Sunday, May 31, 2015

Note: The work was written in Catalan but incorporates paragraphs old Catalan, Spanish, Latin Spani

Note: The work was written in Catalan but incorporates paragraphs old Catalan, Spanish, Latin Spanish town and need careful reading and machine translators. (Photo Ignatian Wik i) The name "Manresa" is undoubtedly the name of population that is most parts of the world. You can find any continent as a city or town; college or university; street or square; newspaper, radio or television. The popularity of the brand "Manresa" is due or thanks to St. Ignatius of Loyola. Don Iñigo de Yañez Oñaz (Azpeitia 1491, Rome 1556) (best known for making the adaptation to Spanish of his name Ignacio Lopez de Loyola). It was a noble but militant Basque to Spanish royal house, changed the sword to the cross in Manresa, where he spent a year (1522-1523) and a natural cave near the river Cardener, was inspired wm3470hva to create the Company Jesus. The Jesuits have radiated from that cave, named Manresa around the globe. Although the name Ignatius and well known to everyone associated with the Jesuits, his parents decided they put this name in memory of another Ignatius that had preceded it is little known in spite of being a parent the church. Ignatius of Antioch, who wrote a lot of letters, bishop wm3470hva and martyr lived and died within the first century; the controversy over the authorship of his writings wm3470hva already began in the sixteenth century and still lasted in the nineteenth century, I have a book while recognizing the quantity and quality of their written questions it. A reference to this Saint Ignatius takes us on Lucio Dextro in his "Chronicon," page 24 says that the events of the year is not exactly 216 in the first century: "... Epiftolae. S.Ignatij ad . B. Virginem habetur celebrate ... "
This work differs wm3470hva from the information and books that can be found on the life of St. Ignatius, makes a foray into the process of canonization that took place a few years after his death when there were still witnesses who had known in life. The Inquisition had no job, basically the inquisitors were members of communities (Franciscans, Dominicans) who regarded the Jesuits as some new competitors in a market saturated with very monastic orders. Since life in the Inquisition had tried and jailed a few times, felt that I had enough training to preach theological matters. The work will take us through the streets of Manresa wm3470hva frequented Ignatius: we are on your side; eat with him; pray with him; to suffer; is bordered on the way that best defines the Catalan character "sense and rapture" (La Razon y Arrojo); succumb to despair; will be tempted by evil; We rose to fall again a few steps further; haul a huge wooden cross in front of the indifferent gaze of the monks from the Dominican cloister. We will have many fronts not know which way to throw every attempt will result in another failure and relapse. When finally someone gives us a nibbling dry bread, we look at it, and spent days without food when we taste it, we see another man more desperate than us and almost dragging us give our crack. With our dress made of a sack and a stick, continue by steep streets of Manresa, hoping that we get the "Exim Cardener Enlightenment" and with the help of the Holy Spirit we can finally create the Society of Jesus . And the work will take us to the places he visited Manresa Ignatius. End with a brief presentation of artistic performances by different artists around the world who have been inspired by Ignatius. The work emphasizes only the first stay Ignatius wm3470hva in Manresa, having been to the Holy Land and Barcelona, he returned again to Manresa, but it was not the bogeyman. He was a man with very clear ideas who sought wm3470hva involvement and partnerships with Cistercians and other friends who had made the city to reach their final challenge. Link to access the second part Due to wars, there are places wm3470hva that no longer exist in this case will help scanned photos of several books on the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries, all photographs present, should be understand that they are the author's work but says the source.
Ignatius wearing a life knight (court, women, good life) when being badly wounded in the leg in 1521 during the defense of the city Pamplona face the French, he understood that would be dedicated from then no military wm3470hva affairs. After reading a few books on mystical tendency, one of them the "Flos Sanctorum" (the book is also used by painters and sculptors to know the v

