Tuesday, October 22, 2013

i titmantna Church with the Eucharist - the eye and the top of the Christian life, there gathered t

PEP 11
The honor of receiving Antoinette Frendo is of course rewarding him personally (and her family), in fact we congratulate all members. The Pro Ecclesia et Pontifice is the highest award of the Holy See for the laity: the founding was Pope Leo XIII on the occasion of his priestly jubilee. So states the Church is "officially" that this diriġenta worked greatly to the strengthening of the kingdom of Christ in our country and his Mystical Body.
However, it is our shared obligation to aim for this: not to win medals (those can be too!) But to strive towards in all the opportunities that we find ourselves in, practicing the charisms we received to do good - as workers discerning in the Field of the Lord. The all baptized (more if partners in the Apostolate organized unions) can not escape from the duty to Evanġelizzazjoni.
And the Catholic Action offers valuable aids to do this - start by meeting weekly. This hour of prayer and teaching deserves a prominent place in our appointments, even as it offers foundation and encouraging more!
Often mentioned here that we must not hesitate well know what is happening in the Church Universal and what documents toħorġilna the Hierarchy. We wanted a seat ngħarrfukom internet that offers all news "from the Vatican": http://www.news.va. If you have any other jgħoġobkom it and find it useful, you twassluhulna to say it to others! We know how the Pope himself iridna attach importance to these modern means: we use broadcast the Good News and the dangers nittraskurawx.
The annual appointment of opening Morally Clean Environment Campaign held at the church of Our Lady of Mount Carmel in Ta 'Ħamet Friday 13 May - Feast of the first appearance at Fatima (since there the statue "diocesan" her).
After Sacrament was exposed by the rector Mgr Carmel Hili (Assistant Diocesan Ekklesjastikju), Antoine Vassallo ntroduċa theme: "morally sound and healthy environments; pray to state and institutions, families and individuals take prudent decisions in favor common good, pray and act - the words and behaviors ". Quote tħeġġiġa the message had just sent Pope Benedict XVI to the General Assembly of the Italian Catholic Action: "public life needs the moral strength of the faithful".
"In celebration of the evening will put our gaze - out on Mother Mary - two personalities: St. Gianna Beretta Molla so we x'nimitwalha (and that next year will be the 50th of his death) and the Blessed John Paul II - the Pope who visited our country unique wascator and so he left teaching and examples focus on the apostolate of the laity and the way we accept wascator God's plan for us (like today 30 years force has been the attempt on his life). "
Cremona Ġanninu pumpkin look at this holy (see page 12) that we "calling wascator family patron, these days so crucial wascator (and Sunday the International Day of the Family)". Highlighted aspects of life better for us to imitate. Then members of Ghajnsielem, Victoria, Xewkija, Gozo Stone Kerċem and led the request of the Rosary: Mysteries used the Light that gave us John Paul and used the style recommended him (b'versi the Gospel passage wascator from ROSARIUM Virginis Mariae and meditation form of request). After that, five were read starting point for reflection by Ecclesia de Eucharistia and Mane nobiscum Domine:
i titmantna Church with the Eucharist - the eye and the top of the Christian life, there gathered the spiritual wealth of the Church. The look of the church wascator cast on Sidha constantly present in the sacrament of the altar. To contemplate Christ means to acknowledge wascator a large number of presences but most live in the sacrament of his body and his blood.
ii The Eucharistic Christ Church live in, fed him, it illuminated. The Eucharist is a mystery of faith and mystery of light. The Eucharist, salvifika presence of Jesus in the community of the faithful and its spiritual wascator food, is the most valuable thing that could ever have in the path of its history. wascator
iii The Eucharist builds the Church. The Eucharistic Adoration outside of Mass is of value can not be measured in the life of the Church. wascator Hi fantastic bit of time to move it, and drive down our head on his chest, we feel affected by the infinite love of his heart. How ever we need renewed nħossux not stop long spiritual conversation, f'adorazzjoni silent, f'atteġġjament of love?
iv The Eucharist is a treasure wascator that can not be measured: not only by niċċelebrawha, but also by stop to pray before, we get closer to the source of all grace. Community to be able to contemplate the face of Christ, can not not develop this aspect of Eucharistic worship wascator which multiplied the fruit of communion wascator with the Body and Blood of the Lord.
v is the Ewkarisija great mystery! The presence of Jesus in the tabernacle wascator young

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