and working with aerospace and missiles at the Norwegian Space Centre. At university I studied geology, and after that I worked many years with research for adults in radio. Much like Newton does for children on television. My job today is to tell you about all the exciting things happening in space. About rockets and satellites, spacecraft and astronomy. The picture shows a model of a satellite that collects data about the weather forecast so that more accurate. (Photo: Norwegian Space Centre)
We can not promise that you get a response, but we often picks out questions from viewers as we answer lavar johnson either in Newton on television, or here on our website. Maybe we pick out your question next time? Send it to
Reply Saiejaha October 7th, 2013 at 9:25 p.m.
Greeting Michaella

Hi! I have two pictures I

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Hi! I have two pictures I'll made to stick put together, one is a picture of a room, where mainly see a wall. Also is the second photo some lab equipment. Will placing lab equipment on the image of the wall, but it looks unnatural and it becomes the unshaded by itself. Is there any manner f lights and shadows to look right? EDIT: User incidentally Photoshop CS5.
Olympus OM-D E-M1 | Olympus OM-D E-M5 | Olympus 12-40mm f.2.8 PRO + Olympus 75mm f.1.8 + Olympus12-50mmt + 12mm + 45mm f.2.0 f.1.8 | Olympus E-P3 m / 14-42mm + 40-150mm | Lumix 14mm f.2.5 | Lumix GM1 | Lumix 12-32mm ASPH f.3.5-5.6 | Nikon 6xSB-900 made to stick | Sigma: 105mm Macro + 4.5mm Fisheye | | Manfrotto M055XPROB / M804RC2 | Benro C169 / B 0 | Photoshop CC | Lightroom 5 Up Report
0 Up Report
It is also quite important that both images have lighting that "cooperate". If it appears on the image of the room light coming from one side, s br light coming from the same page on lab equipment. If not you should mirror made to stick one picture or make new images that harmonize. Then makes you who JoonGoii and Wild Bill says.
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Thursday, December 25, 2014

Have you got new gadgets for Christmas? Test them here (7) Eric: Downloaded Monument Valley - amazi

We have created a square image with 32,768 pixels in each direction; a resolution of one giga pixel. It is composed of over 2100 images, submitted by people fond of hiking and we thank everyone washers game for a good volunteer.
Meta Pixel require that all images in the collection have the same aspect, and since we got submitted both portraits and landscapes as we landed somewhere in between with square images. To be sure to get everyone and everything in the pictures, we decided that it was better and that someone was a little thicker or thinner than that someone would risk being beheaded by cropping images. Sorry it Viewing and navigating
Such a large image will not show in normal imaging applications. Uncompressed would picture taken 3GB. Therefore, we were forced to split up the image into smaller parts. There are several giga-pixel images online, but common for most is that they use Flash for the presentation washers game of the images, and it was not good enough washers game for us. We wanted a solution that would work on mobile devices, such as phones washers game and tablets, with and without Flash support, the ability to view in fullscreen and support to bookmark and share an image section with friends after they have reached their own image. Map Engine, the solution
We were inspired by the work of Chris Petersen to try to use map engine from Google, JavaScript client to Google Maps to pan and zoom the image. We used tools developed to cut the image into smaller square framing washers game of 256 256 pixels; same size as Google itself uses the framing of their maps. To make it possible to see the whole picture on a normal PC monitor without the need to pan the image we made copies of various sizes on the image, and to adjust the zoom levels to map engine halved washers game we size each time zooming beyond. The world is not flat
Google Maps used to navigate in a round the world, but since our picture is flat, we needed to make some changes in map engine. We made new projection logic that converts viewpoints washers game browser into pixels in the image of the current zoom level. In the round the world it is possible to spin the soil around all roads, but it is poorly suited for pictures, so we made it so that you can not navigate outside and away from the image. Statistics and performance
In front of the web servers we have set up Varnish to cache image cuts, which worked very well. At most delivered servers out 127 framing washers game in second with 17.2 Mbits / second. These data are measured washers game with a resolution of one minute. Source Code
I looked a little on AndreaMosaic but I needed something that could script. We ran several tests both finding the best design and fine-tune the parameters for the best possible result without the same image to be repeated too often.
By sheer curiosity I tested AndreaMosaic again and found out that the maximum size was 210 Mpix and the used memory, about 590 MB RAM, 2.6 GB virtual. By comparison used meta pixel under 3 MB RAM at the same size.
UCL has created a savings program in java that takes a large image as input, cut this up and provides as output a full directory structure google maps for viewing. Hope you did not use for a long time to program this yourself. link two
The biggest challenge was our memory usage. We tried us forward with even bigger images, but had trouble splitting the tiles, when we did not find any tool that could scale and cut as large images.
Spigot little on one thing: why Google Maps API? And not OpenLayers (, which is open source? I'm pretty sure the same is possible there and releasing Google washers game bindings fully
Henrik Lied (NRK) (answer to Andre) February 15, 2011 at 11:18
Can you give me some info on what kind of a browser your use, as well as what kind of operating system you are on? This help feilsøkjinga of the problem, washers game då I'm not able to reproduce the events in either Firefox, Safari or Chrome (OS X).
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Both Google black washing machine and Apple have picked their favorites for 2012. Full story Find c