Saturday, May 30, 2015

Friday, 22 October 2010

Friday, 22 October 2010
Because this marks the end of Week III Meeting of entities of the former Crown of Aragon in Mallorca, remember to take advantage of them if not in person, steam irons Aledua steam irons be present albeit of this symbolic form . And not giving them my support and giving them thanks for inviting me. And what better way than doing it in the documentation I found thanks That big ad Majorcan president of the Academy of his tongue bullets, John Vanrell. Although he and Garau, vice president, ya have read, hope remains on the height of the speakers. The counties steam irons that were French, it must not ya say it, but how and who did Aragoneses is from a few years ago mit, ya that much information is erased or simply sitting manipulated, and that's why I have had to resort to ancient sources but especially to foreign sources. I do not understand how or why someone might feel embarrassed by their past to the point of sacrificing ad delete it and try it. Two years ago, on the occasion of a conference on John Vanrell Action Group Valencianista I had the opportunity gojar a conference full of history and "for me agenciar" very curious map, representing the political situation in the various European kingdoms 1250. The words of this man created me curious, and since that day I looked for documentation on the facts. On a manuscript or just to show you that this accord steam irons reached ad Arago much as France. The year was 1180 terms after a meeting at the Council of Tarragona, approved renounces vassallage the king of France, and at the County Barcelona had become a vassal steam irons of the House of Aragon in 1162 as resulted in the death of Count Ramon Berenguer IV-Princip and as it signed by this. Estate steam irons now until your child complixca adulthood Petronila the mandates of the Kingdom of Aragon unified now if at all in Barcelona and the different counties and Marquesats both Catalan and French inherited by her husband. Estate latter (the French), the first point of contention between the house and the Kingdom of Aragon Frances. Aixina estate Carcassonne, Montpelier and Millau (inheritance belonging to the House of Aragon), the main basis of this contention. But really ... Council of Tarragona 1180 That had power? France had given to his pretensions? That was really alone Aragones Council. And France was not disposed to give way none of its power over land Carolignes of Marca Hispanica. An example of this might be that the French continued making inroads on the Mark for a long time. Even after signing the Treaty of Corbeil. But France could not change what is a law that had stood for many years in practice, so that the counties had the distinction of being hereditary, and was dead by Berenguer regarding inheritance passed to his wife Petronila until that happens his heir Alfonso II. An inheritance that does not like anything steam irons in France, but it really fair. Count dependent possessions become Agoneses. And for this conflict, so Arago and France are always faced up, having both wars and betrayals. steam irons We should remember as the Albigensian Crusade (1209-1215 (First stage)) and especially the final battle of Muret (1215). End of the pretenses Aragoneses on Occitana France and of course, death of the Aragonese king Peter II, father of James. Although in principle were simply attempts to defend the Catholic Church against the Cathars in Occitania. But the crusade against albigessos exits, and try to Meux-Paris, 12 April 1229 (which would cause a massive flight of people to the fact that Marca Hispanica mark the integration of Occitan in Catalonia but ya talk about this in occasion atra) and Melun, in April 1226, Midi, Carcassonne Millau became part of the Kingdom Frances. Causing the Aragonese also wish to reclaim their former possessions and aixina between 1234 and 1242 begins a war between France and Aragon due to the military steam irons invasion of Millau. To which Louis IX answer fortified steam irons castles Quéribus Peirepertus and to protect the Carcassonne Sur. But these facts ad, remember that the final would puncha empijorar these facts, how the bishop of Magalona in taking possession of Montpelier (which became part of the Kingdom of Aragon after the death of Gilles VIII Montpelier father of Peter II) remember William VIII had sat vassal of Louis IX, declaring aixina James I as his vassal. Responding ad offense steam irons is keeping the Aragonese pretensions about Millau and making inroads in Carcassonne, what ya feya almost inevitable a new confrontation between the two Kingdoms. Adding ad Aço that Louis IX had not given up on ever lands Brand Hispanica that followed the co

Friday, May 29, 2015

With preposition:

Ad palestram palestricis faciendis Imus Functions accusative
"The soldiers built an embankment three hundred and thirty feet wide and eighty feet high"
6. accused of relationship: used by poets of the time of Augustus, the Greek influence. It depends primarily adjectives and participles and designates one person or thing affected by the verbal action. maytag washers Free translation. Lacrima perfusa Genas
2. Guests nothing frumentaria deficere maytag washers coepit.
18. Savoyards Pompeius omnia praesidia circumduxit sweat.
34. Fines Helvetiorum in longitudinem maytag washers passuum CCXL milia, in latitudinem CLXXX patebo.
50. Caesar Galliam potius esse quam Ariovisto populi Romani negabat.
66. Germanium Femina aliquid in Sancti inesse putabant.
82. Nihil mea interest, quid from me hominis imperitis loquantur
98. Our interest has omnium Valere.
114. Multi erunt, quibus straight literas dare Poss, who ad Libentia perferant me.
130. Sua cuique Civitates eastern religion.
146. Agathocles, who regnavit in Sicily, ad regiam maiestatem ex humble you pervenerat sordid genre.
162. Praeneste ab ad Latinis Ronanos descivit.
178. Fictas fables cum voluptate legimus.
194. Castro Trier positive milibus passibus quindecim, helps exspectare constituunt.
"Mark, wife of Cato" 2. genitive of quality: quality, class or species
"Who among us?"
Memory and oblivion meminisse, remember, reminiscent, oblivisci
Hic est homo Parvin
Mihi nomen est Marco
"This is believed to be you"
Dative ethical uses mihi, Tibi nobis, vobis without syntactic function in the sentence, stating only that the person referred to has a "special interest" in the verbal action: it has only an affective value. In Catalan equivalent phrases such as: "I cry"; "Although my son tracta'm"
5. Haec femina pulchrum Vultum habuerat maytag washers
Legati to Porsena venerunt
Decrevere you legati Iugurthae Italia desederent
Adjectives with the same semantic field in the previous section: Inan, vacuus, Orbus, nudus, liber.
With preposition:
"Caesar ensured by means of the explorers"
Emi virginem triginta minis
Ablative relationship: limitation that is used to clarify and specify the party or the view under which upheld the verbal action. Frequent verbs and adjectives superiority doctrine Graeacia us omni litterarum genre superabat
"Living honestly is, with virtue"
"The Gauls employed the Greek alphabet"
"We need your authority
2015 (120) May (17) April (28) March (39) February (27) January (9) 2014 (134) December (10) November (18) October (16) September (19) July (9) June (3) May (15) April (6) March (15) February maytag washers (13) January (10) 2013 (283) October (2) August (1) July (1) June (37) May (40) April (76) Plato Plato's cave between the hammer and pliers The Rose of St. George's soul Plato Iulius Maternus The Firmicus reality and appearance in Plato dragon Jordi another Latin literature in the fourth maytag washers century AD The panegyrics Scriptores historiae Augustae Elius Juni Cordus Marius Maximus Thoughts of Oscar Wilde wrote Macbeth Who? Apuleius (125-180) M.Corneli Front (100-169) The anonymous Pervigilium Veneris Anni Florus maytag washers literature maytag washers at the time of Hadrian (117-138) C.Suetoni Tranquil Pliny Second Secil (61-2 -113) P. Cornelius Tacitus (54 / 55-116 / 120) The dictates Catonis: Fabius Quintilian (35 / 40-96) The Jester King Lear (a watered down version of the King ... Petroni Consecutio temporum Subordinate adverbial or circumstantial. participle and gerunds active periphrastic periphrastic passive participle adjective subordinate clauses or clauses on indirect Inrerrogatives substantive or completive: maytag washers Prose Seneca infinitive clauses concordat concordat and prayer composed maytag washers in Latin. The coordination Boredom The phone and nose The c

