In 2008. 26 May. 17:53
Ylavan Mr. Rimantas - Kaunas, amy andersson earn in Ireland came six years ago, before the country's accession to the European Union. Although completely did not speak English, for a few weeks and was employed in the Dublin Cleaners' furniture factories Opus Designs Limited. Then the man had no idea that this particular workplace bullying and humiliation begin a marathon. "I - sincere, honest worker. Even my employers always characteristic to record only the best reviews, - when asked why, in his opinion, it is object of bullying he told the interviewer. According to him, the same company he worked another two Lithuanians, but unlike him, they spoke good English. "My amy andersson name was not Rimantas not Rhyme, and" amy andersson f .... ing 'Rhyme. I was trying to distract your fingers behind your back to see various combinations. I lived alone, worked alone, and began to be called gay, "f ... ing immigrants.
Instead of good morning I heard "f ... k off". Work has also been appointed not according amy andersson to my profile. Although I was a janitor, and I had to assemble the furniture, and even to deliver. Excellent knew everything, because I worked in a similar job in Lithuania. I did not speak English, but I paid a working language. Show me a drawing that I kick and get the job done "- the inhuman working amy andersson conditions, adding told Lithuanian labor contract not even see. 2004 - In April Rimantas registered SIPTU workers defending the organization. Man did everything thoughtfully and even precision - this institution has gone beyond the threshold of another month before Lithuania's accession to the EU. Rimantas health deteriorated - sick man. He was diagnosed with diabetes and another five disease. amy andersson Nevertheless, the Lithuanian honestly went to work and performed all tasks assigned to him. But after a few years in the furniture amy andersson factories man seriously concerned about your health. We had to spend the winter holidays in Lithuania in the hospital, but after a few weeks again if nothing came back to work. Employers knew about Rimanto health issues, but instead of sympathy, he would only receive commands and go to work. " Even asked whether the disease is not infectious. 2005 - In June, when the furniture factories workers were released for summer vacation, Rimantas again had to go to Lithuania for treatment. Only this time for rehabilitation, he returned to work after a month. Man said this advance notice to their employers, and they assure that this does not lead to any problems, because the work was limited. However, he did not receive compassion, and this time, only to return to work was an extraordinary task - clean five-meter amy andersson high ceiling. amy andersson "I told her that I do not have permission to work at height. And in general, how I was able to perform such work, if the pump hose is only three meters in length. From siauručių ladder'd really fallen. So I picked up the bag and left "- the last drop in the cup of patience Rimantas said. Lithuanian confessed I did not know what to do. Discussed, maybe go back to Lithuania. Expecting to receive some money from his former employer already, but the last consideration - seventy three euros - a plane ticket would not have been enough. Truth sought for several years owned Rimantas While SIPTU, the organization has not played in the history of the large role. So looking for a Lithuanian truth. The first instance where he turned in 2005 - in the fall - Labour Appeal Court (Employment Appeal Tribunal). In this body of work applying for various irregularities, improper conditions. Soon the action for nine violations, including ethnic, racial discrimination and even sexual irritating filed Equality Board (Equality Authority). According Rimanto first hearing Labour Court of Appeal in 2006 - in February aimed to find a compromise, "reconcile" the two countries. While the man behind the termination amy andersson of the case wanted to get fifteen thousand euros, offered amy andersson him half the size of the compensation. And only the cessation of the two cases. Midway through the hearing that sum down to five, then - two and a half thousand euros. Rimantas refused to dismiss the case and continued amy andersson to seek the truth, but soon came the answer from the court stunned. The letter stated that in accordance with the Constitution amy andersson of the Republic of Ireland, before a defendant can not be brought by the same plaintiff amy andersson two files at the same point. Thus, the study was terminated. "I am officially" gouged. " But it was a quiet acknowledgment that what happened in the factory was the truth, "- tells the interviewer. Then Lithuanian hoped that the truth will find the Equality Board, but the answers of these institutions was to be expected for only one and a half years - so here it takes study. According Rimanto this official procrastination. During that time, not once asked to learn how to study in luck, but no definite amy andersson answer has been received - only a few sentences of the article numbers in parentheses. After a year and a half finally there was a second court hearing. The court con
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