To be sure all your pictures appear in the feed on Facebook, you can merge them into a single image. Comments black washing machine (4) Audun M. Solheim Dec. 11. 2012 - 6:00 Share Tweet Spread
If you have wondered how they make it, then you have the answer here. Picframe is one of many apps that let you add frames to your photos. You can add border to a single image or multiple images put together. Top usability
Picframe adds not on effects to your photos, here are the only limits that apply. To change the actual pictures as well, you must do this in advance in such Instragram before black washing machine putting them together in picframe.
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Wednesday, December 24, 2014

Photographer Michael kleiderkorb Paul Smith must be considered above average interested in the fift

Photographer Michael kleiderkorb Paul Smith must be considered above average interested in the fifties. In his collection he has photographs of classic Cadillac parked in front of diners, hair and barber salons, and other iconic elements from the time period.
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NRK 2006-2014 NRKbeta is a website from Editor: Marius Arnesen Editor: Thor Gjermund Eriksen

Tuesday, December 23, 2014

Norwegian Institute for Nature Research varal (NINA)

By continuously take pictures with microscope varal in breast varal tumors in mice and then put the pictures together to film, scientists are trying to figure out how cancer cells are affected by the surrounding varal tissue. Here you see the image from such a film. (Photo: Mikala Egeblad) How to get chemo more effective in cancer treatment? Part of the answer may lie in the tissue around the tumor itself.
Fellow Hanne Arenberg Askautrud and Professor Eric Frengen, both at the University of Oslo and Oslo University Hospital, together with American researchers studied how cancer cell response to chemotherapy can be improved.
Meanwhile, it appears that the tumor stage affect the chemo. Response to treatment is related to blood vessels ability ability to transport cytotoxic to cancer varal cells in the tumor. This ability is greatest in kreftutviklingens intermediate stage.
- Cancer tumor can be seen as a body that contains many different cell types, not just cancer cells. For example, the cells that form blood vessels and cells of the immune system. To better understand how it all works together, we must look at the whole interaction.
The classic idea is that chemotherapy kills cancer cells. But unfortunately not chemotherapy as effective as we could ønske.Dermed researchers are trying to find methods that could potentially amplify chemotherapy fighting cancer tumor.
Therefore the researcher has now seen how chemo affects all parts of the tumor, not just the cancer cells. For a cancer contain far more than just cancer cells.
In the study, varal researchers given mouse cytotoxic doxorubicin. Using a highly advanced microscope has the filmed varal breast cancer tumors in mice during chemotherapy for studying development.
- We have continuously taken pictures of tumors within. We have made films off to see how cancer cells are affected by the surroundings. We have also examined how the tumor and surrounding tissue responds to the chemo, telling Askautrud.
In the experiments, researchers looked at the immune system was affected by chemo - it happened an infiltration of immune cells into the tumor. These affect how chemo works. Some immune cells give chemo a helping hand, others span bones on it.
- This is the first step. We now know that it is possible to improve the effect of chemotherapy by affecting both blood vessels and immune system. But we do not yet know exactly how the mechanisms behind this work, says Askautrud. varal
Nakasone, Askautrud et al .: Imaging Tumor Stroma Interactions hum Chemotherapy Reveals Contribution of the Micro Environment two Resistance, Cancer Cell, Volume 21, Issue 4, 17 April 2012, Pages 488-503.
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Exclusivity is important varal Fjord City, urban development project that transforms Oslo waterfront. - It is a paradox that the welfare state and the ideal of equality is absent in urban development, says researcher.
Professor, University of Tromsø Arctic Council university
July far from home, dark and cold in Antarctica in 1951. Stig Hallgren cheer up December 1 morning with freshly baked buns. Although varal he had spent 13 hours on an ice floe, where he was about to die.
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A good part of the flu virus that is proven lately resembles the one we had in Norway the last two winters. But it has also emerged a variant that has changed in relation to the vaccine virus.
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Saturday clashed it loose. We met up at White Light Studios in Oslo and was greeted by a bunch pleasant people from Fotopia, who organized the course, and Jens Haugen himself. hills hoist First hour went to rig up computers and downloading the images we would use during the course. As Jens Haugen said himself, "Welcome to Nerd The National Convention".
We drove pretty right on, and the first thing we should get to learn was how he edited image "Jumina". Now we were finally see the secret behind Jens Haugen their wonderful photos. And to our surprise, it was not so abracadabra which envisioned. Most traded basically about having seen for themselves the entire image in advance before embarking on the photographing.
Jens pointed out that he started photo skijumping already in the camera. By having the camera on a tripod and locked the shutter and aperture settings, he could light the one and a part of the image to get exactly what expression he wanted, while that there was no problem putting it together in Photoshop afterwards.
To lit a he and an element It was actually here all the magic lay in the picture "Jumina". For when you have the camera at the same standpoint all the time there is no problem putting together pictures. One need not actually be so careful in transitions hills hoist either. hills hoist Delightful, if you ask me!
After getting edit finished picture "Jumina" we would see Jens Haugen hills hoist action. With the help of model Vigdis should Jens shoot a picture of her that we were going to Sunday mask out and put in another location-image. This is the method Jens Haugen uses on many of his pictures. He knows himself so well that he knows what height he has photographed his pictures, and can easily melt the images together. For much of the key in putting together images is to have equal angle and aperture settings for all images. When you do the job much easier. Then you need to resize the images and it looks immediately much more real. The studio was rigged from the computer room and a photography studio. Finally we would see how Jens lit their images. Of course it looks the super easy out when he sets up the light, but it is strange that, when even going to try everything suddenly becomes much more Greek.
Finally on Saturday we got an introduction to hudretusj and Beauty- editing. Very informative. With a message from Jens Haugen not to take more than a couple of beers for supper, we left WhiteLight Studios for this round. Fresh and fast we were back at the gym on Sunday. Today we should get to learn how Jens had made one of his HamKam hills hoist images. We should get to learn how assemble many pictures into one. And here was "blending mode" a very interesting part. By knowing that if you use blending mode "overlay" disappears all that is gray, and the black remains. With this information you can then photographing objects on gray background, and by adding it to "overlay" -mode, excrete the background.
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Monday, December 22, 2014