Thursday, May 28, 2015

It is a park in which you can do many activities, from walking calmly to extreme jumps in the area

Before starting with the news, I present the city for those who do not know: Sabadell, co-capital of Vallés Occidental, has nearly 208 thousand from Sabadell and Sabadell. Thus, it is considered a big city with high density.
Why Sabadell? Well, there are several theories that attempt to explain the name of the city, some more widespread than others. The most common and widespread belief is that the name comes from Sabadell "onion" (since the plant is drawn to the shield of the city -Photo left-), although there is also the possibility that the name is due to the word "shoe" (to the city and had many shoemakers), or even the Latin expression "ipso uadell" (expression taken from a document found in the north).
Officially, the shield is a rhombus with angles and split into two halves horizontally. At the top are the onion, while the bottom is formed by the Catalan flag. Above the diamond is a crown.
The onion is an important part of the culture of Sabadell then. The fact that this is the shield and, quite possibly, the name of the city is due to this element is not free. The onion refers landry to agricultural and humble beginnings of the population, landry although as the Industrial Revolution, landry Sabadell was a big industrialized city, especially with regard to the textile world.
Along with Terrace, in the twentieth century, both cities were in the textile industry for excellence. For the same reason, the city whole face is full of old factory chimneys. Unfortunately, today, textiles lost all the splendor that was before.
But not only lives Sabadell textiles are also important fields of art and sports. Theaters landry or stand as celebrity Estruch, different choirs and folk groups; and, with regard to sports, the Centre d'Esports Sabadell (currently landry in Second Spanish division) and Sabadell Swimming Club (in which the current Olympic medalist Mireia Belmonte trained). The city also has a club towers, saballuts the perfect synthesis between art and sports.
Regarding the field of knowledge, we find Sabadell Sabadell Art Museum, the Museum of the History of Sabadell, the Museum of Gas Natural Fenosa Gas (the only museum dedicated to the gas state Spanish) landry and, finally, the Institute Dr. Palenteològic Michael landry Crusafont (the best preserved collection of fossil mammals of state and one of the largest in the world). It also has the Astronomical Association of Sabadell.
The building is par excellence Sabadell Water Tower, located in the Parc Tauli. It is a tower that was used for many years as a water tank, but now has been as a monument.
Apart from the city center, which is the city council, the museums mentioned above and a large number of shops, plus a railway station and other FGC meeting point for recreation landry is Park Catalonia.
It is a park in which you can do many activities, from walking calmly to extreme jumps in the area enabled for skateboarding and inline skating, passing the lake or the playground.
2012 (19) December (3) November (5) October (10) Great success of "13, the musical" The NBA BBVA Experience Tour visits The inhabitants of Sabadell Sabadell fill the pantry Night Flemish Regional Center Murcia Arcadi Oliveres: "Who are we to stop the story?" ... The sea makes a stop in Sabadell Stop cuts by month 8 films of French cinema If you're an adult, Destapa't Get Sabadell September (1 )

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

As stated ge dryer parts by my colleague Yamina this year, the first high school have deepened in l

These are our representations for each llatinisme.
My sister is concerned. ge dryer parts Want to know if your partner really loves him or not. She says when they talk on the phone all goes well, but when they are it seems that he is not at ease. Lately she speaks ge dryer parts very sad to me. I have already said facto non uerba.
Wow! These topical use them much literature, many poeemes Renaissance and use them all up there nowadays use the Mistress say very expression "Carpe Diem" that we are young and live in the moment! 28 May 2013, 13:48
As stated ge dryer parts by my colleague Yamina this year, the first high school have deepened in literary topics, most of them created by Horace. Fortunately, many in saying we will never lose hope. good entry! 28 May 2013, 13:52
That these original performances! As my colleagues have said, this 1st year high school we studied literary clichés of each crafted poems. One of depth we listed, ge dryer parts it is carpe diem. But we've worked other such as the ubi sunt, Beatus ille, locus amoenus ... good entry !! 28 May 2013, 14:02
A very elaborate and Mireia Eulalia! I think it was good idea llatinismes represent several different ways, as some people have shown through ge dryer parts videos, through other small comic vignettes, etc. This makes it a more entertaining and we appreciate the work behind. The examples that you have so that we can understand the meaning of llatinismes seem very successful, considering the way they've done can easily understand the meaning. 28 May 2013, 15:51
Very good mireia and Lali! I find that the way you represented the llatinismes meeting is well represented since you have different memories. Such as making a comic, a video or a movie maker and all this helps you see that you have worked there. And I've found that all very well llatinismes ina way experesar them or represent them. Very good! 29 May 2013, 11:59
What good entry! Well worked with many different examples, comics, ge dryer parts video, everything! All knew, but now I understand from a very different, more practical and better. Good entrance! 29 May 2013, 12:05
Good job girls! ge dryer parts Very funny how you represented llatinisme slip. I think that thanks to this work, I learned a lot and llatinismes differently and waaaay more fun! 29 May 2013, 19:22
Very good idea to represent the fact llatinismes different ways, as we have all so clear. I find that these videos are llatinismes well expressed and well understood! Was very good !! June 2, 2013, 15:49
A very elaborate representations and worked very well. I liked your work and understand very well all llatinismes. Very good! June 5, 2013, 12:13
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Tuesday, May 26, 2015

