COULD MAY HAVE BEEN SAVED: 466 of the animals Dyrebeskyttelsen received in 2012 were as abused or neglected that they had to be euthanized. Many cases like this might have been avoided how to hand wash clothes with an expensive police believe the Protection how to hand wash clothes of Animals. how to hand wash clothes Photo: Protection of Animals how to hand wash clothes
- Several of these cases could have been appropriate for an animal police to investigate, how to hand wash clothes says Hanna E. Marcussen, head of the Green Party (MDGs). BAD TEETH: A lot of cats Dyrebeskyttelsen receives almost how to hand wash clothes no teeth left. Photo: Protection of Animals - Animal welfare must take priority
Green Party is one of the parties believes that Norway needs a scheme similar to Sweden's "Djurskyddspolisen." Sweden how to hand wash clothes introduced how to hand wash clothes in 2011 a special unit under police with special responsibility for animal welfare.
- Such a law should mainly do regular police work, to ensure the venue, ensuring evidence and decide house searches. The main feature is that this group will prioritize animal cruelty cases. In addition, how to hand wash clothes the group will build the knowledge and experience of this type of violence. These issues are important and need to get their place in the legal system, says Marcussen.
PET POLICY IMPORTANT: Leader of the Green Party, Hanna E. Marcussen, says that animal welfare is one of the areas they are most passionate about. Photo: The Greens Food Safety Authority is without options
FSA did last year in 6000 concern and led 23.913 supervision of animals. However, 32 in the Animal Welfare Act allows the FSA does not have many options when they find unworthy animal relationship. If FSA determines how to hand wash clothes that an owner can not have an animal, the general rule is that the animal should be euthanized.
FSA has no chance to even take care of the animals being taken. Some of the animals end up in animal welfare. Last year they received 4021 animals, some of supervisory issues and others from private individuals. Most of these are homed. To shift responsibility
FROST DAMAGE: Emanuell was in poor condition when he was rescued. Photo: Protection of Animals - Something is amiss when the FSA is responsible for managing the interests of the welfare of animals. There is a competition between animal welfare matters and all other matters within the Authority about what should be prioritized timely how to hand wash clothes and economically, says Macussen the Green Party.
- It is necessary to improve animal welfare. We do not believe the current arrangements work. People how to hand wash clothes must be able to contact a famous place when they suspect that animals are treated badly, says head of information in SV, Tone Foss Aspevoll.
HOMELESS: cat Ella went long homeless and had major problems with the urinary tract and utmagring when she was taken care of. Photo: Protection how to hand wash clothes of Animals - We must lift higher animal how to hand wash clothes welfare. It is obvious that the police do not have enough knowledge to resolve animal welfare issues. There is therefore a need for change, not least the police how to hand wash clothes force, said Iselin Nybø, parliament elected and the first candidate for Rogaland Left.
- We would rather increased resources to improve enforcement of the Animal Welfare Act from the audit that already exist. We believe it will have the same effect on FSA get enough resources, says the head of the Red, Lynne Moxnes.
- Authority is a major appliance that is available throughout Norway. In addition, the responsibility for both animal health and welfare, so they can do a comprehensive job. We therefore believe it would be silly to create a new device, how to hand wash clothes says Erlend Grimstad (Sp), Deputy Minister how to hand wash clothes of Agriculture and Food.
- Right rely on the FSA, which has several years of experience with the question, does a good and sufficient work to protect animal welfare, and we therefore see no need to change the current system, said communications Right, Dennis Klausen Fjellseth to how to hand wash clothes FSA: - Yes please to the expensive police
- We welcome to have a similar solution to what they have in Sweden. We believe that the cooperation between the FSA and the police how to hand wash clothes may be stronger, and that a special unit within the police force can work with animal welfare, says Ole-Herman Tronerud the FSA.
- There are three constraints to create a new audit group. The first is resources. FSA already using the resources. New resources have to come from somewhere. The second is competence. Those with the most expertise on animal inspections in Norway, is already how to hand wash clothes working with us, says Tronerud.
In a letter to the Police Directorate in April 2013 FSA writes: "We have many examples of the interactions between the police and the FSA is good, although he is still room for improvement in cooperation overall. As previously mentioned, how to hand wash clothes we also want to discuss the possibility of a joint pilot project of an "animal police" the Swedish model ".
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