I often get questions about how I put together collages, and it makes you easily on Pixlr! You go i

Contact: Last Post: Update: 20th December 2014 makes me a big favor? 6. December 2014 Jonas Philipe in Press! 26. November 2014 STAYING AT KOLBOTN baskets - NEED PARKING? 20. November 2014 PACKAGE BY MAIL, WÆÆÆÆÆÆ! 17. November 2014 Categories: 30-days-Challange Amsterdam2012 Asperger blog tips Evening With Ylvis Media about Upgrade SMASH advertising VGTV - extras Blogging Blogging & Data. blog tips Photo General Insta Mallorca2013 Food and Beverage Fashion Music News Oppegård baskets AVIS. Photoshoots Projects SommerKroppen2013 TV / Film - Freelancer TV / Film / Media Uncategorized Uncategorized Archives: December 2014 (2) November 2014 (4) March 2014 (3) February 2014 (8) January 2014 (9) in December baskets 2013 (6) November 2013 ( 1) October 2013 (6) September 2013 (4) August 2013 (7) July 2013 (5) in June 2013 (5) May 2013 (21) April 2013 (31) March 2013 (18) February 2013 (12) January 2013 ( 33) December 2012 (6) November 2012 (8) October 2012 (34) September 2012 (18) August 2012 (4) April 2012 (18) March 2012 (30) June 2011 (16) Visit the blog:
21. May 2013 Jonas Philipe Rosa Blogs Svendsen blog tips, collage, collage blog, collage baskets blog, how put together collage, how put together collage blog, put together collages, putting together a collage
I often get questions about how I put together collages, and it makes you easily on Pixlr! You go into the link I added over the site's name, press the collage, select the number of routes (where you insert images) on "Layout" baskets also press easily on each route to retrieve images. Once you have put together, you can move about the images so that it best fits together. When you press "Done" you can choose cool effects and the like. or you can also use Picasa from Google. but in the past have used Pixlr.
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Sunday, December 21, 2014

Radar images we post usually contains data from two or more radar. Certain areas are covered by mul