The motive and the content of the popular movement, which may have contributed to the Pope decided

The proclamation of the new dogma could serve as opportunity to investigate the psychological roots. For me it has been very interesting to note that among the many articles published both Protestants and Catholics, on the occasion newslaundry of the declaration of the dogma, there has been not one that I know who has put enough highlight undoubtedly the reason this powerful statement, that is, the popular movement and their psychological needs. In essence, the authors have been content to scholarly historical dogmatic considerations that have nothing to do with the religious become alive. newslaundry But anyone who has followed in recent decades carefully so frequent apparitions of Mary, and has studied its psychological meaning, could already know what he was really going on. The fact that most cases were children who had visions could have been thinking, since in these cases always newslaundry acts the collective unconscious. newslaundry It seems also that the Pope himself had several visions of the Virgin Mary on the occasion of the declaration of the dogma. Since some time could find themselves running for the masses a deep desire that intercessor and mediator finally occupied its place next to the Holy Trinity newslaundry and was received "in the heavenly court as queen of heaven and wife God. " For over a thousand years it was assumed that the Virgin Mary was next to Trinity, and knew that the Old Testament Wisdom was with God even before the creation. The theology of the kings of ancient Egypt tells us that God can be human through a human mother, and already in prehistory knew that encompassed protoessència divine masculine and feminine. But the truth of this sort does not open in time way until it is rediscovered and proclaimed solemnly. Psychologically it is significant in terms of our time that the celestial wife has joined her husband in 1950. To play this event naturally be taken into account not only the arguments adduced by the proclamation of the Bull, but also foreshadowing contained in the apocalyptic marriage of the Lamb and the Old Testament anamnesis of Wisdom. The union nuptial canopy celestial means hierogàmia; This, in turn, is the first step in the incarnation, ie, the birth of that savior is regarded since antiquity as filius newslaundry solis et lunae as filius sapientiae and as correspondence of Christ . So when the people is the desire to praise the Mother of God, this trend means if reaches its goal, the desire is born a savior, a peacemaker, a mediator pacem inter Faciens inimicos. Although this savior has been born since always Pleroma, his birth in time can not occur unless it is perceived, known and declared (declaratur) to humans.
The motive and the content of the popular movement, which may have contributed to the Pope decided to make momentous solemnis of the new dogma declaratio is not a new birth of God, but their progressive incarnation, newslaundry which began in Christ. The critical-historical arguments are not at the height of dogma, moreover, these arguments it right, nor do genes objectives fears expressed by Anglican archbishops. First, the statement that Catholic dogma does not modify the concept has existed for over a thousand years, and secondly, not knowing that God wants to be human forever and therefore embodied gradually newslaundry over time through the Holy Spirit, is very serious and it can not mean that the views expressed in protesting these fears is the height of time, because you do not understand the signs of the time and pay attention to the progressive action the Holy Spirit. The Protestant view has lost contact with the powerful archetypal processes that take place in the soul of the individual and the masses, and those symbols that are intended to serve as compensation for the current situation in the world, truly apocalyptic (the rejection of psychological symbolism by the Pope could be explained by saying that what the Pope is interested mainly newslaundry emphasize newslaundry the reality of the metaphysical event. Because of that there is general contempt for the psyche, even attempt reach a proper psychological intellection newslaundry is suspected to advanced psychology. Naturally dogma must be protected against this danger. But when trying newslaundry to explain the physics of light, no one believes that this light will disappear. Instead, the psychology believes everything she explains, is eo ipso entenebrit. Naturally, I can not wait for my special and different point of view be known by any competent association). The view seems to have succumbed to a Protestant rationalist historicism and have lost the ability newslaundry to understand

Monday, May 25, 2015

1) The brain used for thinking, among other things. The philosophy of

Today almost all the media we do know that the European Court of Human Rights issued a ruling that supports the outlawing of Batasuna in 2003. Remember that meant that banning the release of the application of the infamous Law of Parties by the Spanish ucell Supreme Court, which is a policy measure to reach "as far the law can not reach" (ie a measure totally unbecoming of a rule of law) and allowed to ban political parties were not legally guilty of anything, simply by not joining in the chant of "I also condemn the assassination of ETA "(a situation that goes against a fundamental right: the freedom of expression, which refers not only to be able to say freely ucell what one thinks but also not to be forced to say if you want). So Europe now have the same level legal Spain: Unanimous seven judges decided to eat the livers hung abertzales. Fantastic. But the funniest thing of all this (and all of our politicians congratulaciones the "good work" of justice, righteousness) is that this ruling comes on the same day (or almost) that have occurred the following events, in which justice could have acted YES, but not done: (1) Spain will not investigate the death of 14 civilians in a bombing in Gaza. (2) jutgesa decreed the dismissal of the case by the aggressions Correllengua Gandia. Remember that a fascist (Spanish nationalists, of course) assaulted their participants and injured Maite Peiro, Councillor bel Valencian ucell Nationalist Bloc. (3) The prosecution filed proceedings against the mayor of Valencia's Mestalla exchange of land. Rita Barbera, remember, is the PP. I am glad, though, the financial condemnation Bernard Madoff, but I have that bad taste in your mouth as you think, the numerous scammers bastards that are in the world, only justice who has acted harshly against scammed other millionaires and powerful people. On this day, the scales of justice proves to be the most unbalanced ...
I can say naive, but the truth is expecting something else in Strasbourg. I suppose that Spain has been working underground in order to get the backing of the outlawed Batasuna. Given that begins to look like normal that a few years ago was rejected even by the PP, we insist on the arguments. And also some thoughts. -No One can be forced to condemn anything. The right to silence is also freedom of expression. ucell No far-right parties are compelled to condemn ucell acts of racist violence. Neither ucell PP and PSOE condemn the massacres of Palestinians. -No Sense to ban a party whose members are not accused of anything in particular. If there are members of a party suspected of something, existing criminal code to act against members axis. -How Said Javier Ortiz, the Law of Parties is the "Law of the Match." It is designed to act against a particular party. -L'ambigüitat Representing speak vaporous form ETA-Batasuna collusion with violence around nationalist, etc ... is the same ambiguity that allows for flexibility without ucell rigor. A flexibility that is used to going against Batasuna. -Some Say: "Xe, this does not matter to us here, is very far." Beyond the ethical outrage, should know that it is a precedent perillossísim. From now on, Spain can feel more protected by using the excuse of ETA when criminalized groups, parties, ideas, etc. 30/6/09 18:05
Remember who endorsed unanimously the ilegalització Batasuna has been the European Court of Human Rights. Not worth when a sentence not like ditty that came with Spain just that. Either we believe internacinal legal institutions or renounce ucell them in the name of ... what right? Subjetius our desires? Moreover, the legislation goes beyond party Batasuna. I know to racist and xenophobic propaganda ucell is not only due to ban partisan activity but, in addition, is a crime. We defend the right to freedom of expression that deny the Holocaust? You must have some sense. 30/6/09 21:38
1) The brain used for thinking, among other things. The philosophy of "word of God" does not apply to any court. You must use the criteria to "sanity." The road between opinion and faith is short; more laborious argued. ucell Forward. 2) There are crimes. The Criminal Code already provides. If a member of Batasuna makes a threat, for example, ucell can act against that person. The Law of Parties made no lack. 3) L

