Note: The work was written in Catalan but incorporates paragraphs old Catalan, Spanish, Latin Spanish town and need careful reading and machine translators. (Photo Ignatian Wik i) The name "Manresa" is undoubtedly the name of population that is most parts of the world. You can find any continent as a city or town; college or university; street or square; newspaper, radio or television. The popularity of the brand "Manresa" is due or thanks to St. Ignatius of Loyola. Don Iñigo de Yañez Oñaz (Azpeitia 1491, Rome 1556) (best known for making the adaptation to Spanish of his name Ignacio Lopez de Loyola). It was a noble but militant Basque to Spanish royal house, changed the sword to the cross in Manresa, where he spent a year (1522-1523) and a natural cave near the river Cardener, was inspired wm3470hva to create the Company Jesus. The Jesuits have radiated from that cave, named Manresa around the globe. Although the name Ignatius and well known to everyone associated with the Jesuits, his parents decided they put this name in memory of another Ignatius that had preceded it is little known in spite of being a parent the church. Ignatius of Antioch, who wrote a lot of letters, bishop wm3470hva and martyr lived and died within the first century; the controversy over the authorship of his writings wm3470hva already began in the sixteenth century and still lasted in the nineteenth century, I have a book while recognizing the quantity and quality of their written questions it. A reference to this Saint Ignatius takes us on Lucio Dextro in his "Chronicon," page 24 says that the events of the year is not exactly 216 in the first century: "... Epiftolae. S.Ignatij ad . B. Virginem habetur celebrate ... "
This work differs wm3470hva from the information and books that can be found on the life of St. Ignatius, makes a foray into the process of canonization that took place a few years after his death when there were still witnesses who had known in life. The Inquisition had no job, basically the inquisitors were members of communities (Franciscans, Dominicans) who regarded the Jesuits as some new competitors in a market saturated with very monastic orders. Since life in the Inquisition had tried and jailed a few times, felt that I had enough training to preach theological matters. The work will take us through the streets of Manresa wm3470hva frequented Ignatius: we are on your side; eat with him; pray with him; to suffer; is bordered on the way that best defines the Catalan character "sense and rapture" (La Razon y Arrojo); succumb to despair; will be tempted by evil; We rose to fall again a few steps further; haul a huge wooden cross in front of the indifferent gaze of the monks from the Dominican cloister. We will have many fronts not know which way to throw every attempt will result in another failure and relapse. When finally someone gives us a nibbling dry bread, we look at it, and spent days without food when we taste it, we see another man more desperate than us and almost dragging us give our crack. With our dress made of a sack and a stick, continue by steep streets of Manresa, hoping that we get the "Exim Cardener Enlightenment" and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can finally create the Society of Jesus . And the work will take us to the places he visited Manresa Ignatius. End with a brief presentation of artistic performances by different artists around the world who have been inspired by Ignatius. The work emphasizes only the first stay Ignatius wm3470hva in Manresa, having been to the Holy Land and Barcelona, he returned again to Manresa, but it was not the bogeyman. He was a man with very clear ideas who sought wm3470hva involvement and partnerships with Cistercians and other friends who had made the city to reach their final challenge. Link to access the second part Due to wars, there are places wm3470hva that no longer exist in this case will help scanned photos of several books on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, all photographs present, should be understand that they are the author's work but says the source.
Ignatius wearing a life knight (court, women, good life) when being badly wounded in the leg in 1521 during the defense of the city Pamplona face the French, he understood that would be dedicated from then no military wm3470hva affairs. After reading a few books on mystical tendency, one of them the "Flos Sanctorum" (the book is also used by painters and sculptors to know the v