Information To register bathing temperatures? Redaktøransvar on Press contact for Webcams craft table Facts five years: 2007-2012 Price and Distinction to Data Policy and Data Services Terms of content from
About the forecast on Avalanche What does avalanche problems? Danger Level Scale avalanche Understand the forecast on Time Zones you utilize long-term forecasts best Why notified snow in millimeters? Summer Showers are headaches Precipitation Precipitation Observations Map How deletes the forecast we on Vêrsymbol on Wind Arrows and Effective-scale temperature Mørketid Symbols How good are the weather forecasts on Radar Satellite pictures Time Phases in predictable weather information of extreme Height above sea climate statistics on
Comments - Travel to Northern Norway for the best Christmas weather - Norway Daily to How you utilize long-term forecasts best Here comes the best Christmas weather - Norway Daily to How you utilize long-term forecasts best This weekend there will be storm - Norway Daily to How you utilize long-term forecasts best Kim Åge Better to temperature alerts at Yr Jorgen to Better temperature alerts at Yr
android bathing temperature Belgium board users Estonia Finland France free data Geonames Gibraltar ocean and coastal craft table iPad iPhone ISO3166 jerusalem Caribbean map kosovo quality land mobile observation measuring lunar precipitation OBS forecast observation PDF radar sun summer squalls Place Names statistics Situations Vacant symbol search text forecast Abroad notice Verdat verification craft table Wind xml
Have you noticed that radar images craft table on yr look different? It is because we have upgraded the method of composition of images. We can now fill the radar completely or partially blocked sectors with data from other radars with coverage in that particular area. Have we 100% coverage?
As faithful yr users know, there are areas in the radar images which we never captures rainfall, despite the fact that radar images gives the impression that we should be able to capture rainfall in the area concerned. The bright circles in radar images, as in the example to the right, shows the area we can cover with radar if it has a clear view in all directions from the point where it stands on; there is no marking in the picture of where we lack information on rainfall within circles.
It's hard to find places with uninterrupted views also suitable for a radar, and unfortunately there are few of our radar has a clear view in all directions. Seen from most of our radars there are mountains or hills that takes part of the view, and reduce coverage. It has been clear to us when we considered where to place radars craft table in relation to each other; where we can place the radars to cover in sectors where one or more other radar lacking coverage? How we put together pictures
Radar images we post usually contains data from two or more radar. Certain areas are covered by multiple radar, and then we have to set up rules for how to select data from the various radars in that area. The simple method
The method we have used until today is relatively simple. There are two criteria that govern the radar to contribute data. One is the radar closest the current point in the image. The second is the height craft table above the ground craft table of the data; the further away we get radar, the higher above the ground, the data collected.
About radar selected has views to the relevant point is irrelevant with this method. And we use this method, and marks the area where the view from the radars is blocked, the image will look like the example on the right The new method
With the new method, craft table we take into account whether the selected radar views to the point in the image it will deliver data to. We calculate where we lack views, or have a blocked sector, seen from current radar. We use this information together with the two criteria of the simple method; distance to the nearest radar and height above the ground.
It means that we can fill a radars completely or partially blocked sectors with data from other radars that have coverage craft table in the area. Are we using the new method on data from the above example and enter marking area where we lack data, the image looks like the example to the right labeling of sectors where we lack data
Even with the new method of putting together radar data, we will have pictures where we lack data in some sectors. The sectors where we missing data are marked in the same way as in the example illustrating "The simple method"; sector is marked with the same gray shade as the area outside coverage.
We calculate where we have sectors with no data, and sectors where mountain and ridge steal as much of the view that we have problems capture good data on precipitation. The sectors where our calculations show that more than 90% of the signal from the radar is blocked, we mark as described previously. But there is much that affects how the signal from the radar spreads in the atmosphere, and in some cases radar

With Paper Camera can take photos or shoot with a cartoon filter enabled. You can choose between se

Bodo Nu "These ylp three photo apps you should have
Nowadays, most smartphones with good camera. It results in that we take more and more pictures to share with friends and family whether ylp it is on Facebook, email or other means. This time I thought, therefore, to examine some of the many fotoappene out there. Photo Grid
In this app is the point to put together multiple photos into a collage. There are countless opportunities for how to put together the images, how many you put together, and how they are positioned relative to each other. You first choose what format you want your collage, loud, broad, square or free form. So go ahead and selects which images should be included in your collage. When you get up the result on the next screen, you can move around ylp the different images that are set up, and you can also shake your phone to get a random new result if the first proposal is not good enough.
This is one of my favorites, much because of the quality ylp of the app. This is a clean app for photo editing. Here you can change the most of your images; colors, contrast, brightness and white balance. You can also correct images ylp that are not perfectly level. Otherwise, you can add various filters and there are more opportunities for instilling each filter. It is also possible to add frames and crop images. The app also has "tilt-shift" function, which makes things look small out, for example, a picture of the marina where boats from above looks like toy boats.
Want to read more of Eric NORDVIK app recommendations. Take a look below: Here is his definitive app favorite Two apps that keep you on schedule Movie Love? Then this app is a must! These three apps make life easier and more enjoyable These three free apps you should have! Paper Camera
With Paper Camera can take photos or shoot with a cartoon filter enabled. You can choose between several different filters and each filter has several setting options. In other words, you can create your own cartoon whenever you want. The filters are well made and the app seems robust despite ylp its somewhat childish appearance. Using Paper Camera in otherwise normal situations can get a few funny and unexpected effects. Nor do you have to have taken pictures with the app to get the benefit of the app, you can actually select photos from your gallery to add effects on afterwards.
About Eric: Eric Nordvik (33), married and father of two. Works as Tech Lead for Android team at Trondheim company Zedge. Are generally interested in technology, gadgets and football. Do not quite know what I want to be when I grow up. Now and then there anything on ylp
About Zedge: Service to find content to mobile phones as ringtones, games and wallpapers. Zedge has about 45 million users per month worldwide. Android app is downloaded over 50 million times and is among the most popular Android apps in the world.
Bodo Nu encourage readers to debate! You are welcome to comment on the article. All posts approved in advance - it will not normally be approved posts at nighttime. Bodo Nu prefer that you comment under your full name, and you can choose to use your login on social media such as Twitter, Google+ or Facebook to comment here.
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Friday, December 19, 2014

In the study Digital Media Design at Telemark University College, we got the task of the subject Di