ἐπάμεροι τί δὲ τίς; τί δ

Today I will explain the particular miele canada form that had the Romans to swear, miele canada which is quite different from ours. Begin with the etymology of some words that are key to explain the oath Roman.
Formerly so everyone could swear before Jupiter everyone was just a human being. The only people who could not swear they were the priest and the Flamen Dial, because his words were sacred; Nor could swear the infidels because their oaths were considered eo ipso perjurios (automatically perjury). The Romans swore by different things for gods by other people, by law, animals, objects ... then I had to confirm the oath: to do the men swore by Jupiter and Hercules, Castor for women preferably by Pattern and slaves.
Currently to justice must swear on the Bible, but when the Romans once declared against miele canada Roman law, according to which only they could declare as witnesses men were swearing by his testicles. To do this, they had to feel them with his right hand to testify that said all truth.
This action will also be used when the Christian religion had been chosen to replace Cardinal Pope. The cardinal was subjected miele canada to a test by another cardinal, under which the latter had touched her genitals future Pope by hand to make sure and testified against the other was a man, avoiding fraud having chosen a woman who did happen to a man.
Claudia, n'havíem already spoken on the issue in class and really it is not clear where the truth begins and legend. It is actually what is called an uncertain etymology, but interesting !!! Good job. December 2, 2012, 11:27
Many men spend the whole time swearing, even if not serving them something. I think during the time of the Romans could hardly swear by my hair ... I have four hairs !!! A very interesting Claudia, really like! Good job! December 2, 2012, 15:50
It is a very original, it's funny the oath of women !! I personally would not do that now because we do not use wigs !!! I opted for the best of men: D! December 4, 2012, 19:53
ἐπάμεροι τί δὲ τίς; τί δ'οὐ τίς; σκίας ὄναρ ἄνθρωπος. Ἀλλὰ ὅταν αἴγλα διόσδοτος ἔλθη, λαμπρὸν φέγγος ἔπεστιν ἀνδρῶν καὶ μείλιχος αἰών Ephemeral: miele canada What is man? What is? The man is the dream of a shadow. But as long as the outbreak of Zeus comes a bright light hovering over mortals and live full of honey.
TAC classroom experience
Declension of nouns -llatí Declination of adjectives - Latin nouns Analysis - Analysis Latin verb forms - Latin CClloc Syntax - Syntax basic Latin - Latin Urban Forum Roman Forum Imperial Forum Imperial II Roman house Roman Villa Roman Architecture miele canada Architecture Greek Origin Rome - Roman monarchy Institutions Ornament Roman numerals The Roman soldier Marcus geographic and historic Rome Olympic Gods Oracle miele canada of Delphi socio-political organization of Athens sociopolitical organization of Sparta miele canada features Religion miele canada Greek sculpture Greek Islands
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Sunday, May 24, 2015

Wow, that scoring 17 December 75! We had read Kierkegaard made to the faculty then. Diary of a Sedu

Wow, that scoring 17 December 75! We had read Kierkegaard made to the faculty then. Diary of a Seducer, by the way. The entry is on page 70-71 of the book says: I think that any love story should last a maximum how to get turned on of six months and any loving bond must break's "eo ipso" when there is nothing left over Why enjoy. I know. I also know that the biggest pleasure imaginable is pleased to be loved above all. SPIRIT penetrate the whole being a woman is an art; but find time to get out is a masterpiece, although this always depends first act. And the addition of the comment: how to get turned on What reason have love without it? What love can feel or offer or keep those to whom it refused to make love? That young people were December 75 and inexperienced Franco died did not finish a month! Well, of inexperienced, we are always how to get turned on guess. And we were in that faculty moving how to get turned on away from all faith and who knows what we thought. Elements theory to kiss dedicated to all supporters of love, not that kiss husband and wife serving rather to clean your mouth instead of using the napkin and it sounds like a good profit get on rising table. The essence of good kisses and breviary Kierkegaard. The first kiss is different from all others. Indeed, a little further in this book 75, December 19, I read that a possible amnesty was announced. You see.
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Saturday, May 23, 2015

