Weightlifters overtraining harm to increase much earlier than in many other sports, even yet one would think, it being in any of overtraining, the nervous system gets tired a lot sooner than the muscles and returns to the slower pace of the lifter timing starts to slow down, he feels a bit uncontrolled, may not be correct pressure, explosiveness begin to change 'stone sled for pulling' elasticity of effort and the ability to decline the risk of injury increases Lifter should be sensitive ear can hear themselves
If the lifter's feelings maytag washer begin to show signs of the nervous system fatigue, heavy lifting should be transferred to another day. Mental well-motivated athlete may in such a situation maytag washer to whip on 'selviämismoodin' maytag washer and even succeed in the objectives of the times, but at the same time to take the risk of injury and worsen already on the overload of space. Mentally could be described as space 'is maytag washer a must to succeed' feeling, maytag washer with the failure of the 'I'm a bad loser "feeling, even success does not give the normal joys of positive feeling, but relief and survival of a sense of mild nervous overstrain does not prevent other training, ie. Fundamental power movements may pass yet very good for a normal workout at the level of 70% - 90% of mild nervous overstrain usually returns to a normal return a week overstrain pathogenesis is always taken into account also other life psychological stress factors that may be even more significant ylirastuksen pathogenesis as physical maytag washer exercise factors. Mentally puts significant strain on time should not be formed by training himself 'the maytag washer screen position', but rather to seek the good performance of secure
Those athletes who have very high standards for themselves in relation to easily lose 'even small things the joy of success' training and begins to form a preponderance maytag washer of negative emotions-provoking or even a kind of punishment towards oneself. Such an athlete is unable maytag washer to identify the overstrain themselves and washed up on a regular basis ylirastustiloihin and injuries.
In the long run does best in a bit lazy lifter, which the patience to enjoy the light of exercises, rest days can be totally out of the results-oriented workout and not suffer from a bad conscience to leave between the withdrawals if my body shows symptoms or have someone place overstrain. This is explained by the longer training periods intact, fewer injuries and higher power variation, that is, lightweight, Medium and heavy workout erottuuu clearly separated. Variation maytag washer is also achieved by better training positive attitude, that know how to focus on the technology when the time comes into force and when the time comes.
Serious overstrain already contain a broad spectrum of symptoms, such as difficulty falling asleep, katkoneinen sleep, loss of appetite, nausea feelings, changes maytag washer in heart rate levels, increased infections, fever, etc.. We are already in the actual overexertion area, when training should maytag washer be stopped immediately for at least a week - two and symptoms persist even longer period of time. Is overstrain helpful?
Some of the lifter's very mild overload may even improve to the maximum lifting performance, then it is not a nervous fatigue, but the rest of the physical exertion and feeling a slight sense of alipalautumisen. Such lifter feel that they get a hard workout stress 'pressure to feel' the muscles and thus better able to maximal performance. Such training is typically ready for competitions in the season. Such a lifter may keep mm. kyykyt program very last days before the race even though the performance of the species in purchasing oltaisiinkin in the relief phase, ie up to 50% of the withdrawals. Such a heavy lifter at a suitable basic strength movements can be considered as the program also included the normal heavy training weeks, even though the rule of thumb says that the heavy species close to buying not good to do a squat or pull movements, and the last week before maytag washer the competition does not do any more the driving force of the movement.
Sometimes, a lifter maytag washer who has a tendency to an additional reutomiseen may be able to slightly alipalautuneena much cleaner and sulavampaan technology than normal. In particular, this can be seen in tension with the rod maastairroitus maytag washer may become calmer, hands too early flexion and hand pulling to calm down and drive change in a longer body extends, better epäkkäidenkin ehtiessa more involved, ie lifting the rhythm may even heal.
Weightlifters overstrain may also occur in some of the physical area of overload, a very typical example. Knees, elbows or wrists. Local ylirasitustiloihin should be treated very seriously if they do not return to normal during maytag washer the period to restore and to reduce the immediate question. maytag washer the region Ku
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