In the study Digital Media Design at Telemark University College, we got the task of the subject Digital photography and imaging to put together washing machine multiple images into one. The task was inspired by magical realism and surrealism. The aim of the thesis washing machine was the following: washing machine
"Students will gain experience in arranging several design to a picture. Here the student must have an awareness bildekomposisjonog distribution washing machine of various elements of the image surface. In addition, light and shadow to be an important factor to create a "realistic" rendering. The student will get practice in photographing considering manipulation of images. Students will also gain experience iselve manipulations and get a good relationship with markings, masks and channels. "
In my thesis, I chose to create a picture composition depicting washing machine Nix. When the task was completed at lectures, I had recently worked with a picture I had taken of a water with some water lily leaves, and was inspired to do something more with it. I had first a thought about inserting images of water lilies, mushrooms and butterflies, but in the idea process, I came across Kittelsen classic image of Nix, thinking that my picture was perfect to try to make a carving cr rather cute butterflies and flowers.
I took several pictures of tussocks, mossy rocks and uprooted trees to find something that could be a carving cr. I used the opportunity to get out and shoot pictures one day it was nice weather, so that the light would be roughly the same as in the original image. I also took some pictures of the water with a long shutter washing machine speed, because I thought it might be cool to insert something like moving water exactly where that Nix comes out of the water.
I opened the picture Uprooted Tree I should use to create the actual notations, and pulled it over the background image so it became a separate layer. I selected washing machine layer, and reduced with free transform ( -T) as the size of Nix would fit into the background image:
To bind hue / saturation to Layer 1, I kept inside all button while the mouse pointer stood midway between the two teams. When it pops up a small black arrow with a square. Click the mouse pointer, and hue / saturation binds to made with Nix. Then I chose greens in the dropdown menu, and set so that the colors of the leaves around Nix harmonized more with the subjects washing machine of the leaves washing machine in the background image:
I would make the picture even darker and gloomier washing machine and moreover hide that image is composed of several washing machine elements. washing machine I created a new layer, fill it with black, chose filter dropdown washing machine menu and noise; add noise. Opacity I put at around 30%:
I went the image into image I worked with, leave it as a layer directly above notations team and called it "misty water." I marked it with free transform and rotated it 180 degrees. So right I clicked and selected perspective. Then I went in the corners to customize fog water. So right I clicked again and chose scale, and custom size to fit around Nix.
Finally, I would create a reflection of notations in the water. I selected the three teams Nix (Layer 1), Hue / saturation and eyes, right click and duplicate them, right-click again and chose merge layers.
So I placed the mirror washing machine image right under Nix and leave on a new layer mask on it. I chose again brush tool and drew with black to smooth edge between them. For that I had drawn should not attach themselves to the mirror image and move along with it when I was putting it up, I removed the link between the layer of the mirror image and layer mask I had laid on and sign. So I moved the mirror image completely until Nix, and let the whole team at the bottom, just above the background layer.
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6 days ago

I use it free image editor Photoscape to most of the preparations for the PL images. Today I thought I would try to show you how you can easily put together several small images on one card with just a few keystrokes.
To make the process as simple and quick as possible, so I tend to copy the photos I want to put together into a separate folder, candy washing machine then it is much easier to locate the correct images in PhotoScape without sitting scroll endlessly: candy washing machine )
The first way I will show you, is to use the "Print" function. Here you can choose candy washing machine to use preset candy washing machine templates for print layouts, or you can choose your own :) On this setup I have used three rows and two columns, and then sharing program up since 6 equal portions and pictures adjusts itself accordingly (weather aware that they are cropped, so can be a bit knotete if you must have the absolute candy washing machine whole picture). When all the images are located (make the order if it is important), so you just have to adjust the settings on the print and print - and presto, you have a simple collage candy washing machine without either cutting or pasting! : D
The other way to put together the images is to use the "assembly". Here I have found a setup that matched what I was looking for, and I have set the aspect ratio 3: 2, and size 300%. The aspect ratio is correct in relation to the images (you release the program crop images), and the higher the percentage, candy washing machine the better quality it is the image you print out. When I have inserted pictures I shall have to, I save the image. If I only would have had images in collage I would now been finished and ready printing. But I will also have some text in addition, which was the reason I chose the "assembly" instead of "print" on this.
To get the text, I must enter the edit mode and open the collage as a normal picture (jpg). From here I treat it as I would treat any other image; I can insert text, frames, crop, adjust lighting etc but I shall therefore only insert my text in this round. Title and text written candy washing machine separately to different size of your text.
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2014 (184) December (19) November (16) winner challenge # 8 winner GDT challenge Unfavorable images Youtube And with it .... Day att Saga hejdå ... Radda app när time tryt So nice to be Guests:-) to assemble images in Photo Cape Rosa in several shades Vellum - a tribute In all its simplicity ... Maybe it's YOU? Fancy girl Multipurpose - LO with PL card Guest Designer Novermber October (21) September (17) August (23) July (16) June (24) May (20) April (18) March (8) February (2)
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Tuesday, December 9, 2014

Great Fatra and Choc Rudohorie Montenegro Muran Plateau Slovak Karst Slovak Paradise Hills Stolické