Publius Cornelius Tacitus was ___________________ Historian Latin more rigorous. No one knows where

Publius Cornelius Tacitus was ___________________ Historian Latin more rigorous. No one knows where he was born or dates of birth or death. In his ANNALS, Book III, Chapter 76, is the phrase jupiter hospital "conspicuous by its absence" which became so famous that it has reached our days. And say without knowing what comes. Now we see the origin and reason. jupiter hospital In Chapter 76 of Book III of the Annales, Tacitus jupiter hospital explains and details the funerals jupiter hospital of June, CATO niece, widow Caius Cassius jupiter hospital and Marcus Brutus sister who died that year, 64th after the battle of Philippi. He explains that before the urn and according to Roman custom funerals are carried in procession portraits of relatives and ancestors, and those who were the brightest of Brutus and Cassius, who were on the committee, and its absence was observed by all. And here it was the phrase "conspicuous by its absence" -------------- In Latin is "SED REFULGEBANT AT THAT Cassius Brutus. EO IPSO, QUOD eorum NON EFFICIES VIDEBANTUR "-------------- A French jupiter hospital poet, CHENIER says in his 'Tiberius' referring jupiter hospital to this scene," Devant Funèbre jupiter hospital where the urns Portait ses ancestors, between the soft héros who presents us yeux, provoquaient the Douleur et la reconnaissance, Cassius Brutus et brillaient par leur absence. " -------------- And in English, explain in more detail: "Juni too, the niece of Cato, wife of Caius Cassius and sister of Marcus Brutus, Died this year, the sixty-fourth After the battle of Philippi. Her will Was the theme of much popular criticism, for, with her vast Wealth, After Having honourably Mentioned almost every nobleman by name, she PASSED over the emperor. Tiberius Tooke the omission graciously, and did not in FORBID jupiter hospital panegyric before the Rostra with the other customary funeral honors. The busts of twenty families must Illustrious Were borne in the procession, with the names of Manlius, jupiter hospital Quinctius, and others of equal rank. But Cassius and Brutus outshone Them all, from the very fact Their likenesses That Were not to be seen. " ========================== Follow biography Publius Cornelius Tacitus, who can find more detailed or in Catalan, in French or in English. ....
View my complete profile Previous Posts Elihu Vedder jupiter hospital Symbolist Painter KENNETH ROBINSON 1917-2006 WALTHAM ABBEY PHOTOS: Nº2.- Façade of Egyptian Hall in ... LON John Bosco and Almogavar SACRED jupiter hospital HYEROGAMY Lawrence Alma-Tadema (PART 2) Lawrence Alma Tadema ( 1st part) Sky & Telescope DIAGRAM THE MAIN BELT

Friday, May 22, 2015

Podmostovite minea gauge for waterfowl moving many variables limits and necessary classification na

Bridges minea ....... | Engineering, engineering, materials, papers, development
To bridge perceived minea with all its merits, it is necessary to be provided with an overview suitable overall visibility. The situation of urban bridges is determined by the urban planning, minea communication and others. considerations. minea The distance m / u two local bridge is calculated so as to prevent excessive concentration and a communication overload. The distance m / t two city bridges must be maximum - 400 m. In communication terms, the bridge must meet several REQUIREMENTS:
The main communication problem in a city bridge are intersections to which he was discharged, and the number of flowing arteries. minea When their number is more than three requires construction of elliptical or circular island and organization of peripheral movement.
The bridge should be possible shorter, suggesting that the route is straight, intersecting at right angles to the pan and then in a narrow section. Inclined track bridge allowed only communication considerations. The banks must be healthy, sustainable and adequate height for naturally provide navigable size. The bridge must be situated in the straight minea sections of the riverbed, the turn requires strengthening. Arcuate path unsuited for suspension systems.
The dividing line should be at least 1.5-3.0 m wide, and there kolelootblaskvashti minea boards. To ensure the safety of the bridge pedestrian sidewalk is raised to 25-30 cm, while the curb 50 cm (from the canvas). Its width should be at least 1.50 meters for urban and 0.75 meters (emergency) for rural bridges. When the train. Bridges with L> 100 m in 50 m checkered must anticipate and playgrounds - havens.
In the combination of road and rail transport lanes can be arranged symmetrically or asymmetrically track with split or unified structure, minea with or without cantilever issue.
For urban conditions, however storey bridges are generally undesirable. They increase the height to be negotiated by pedestrians difficult to connect with the environment require complex bridgehead minea units and so on..
For the cross section of the bridge have meaning and width and the number of struts. They lead to sediments, vortices passed that route when arched narrow waterway opening. The width of the bridge has a structural significance, especially in suspension systems. To provide lateral stability, it should be at least 1.5 to 1.7% of the maximum aperture.
b) necessary to ensure the upliftment podmostovi gauges. The reduction, which is sometimes accomplished by a concave curve is not technically necessary, but is done in order to reduce the height of the pillars; c) the estimated construction speed and neodymium visibility; d) the weight of the transport unit and the type of surface.
and / convex minea - to increase podmostovite gauges; b / concave - on reducing the height of the supports; in / combined; d / with or without trestle (or embankment) to overcome the dispenser trays, to elevate the low coast, where necessary osiguryavanena craft gauge and so on..
d) for pedestrians (in gangways) the slope can reach 10-20% The higher the slope is preferably to be made stairs, not ramps. The minimum slope is 0.5%. It is needed for drainage. Longitudinal profile of the bridge plays an essential role in its architectural composition.
a) for cars with small streets H = 4.50 to 5.00 m; b) for cars in urban thoroughfares H = 5.50 m; c) zhp.transport plain thrust H = 5.55 m in width from 4.9 to 5.0 meters, while double minea line to 9 -10 m; d) train. electric powered transport, including tram, H = 6.30 to 6.50 m; e) train. electric powered transport in the area of the station H = 6.5 -7.0 m.
Podmostovite minea gauge for waterfowl moving many variables limits and necessary classification navigability of waterways and then the vessels in tonnage and dimensions.
When the bridge can not satisfy navigable dimensions (eg in lower coast), must be analyzed and other variants of bridges - a moving part ie increasing the convex curve of the longitudinal profile combined with a narrowing of the vessel track.
2. Central composition, which are usually the center - large 1.2 or 3 holes. For applications where some of the holes are brought different requirements (napr.gabariti for water transport). minea It provides the widest diversity and can be: Sime-in distribution - in equivalent in relief, height and construction (wooded-ing) banks and central positioning of the pan, or asymmetrical-in distribution - in reverse cases. In asymmetrical bowl, the center of the composition successfully shifted to bluff, because there the bed is deeper.
3. Horizontal composition - used in urban high in October

