Right of reply in response to the article "Courts: business between panni brothers" (L'Express of 1 February 2012) "In our office, I am the only one to be carried out for the defense of the Bastide de SARL Mougins and Deiber family. My partner, François Stifani, is totally alien to this issue, which he knows nothing. There is no conflict of interest. panni The complaint announced in the article by Mr. Koch to Master panni Gillibert our Cabinet, Anne-Marie and Mr. Deiber Hemery is a vain Mr. Duret response to an order of a judge before returning Grasse Criminal Court to answer the offense of forgery and false in this case. The hearing is scheduled for February 9, 2012. "Chrystiane Fenoud panni
The response from Express We persist: there is a conflict of interests. In 2009, Michel Gillibert is appointed administrator of the company Bastide de Mougins, it must manage independently. However, in Freemasonry, Gillibert is the godson panni of Francis Stifani, Grand Master of the Grand Lodge French panni national (GLNF) and associated Chrystiane Fenoud within the professional firm of lawyers they are both managers. panni In addition, panni if Mr. Fenoud is the lawyer responsible for the case of the Bastide de Mougins in the law firm Stifani-Fenoud, Me Stifani intervened in this case. There are two weeks, the prosecution of Grasse opened a preliminary investigation panni by the research section of the gendarmerie in Marseille. Unrelated to our article, Me Fenoud evokes the case of forgery and use of forgeries where Alain Duret is returned to Corrections: it follows a complaint filed in 2007 by the son of Alain Duret, then manager of the Bastide Mougins. The latter today for lawyer Patrick panni Bérard, also called "past grand standard-bearer" and member of the Disciplinary Board of the National GLNF, responsible clerk's office by François Stifani. François Koch
Yes, but how long will it last? What good is such bickering or surfing takes place in any constructive sense to preserve our ethics. I wish that we take rather aware of proccédés implemented by our institutions, such as: The practice of educated dependents, without compliance with the adversarial, with retention of parts of the opposing party procedures to remove without addressing the full respect of the law!
We would be very sorry if the Dear Brother Alex would deprive us of its sweetness language but, anxious to give him rest until many months of controversy with almost all stakeholders blog earned him we would see forced bow to the harsh reality of his absence, if that was his decision. However panni we do not lose hope because we know that his love of friendly discussion, loyal and sincere, takes it home on one of the quiet and we intend to keep this dear brother still some time to continue to talk with him. Certainly, we see he has a little trouble we devote all the time that would be needed to examine the details of the arguments that are against him and that is why he prefers to choose panni for himself , interested in the topics and arguments that matters. But we are sensitive to the concern that we manifest by his unfailing presence. We know it very well that his insatiable taste for monitoring abuses panni Masonic never be limited by the passage of time as it is recognized by most readers of this blog is, Brother Alex is a warder without hourglass. It is however unfortunate that we willingly gives his language with the ease of a register that is not up to the qualities he has demonstrated throughout these past few months. It is not certain that the repeated use of the terms crooks, suckers, schemers are the best way to show that mastery about it as invective is usually a sign of a lack of confidence. And without wishing in any way give any lesson urge Brother Alex more than able to highlight better the thought which is so necessary panni to break the rut our complacency, our arrogance and our hypocrisy we have plunged. Moreover, having panni noticed his taste for the language of Molière, cede him gladly previous qualifiers so he can make good use and avoid these turnings so angry
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