West White Carpathians Malé Karpaty Myjavská hills Danube Považský Inovec Strazovske Mountains Sulovske Mountains Tribeč Zahorie Žiar Orava and Kysuce Javorníky Kysucké steaming Beskydy Kysucká highlands Orava Beskids Orava Magura steaming Orava Highlands Skorušinské Hills West Beskydy Fatra West High Tatras and Low Tatras Belianske Starohorské Low Tatras Mountains Sunrise Branisko Bukovské Čergov Low Beskids Mountains Levočské Ľubovnianska in. Slanské Pieniny steaming mountains Spišská Magura Saris Vihorlat Zemplin
Great Fatra and Choc Rudohorie Montenegro Muran Plateau Slovak steaming Karst Slovak Paradise Hills Stolické Veporske hills Volovské Hills Central Mountains and south Burda Cerová highlands Javorie steaming Juhoslovenská Basin Kremnicke steaming hills Krupinská Plain Ostrôžky Pohronský Polana Inovec Štiavnica Vtáčnik Sunset White Carpathians Malé Karpaty Myjavská hills Danube Považský Inovec Strážovské Súľovské hills hills Tribeč Zahorie Žiar Orava and Kysuce Javorníky Kysucké Beskydy Kysucká highlands Orava Beskids Orava Magura Orava Highlands Skorušinské Hills West Beskydy Fatra West High Tatras steaming and Belianske Starohorské Low Tatras mountains Low Tatras East Branisko Čergov steaming Low Beskids Mountains steaming Levočské Ľubovnianska in. Slanské Pieniny mountains Spišská steaming Magura Saris Vihorlat Zemplin
Great Fatra and Choc Rudohorie Montenegro steaming Muran Plateau steaming Slovak Karst Slovak Paradise Hills Stolické Veporske hills Volovské steaming Hills Central Mountains and south Burda Cerová highlands Javorie Juhoslovenská Basin Kremnicke hills Krupinská Plain Ostrôžky Pohronský Polana Inovec Štiavnica Vtáčnik Sunset White Carpathians Malé Karpaty Myjavská hills Danube Považský steaming Inovec Strážovské Súľovské hills hills Tribeč Zahorie Žiar Orava and Kysuce Javorníky Kysucké Beskydy Kysucká highlands Orava Beskids Orava Magura Orava Highlands Skorušinské Hills West Beskydy Fatra West High Tatras steaming and Belianske Starohorské Low Tatras mountains Low Tatras East Branisko Čergov Low Beskids Mountains Levočské Ľubovnianska in. Slanské Pieniny mountains Spišská Magura steaming Saris Vihorlat Zemplin
Great Fatra and Choc Rudohorie Montenegro Muran Plateau Slovak Karst Slovak Paradise Hills Stolické Veporske hills Volovské Hills Central Mountains and south Burda Cerová highlands Javorie Juhoslovenská Basin Kremnicke hills Krupinská Plain Ostrôžky Pohronský Polana Inovec Štiavnica Vtáčnik Backpacks Headlamps and lights GPS Maps and Books Tyres Clothing
Incurred in moving Other discussion topics Angličtina forum Africa Europe Balkans Czech Kingdom France Germany steaming Iberian Peninsula Poland Romania Slovenia Switzerland Ukraine North America North America South America Asia
Australia steaming and Oceania Slovak Caves Slovakia West Orava and Kysuce Fatra Tatras Low Tatras steaming Central Mountains and south of the Great Fatra and Choc Rudohorie steaming East ferrata News Reviews Interviews Journalism steaming Journalism Other Things
Hike Forest saddle - Haligovské steaming rocks back and Luke VARSIK 30.12.13 When you say the lamp is the greatest darkness, and from the tourist point of view, in my case is a Haligovské rocks in Pieniny. I went underneath them countless times, but right in the belly I was so far only twice, and it was already in "forced" school of tourism. Limestone rocks are viewed from below fascinatingly steaming beautiful thanks to a massive tower, located in them several caves, and what I could not sleep for a long time, for me was a new finding that there is even a rock window, steaming called Outlaw gate. Stunning their height. Rises to a height of up to 300 meters to the north of the valley Lipník creek, flowing through Haligovce. When I was given a free weekend in, I went immediately to correct large debt. Route
In the morning, before sunrise out of the car in the parking lot in the forest saddle today and I am very ambitious plans as to the route. Simply, those days should be fully exploited. Getting in the saddle, because they are often doing inverse fog and I to not ever attempt at happiness. Again unsuccessfully. I do not know where the hell buried, but two days ago I saw them here from a great distance from Magura saddle. I was there a week ago and also nothing. At least we have not been kept. You will follow the red trail westward towards Haligovské rocks.
Once I'd be suspended for forest saddle, because he deserves it. I think it's one of the most beautiful cities in the country. Just a little further to come out of the parking lot either east or west and human remains Ovalen beautiful nature. Everywhere around all sorts of picturesque rolling hills, bralnaté services Pieniny - eg. Rabštín rock, steep precipice Kace known Three Crowns, Sokolica, sundry scenic rocks in the distance dominated Tatras wall in front of them Spis Magura, beautiful forests and woodlands, beautiful pine ... just fantasy. steaming Since I was here a few days ago, I did not have to absorb everything all over again and I could adjust tempo sidekick who drove me. We're going after