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

Details washer and dryer listing: Place and address: Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia

Industrial paper rolls, racks and holders, mash and paste - service, repair | Free Classified Ads | Post in
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Details washer and dryer listing: Place and address: Plovdiv, Varna, Burgas, Veliko Tarnovo, Sofia Country: Bulgaria Website: Phone: 0882364385 E-mail: Published : 01.27.2015 - 10:30 Offer expires: 8 days, 7 hours Published in: service, repair Posted by: annaivanova
"Catherine Max" Ltd. offers its customers a wide range of industrial paper rolls and stands and holders for them. The rollers are designed to remove any dirt in industry, food production, automotive, cleaning and washing avtomobili.Produktite find good use in garages, petrol

Tuesday, May 19, 2015

Boilers Home Appliances Washing Machine Dryer Dishwasher ceramic hob, oven radiators and convectors

Service repair and installation of dishwashers Plovdiv | Plovdiv SERVICE ~ 0888 891 479
Home Home Appliances Washing Machine Dishwasher Dryer Boilers ceramic plates esu tops and ovens Electric radiators and convectors Installation of dishwashers esu and washing Plovdiv in Plovdiv Electrical services Plumbing Plovdiv esu News & tips Contacts RSS Feed
Repair service, installation and maintenance at the homes of domestic dishwashers: AEG Ariston Bosch Beko Candy Daewoo Electrolux Gorenje esu General Electric Fagor Hotpoint Indesit esu LG Midea Neo Samsung Siemens Siltal Whirlpool Zanussi is no longer necessary to spread the appliances in workshops.
We offer our customers quality and professional repair of better prices for dishwashers and appliances in their homes. The technicians visit the client's home and repaired the dishwasher in place without the need to transport and Service. We work all over Plovdiv and the nearby surroundings.
The cost of repair is determined after defectation for service and proceed to a repair only if the customer's consent. If the customer wants only diagnosis, it caused the price of the visit and diagnosis dishwasher esu 20BGN.
We recommend esu that you remove larger food residues on dishes before putting them in the dishwasher so as to avoid blockage and repair the dishwasher! You should be familiar with the right system to load the dishwasher. Sprinklers should rotate freely and nozzles must be clogged!
Odours may occur as a result of the long period that has not used the machine. Washing program is not selected properly and does not meet the level of contamination of the vessels. As a result, food residues retained on the filter machine.
Programs esu - Dishwasher best dishwashers offer various washing cycles. When the dishes are less dirty set of "light wash" which requires less water and energy. Use energy-saving programs, where possible.
The easiest esu way to save water in the dishwasher is to let her do all the work. Rarely necessary to rinse dishes before putting them in the dishwasher; modern dishwashers do an extremely good job in cleaning utensils - tenzheri, pans, etc .. Moreover, why double the work, as you wash dishes by hand and then by machine? And yet, it is important to remember that dishwashers use water and energy efficiently when full; if you wait to play it full, instead of partially full. So extends the life repair of dishwashers .With shorter and more economical programs you can save up to 84 kWh of energy per year, provided that you use the dishwasher once a day! This equates esu to approximately 80 times / cycle automatically washing dishes or about the water you need to wash the hand three months! The amount of water saving dishwasher is about 1497 liters per year!
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Boilers Home Appliances Washing Machine Dryer Dishwasher ceramic hob, oven radiators and convectors Electrical services Plumbing Plovdiv Plovdiv Home Improvement esu & Services News & tips Contacts Installation of dishwashers and washing in Plovdiv accepting orders by phone
Recommendations are important because many "masters" can damage more than correct, then we can not be useful and refuse such requests!

