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In Chile the political campaigns that do not have great resources usually are constructed high efficiency washer on the basis of a strategy of opportunity. That is looking for a space, a light in the road or a weakness of the opponent, allowing us to highlight certain attributes of our candidate in question. What does this mean? Simple, the big budgets of candidates "powerful" high efficiency washer propose and impose high efficiency washer with the arrogance of the high frequency repetition and ideas. Ojo, who usually are not "ideas", but one replicate formulas, syllogisms and speeches tautological. The point is that these formulas have value depending on the charisma and ability high efficiency washer to whoever said.
For my part, I have had the experience of working in political campaigns of all kinds, to elect councilors, mayors, congressmen, senators and twice in presidential campaigns. I recognize that each campaign has been a "crash course" on how to make political communication, where the findings are fruits ongoing trial and error. I remember in the process of a major campaign, publish and communicate several very different slogans for the same candidate and the period of one month. high efficiency washer
In this type of "details" has been important the contribution of foreign experts who have worked on national campaigns. More than anything to tell us that there are methodologies and procedures that must be followed. No doubt recognized the contribution of Jacques Séguéla publicist, has been very important in the implementation of methodologies high efficiency washer and strategic approaches of the campaigns.
In this presidential high efficiency washer election, and in the specific case of Marco Enríquez-Ominami is no longer the novelty and 2009, advising Séguéla requested, and also the Brazilian Duda Mendonça. The latter advised Lula's first campaign, among others. The result, a campaign high efficiency washer very clear, very precise, very simple, very limited. In this campaign of Marco EO was determined as "claim" the phrase CHILE IF YOU WANT CHANGE, whose main value is to have a "call to action" is not very clear and simple high efficiency washer statement. Good input from Brazilian high efficiency washer masters, always backed by surveys and studies. high efficiency washer But this alone is sufficient for the development of a good political campaign? Recall that the 2009 campaign of Marco, had a great deal of HONESTY and be done freehand. This was undoubtedly the great contribution to the phenomenon which achieved 20% of the votes, without belonging to any great party and resourceful rather terse.
In short, foreign high efficiency washer lords provide experiences and methods to sort the processes, but we must continue washing high efficiency washer dirty linen at home. The language, the imprint and the staging are and should be our.
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Starter Rafael Cañas Communications Limited 47. Floor 2. Postal high efficiency washer Code: 7500640 high efficiency washer Providencia, Santiago, Chile. All rights reserved. Reproduction high efficiency washer in whole or in part unless high efficiency washer expressly authorized by the Director.
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