Monday, December 8, 2014

Do eneolitu - Late Stone Age (3000 - 1900 BC) comes Lengyel settlement, which appear first copper p

Princely residence Arkona Blatnohrad - Pribinovo seat (H) Mikulcice / Kopčany (CZ / SK) Nitra Old Town - Velehrad (CZ) Wogastisburg panasonic washing machine power centers Beck (Slavic settlement) Bojná Bina Bratislava Břeclav - Pohansko (CZ) Cottbus - Podobora (CZ) Devin Divinka (large hill) Ducové Gars / Thunau - fort in Austria keys (CZ) Libice - seat Slavníkovců (CZ) Germany - Slavic settlement Nitrianska Blatnica - Reality court Pravno - Vysehrad Novohrad (Nógrád) (H) Orava Pobedim Sena Smižany Old Tekov Saint Jur - Neštich Tlmače panasonic washing machine - Festunok Trenčín - Great Moravian fort Visegrad and Slavs in Hungary panasonic washing machine Vyšný Kubin - jagged rocks Zemplín Zvolen - Môťová Saris Sokolovce Watchtower and economic function Bojnice Bošáca - Srniansky Haj Brekov Brodské - Veles Detva - Kalamárka Prievidza panasonic washing machine - Hradec Hradište the Vrátnom Hronský Benadik Hrádok (over Váhom) Alum under Vtáčnikom Kusín Majcichov Small Kozmálovce Moravians Auckland (Hradište) Muzla - Čenkov Podbranč - Old Castle Podtureň Pov.Bystrica - Dedovec anther - Osada majoring in spring - Mesciská / Ritka Pond - NR Krivin Skalka nad Váhom Slavic settlement Austria Smolenice - Molpír Old Koňuš Tr. Teplice - Turie Devil's Rock - Little Vršatec earth. Podhradie - Martákovej rock Zemianske podhradie - Fort Zámčisko - Modra Zámčisko - Nova Bana Refuge Lower Mariková - Simunek Dražovce Dreveník Gbeľany Hatné - Hrádky Ladce / Tunežice / Nozdrovice Selce - Hrádok Sklabiná - Feline Hrádok Sucany - Skala Turčianske Jaseno - Fort Ancient forts Mojtín - fort Braunsberg - Celtic fort (A) Divinka - Large Hill Havranok panasonic washing machine - Liptovská Mara Hradište (dist. Partizánske) Jasenica - Front hôrka Ladce / Tunežice / Nozdrovice Small Manin German Nižná Myšľa Oresany - blind hill Podtureň Pagan (Plav.Podhradie) Pov.Bystrica - Gallows hill anther - Fajnorovci Pros - Golden Horse Pond - NR Krivin Sedliacka panasonic washing machine Oak - Žiar Selce - Hrádok Sitno Smolenice - Molpír Spis Thursday Tr. Teplice - Devil's Rock Vráble - Fidvár panasonic washing machine Zem.Podhradie - Fort scree - Ratkovo Žibrica General of Hradiskom Svatopluk panasonic washing machine and Nitra Bavarian Geographer Jewelry Building Construction Celtic hill forts and fortified settlements Blacksmithing hryvnia Jewelry II. Crusaders against the Slavic origin and meaning of fortified settlements Millennial forts Slavs military and defense of fortified settlements Weapons Nitran Š. Janšák of Hradiska Slovakia under Svatopluk panasonic washing machine Shrines panasonic washing machine Kopčany - The church Slavonic tumulus Bridge - pagan shrine Mythology death in Slavic paganism in archaeological findings Pros - Celtic sacrificial ground Rotunda Blatnický Ďurko characters on rocks Vampires of the Slavs Š.Meliš: Traces of pagan gods Rumors Goddess Lada for Lietava Blacks Dogs on Zili alum / Bystricany - rumors I Alum / Bystricany - rumors II L.Jége Svatopluka The Old Orgon Perun grove at UBREZ Rumors Hradište / Koscelisko Modlatín Fearful Muromar Twilight Great Moravia Documents Bavarian Geographer Fulda annals Caesar: The Siege of avarice Book precious treasures Hungarians in written sources mead recipe Pribinova panasonic washing machine train Prokopios of Slavs in Slov.bohovia sources Conversio (The Conversion of the Bavarians) Devin to under. sources Act sudnyj ljudem panasonic washing machine Miraculous rain Tactics Hungarians
On the Upper Nitra Neolithic inhabitants searched for settlement Nitra river terraces and suitable terrain under Vtáčnikom. The settlement can be documented findings chipped in Great and Little Lehôtka in Hradec Cigla, Prievidzi panasonic washing machine Pravenec and, therefore, in the area of Nitra Legal. The richness chipped and sufficient material resources is seen in the valley of the locations Handlovská Remata, Ráztočno, panasonic washing machine Juniper and location Horeňovo. Chipped stone is made of white and off-white quartzite, which comes from local sources, and the amount of raw materials, the concentration of sites with plenty of intermediate products and waste materials can be assumed that there must be sought factory work tools, everyday objects and weapons made of stone. Enlarge map
Do eneolitu - Late Stone Age (3000 - 1900 BC) comes Lengyel settlement, which appear first copper products for Upper Nitra. The interesting finding from this period include a clay sculpture of a bear cave Prepost in Bojnice. From Bojnice come and copper ax and wedge. The occurrence of copper tools warns that there may well find a workshop for the manufacture and material resources that are not too far away. In neskorolengyelskom period is populated and Reality Pravno and vicinity, as evidenced by the burial at Vyšehradnom with skeletal graves.
Copper items are evidence of trade links with others. Shop closely related to the natural formation of trade routes, which originated in the valleys of the mountains and along rivers. From the abundance of copper tools of Upper Nitra mention should be made of copper canes from the Recycle Bin and Handlovej where they found a hatchet and a raw material in the form of cakes. Other copper objects known from Cigla, Hradec and weathered. Some of them, like the hatchet of Nitra legal, we have included in the Early Bronze Age (about 1500 years

