Saturday, December 28, 2013

Ivan T. withstood all the torture and did not give up, did not sign the charges. After the collapse

People that have transgressed and there with him - criminal. He is capable of doing evil. It is subject to penalty. Who repented and through remorse, shame and pain back to the beginning, to do good, he cleansed, became man. That's where the spiritual essence of life and death, eternity and immortality. The requirement how to clean an iron for the whole truth about the crimes of 1930-1950-ies - the voice of the national conscience.
Cleansing conscience society needs which the approval and spawned genocide - the greatest crime against humanity. Of course, will not repent nor dead killer or even a "quiet pensioners." Should repent the next generation who have not seen the same troubles, repent for the sins of their ancestors. Mental suffering must take the descendants of people mourn the victims, to assess crimes. Such spiritual dialectic of society. Must be due to conscience, not to back death. People, like people, has its own personality. Only man is alone, and great people. Only man is limited in time to their age, and the people is eternal in its history.
Third Pozniak: In my youth I just painfully heart Shook the stories of people who have returned from Stalin's camps and prisons, how to clean an iron almost out of nowhere. I then did not recorded and not recorded, and with horror realized his mistake in the heat of the '70s, when he saw a gradually returns as falklaryzuetstsa, mifalagizuetstsa folk memory of those times and just disappears. Shocking images of the stories are in the mind ...
Here are driving people in stages. In twenty below driven train. Stopped at the station. "Everyone undress - convoy orders - go to the bath." Naked people on lyutom pour cold water from hoses. "3 light steam - guards laugh - and now sleep." I closed the door. The morning train from all alive were few. Icy corpses were loaded onto carts so that hanging head, and one of the executioners of their splitter splits. how to clean an iron Seen orders for guarantee. Years pass, and does not disappear from view killer dead.
That brought to Kolyma, driven how to clean an iron into leaky wooden barrack disastrous wind whistles. Half through the night did not rise. Then put the rest stynuschie, frozen corpses along the walls to close the loopholes to keep warm. I stand in front of me clearly those Atlanteans and caryatids, that era architecture, the image - the barracks ...
Ivan T. told Smal, a party member since 1917, member of the Revolutionary Committee of Gomel. In 1937 he worked at Mogilev Repairs Plant deputy director. He was taken to a meaningless how to clean an iron denunciation Komsomolets-stakhanovites how to clean an iron - the plant is not repaired in time for two cars. Stuck in the chamber, where there was a tightly serried mass of people can not even move. People choked, prophesied, died standing, and the corpses were living together. I when I could not even squeeze polucheloveka, new prisoners guards threw up at the head of the living.
And to clear the readings, there was a separate camera, dark, low, five feet below the ceiling, filled with ice water. On the only dry place in the center stood a black coffin. I only there could find salvation from the cold water. Many mad at the coffin.
Ivan T. withstood all the torture and did not give up, did not sign the charges. After the collapse of Yezhov, he was released - the patient and the white-haired ... And in the early '50s, he went for his son in the Ministry of Social Welfare of the BSSR. In the lobby, they met with a confident, how to clean an iron smartly dressed woman with her head held high and grayish how to clean an iron hair. "Hello, Ivan T." - did not say she sang throaty voice and went. Ivan T. fainted in the arms of his son. "Father, how to clean an iron who is this?" - "This Baykova. Before the war she was in Mogilev NKVD investigation. " She tortured Ivan Trofimovitch. Before Baykova trembled all prisoners of Mogilev. Sadists, she was only questioning the men, and was especially fond of torturing former revolutionaries. Prisoners to strip naked and dance to the waltz "On the Hills of Manchuria", demanded to sing. Then he took specially made for this purpose with a wire whip and lashed fringe human organs and most painful places, bringing themselves to ecstasy, and rushes from the prisoner to the pain. By 1937, the son of Ivan Trofimovitch studied how to clean an iron in the same school with his son Baykova how to clean an iron (Baykova husband also worked in the NKVD), visited their homes, not knowing anything. how to clean an iron The friendly hostess apron gives candy and tea ...
Ya Shmygalev: In the mid-1950s, how to clean an iron being the captain of the Soviet how to clean an iron Army, I served in the Vologda region. There I met with a senior how to clean an iron lieutenant Peter Uvarov, who in 1940 participated in the eviction of the Crimean Tatars. He told me that all the quarters inhabited by Crimean Tatars, were at the same time surrounded by troops of the NKVD. On the fees given time about an hour. Gathered at gunpoint. how to clean an iron While trying to escape how to clean an iron - death. Tatars were herded into trucks and taken to Siberia and Kazakhstan. In echelons they were fed only salted herring and Kamsa. It is not given water to drink, and they died: first, the sick and the old, and for

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