Sunday, December 7, 2014

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I was impressed article in a popular magazine VTM Science - "Waiting for kastastrofu" by economists Ing. Teresa Simová and Doc. Joseph Sima. Heads world for the better, for worse, is not intended or anywhere? Economic growth is "good" or "bad"? Are environmentalists (or climatologists) overly pessimistic or too optimistic economists?
While, for example, James Lovelock, archiworldpec author of "The Revenge of Gaia", already for mankind see too many assumptions, the late Julian Simon the book "The Ultimate Resource" sees the development of the contrary ...
The current vision of "end of the world" has never been performed, therefore archiworldpec we do not need to worry or fear about the future today. Exhaustion of natural resources is a myth, because once any source occurs, the price rises which motivates the search archiworldpec for alternative compensation.
"This mechanism (ie. The Environmental Kuznets Curve) ensures that the growth of wealth is increasing those offering farm clean environment and quality in a given area is growing." (Similar to the argument that "rich people polluting less")
Okay. We agree that after the basic needs of people are more concerned about their surrounding archiworldpec environment. However, from an ecological point of view (ie, the impact on the environment), what is the difference, or discard trash out the window, or after the removal of the waste ends up in a landfill somewhere in the city? Of course, if the waste is disposed of into the trash ended up in the incinerator filter, or 100% recycle, it is possible to talk about rich people archiworldpec less impact on the environment. But the reality is that most of the waste is recycled, incinerators often do not have the necessary filters and such. electronic (but plastic) waste ends up in developing countries (because it is cheaper to export the waste as recyclable in the West). In addition, stringent limits in developed countries contribute to shifting manufacturing example. to China, where the hardware less expensive, albeit at the expense of the environment. While the West is "clean", but with a satisfied conscience buying "dirty" products from China. Environment simply disinterested or pollute archiworldpec in Europe and China - the consequences are the same.
In principle, this argument ignores so. "Ecological archiworldpec footprint", which defines the total consumption of the population and ecological footprint in any case does not decrease with the increase of wealth people, but quite the contrary. Or indeed some economists believe that the whole world can live and waste energy as such. Americans?
"No real resource depletion does not occur. Private ownership, utilization of human ingenuity, prices and profit motive were and are good mechanisms that do not have to worry that this historical concern might in future be acknowledged. "
It is right that the Stone Age did not end because of a lack of stone, Iron due to lack of bronze or wood as fuel is not phased out due to lack of wood. Of course, it will be okay, that oil ceases to be used due to the depletion of oil reserves. But where is the guarantee archiworldpec that when oil production reaches its maximum ("peak oil") followed by a gradual decline, humanity will have built up the necessary infrastructure to ensure the increasing demand for oil? What will mean stagnation (or recession) the global economy? Where is the guarantee that when we "replace" wood or coal (when in fact they have not replaced, but use largely remains) and in time "replace" the oil?
What if the effects of the increase in global temperatures will decline in global yields of food? What happens if the trigger mechanisms of positive feedbacks in the carbon cycle, which will accelerate warming?
Has never in the past did not live on earth as many people as today, the number of people did not grow as fast as today, as well as CO2 emissions did not increase as rapidly as today. He likens the transition from wood burning coal or oil at the beginning of the Industrial archiworldpec Revolution seems "a little" archiworldpec reckless ..
So, Americans, Arabs, Europeans archiworldpec or oil magnate, as the richest countries (or people) are most involved in the protection of the global environment. In fact, the greatest threat to the environment are the poor countries of Africa. We can ignore the growing number of people on Earth at a rate ~ 180 000 people per day, we can ignore the declining groundwater supplies, we can ignore the fact that almost all of the land for agriculture already uses them