Monday, May 18, 2015

With license Creative Commons (by-nc-nd / 3.0 /).

repair of appliances, warranty service, installation and maintenance consultant RES, investment control outdoorphoto and external outdoorphoto building systems layout of promotional and technical materials translations from / into English / Russian, editing / proofreading, creating, shaping and correction content for the web, texts, outdoorphoto official letters, outdoorphoto greetings, slogans and more. >> The Art of Being a professional!
Electrical Engineer with over thirty years experience in the field of electronics and home appliances and related repairs, carry professional repair of various brands and models of washing machines, cookers and stoves, ceramic hobs, cookers, televisions (CRT, LCD, LED, TFT , plasma), hoods, absorbers dispozeri (grinders for household waste), dishwashers, microwaves, electronic circuits of air conditioners, dryers, vacuum cleaners and other black and white appliances in homes without a day at a convenient time. Repair of a small home appliances (irons, hair dryers, toasters, outdoorphoto hot plates, etc..) Is possible, as the details are specified in advance by Eng. Stanev.
Response time by removing the damage and the repair of the washing machine, TV, oven and other appliances (if relevant spare parts stores and need to replace damaged elements) - from 2 to 24 hours, according to the workload outdoorphoto schedule master.
If you need an experienced, reliable and skilful outdoorphoto master technician to perform quality service, assembly and disassembly of your washing machine, outdoorphoto the only thing you need to do is call tel. 0898 371028 to book an appointment to visit.
If you have an injury or a problem with a filter pump, centrifuge blocked hatch lock collar, belt, starting key programmer and need a professional and quality repair, without disassembly of the machine, then you've come to the right place. The only thing you need to do is call tel. 0898 371028 outdoorphoto and servicing let me.
G. k. Pine and nearby outdoorphoto neighborhoods - White birches, Shooting, Krasno Selo, Hippodrome Camp, Speedway Monastery meadows, Gotse Delchev, Buxton, Pavlovo, Boyana, Ovcha Kupel, Vitosha, a central part of Sofia and other metropolitan areas have priority when visiting - possible hours of repair outdoorphoto work outside.
For more information, visit the site and my blog. Repair lxpress - Eng. Stanev city. Sofia tel. 0898 371028 The Art of Being a professional! For best master no day off!
A home appliance repair technician offers technical support and maintenance for washers, dryers, TV sets, microwave ovens, cookers, etc. Valid for Sofia Contact person: Galin Stanev, MSc Phone: 0898 371028 Or Use the site contact form
With license Creative Commons (by-nc-nd / 3.0 /).
Important: Do not work with intermediaries, do not send any of its own name, and the only phone that accept orders for repair and can be found, is 0898 371028, can leave a message / comment here.
At first glance my daily meetings with repairs and damaged appliances and various representatives of household appliances like TVs, washing machines, cookers, you might cost a little uniform and boring. But sometimes chance meeting with me quite interesting and entertaining personalities with whom communication may prove costly. outdoorphoto In other cases fall to people whose behavior is quite different from mine and causes mixed feelings in me.
I wish to mention some of his strange phone calls to potential clients outdoorphoto seeking technician to repair any damage. Strange and funny to get my conversations with owners of appliances with the pressing need for a technical correction.
The situation briefly - about 11 hours Sunday masterful telefonche ring of fire. Press the button for receiving outdoorphoto a call and excited female voice introduces me in the domestic problem whose Enablement can prove myself.
- Dishwasher repair it?
I thought if he expected me to wash the dishes I family for lunch normally, but this service does not fall under repair. Meekly explained that anyway will have to remove the dishes to the dishwasher review. I reminded that Sunday and possibly having to purchase outdoorphoto a damaged piece, which means that the repair can be completed on Monday depending on the damage. Not all spare parts shops open on Sundays.
Well, I went to repair it, but it was certainly more fun than it failed outdoorphoto lunch a family of four and washing

Sunday, May 17, 2015

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Friday, May 15, 2015

Repair of washing marks the beginning of repairs this week. Replacing the condenser and appliance w

Blown mica microwave and changing capacitor laundry hwt - part of the master repairs Monday | lxpress2
repair of appliances in homes in Sofia, warranty service, installation and maintenance, layout, advertising and technical materials translations from / into English / Russian, editing / proofreading, creating, shaping and correction of content for web, prints , lithographs, engravings.
The new week arrived in Sofia with stormy midnight gusts and small snezhets. The cold almost returned. I could not enjoy beautiful vrementse from last Sunday. Well, a new week - new luck!
Repair of washing marks the beginning of repairs this week. Replacing the condenser and appliance works like new. Must repair TV and microwave whose mica must be replaced.
Repair of washing machines hwt in Sofia
Eliminate quality damage associated with the appliance (locked hatch / broken lock, shift collar or belt, clogged filters / pumps / hoses, leaks, problems with the centrifuge, programmer, etc.) and propose adequate solutions.
Perform hwt quality service to TVs (CRT, LCD, LED, TFT, plasma), washing machines, dishwashers, dryers, air conditioners electronic circuits, absorbers dispozeri (grinders for household waste), cooking and heating hwt stoves, hwt ceramic hobs, cookers, ovens , microwaves, vacuum cleaners and other home appliances and home electronics in Sofia every day.
G. k. Pine and nearby neighborhoods - White birches, Shooting, Krasno Selo, Hippodrome Camp, Speedway Monastery meadows, Gotse Delchev, Buxton, Pavlovo, Boyana, Ovcha Kupel, Vitosha, a central part of Sofia and other metropolitan areas have priority hwt when visiting and are available visiting hours and outside repair work.
Repair of TVs in homes that phone number 0898 371028 can save and order convenient for you day and visit within the standard working day for precise diagnostics and professional hwt service for various home appliances, in accordance with the service schedule Eng. Stanev hwt .
For more information and useful articles - please visit our website and blogs.
Tags: Borovo, hwt Krasno Selo, bearings, repair of vacuum cleaners, Change blown mica microwave, washing machine Broken hatch - repair Hippodrome Black spot on mica microwave, cooker hoods, dispozeri homes, clogged filter of laundry burnt magnetron, capacitor plates, bearings, laundry, master monastery meadows, microwave, microwave homes, speedway, not spinning, odor, washing, laundry run Persian cat, stoves, pump washing machine, punched magnetron, repair of washing machines, Repair of washing white birch, repair of washing in Sofia, repair washing machines, dishwashers, stoves repair, repair of televisions in homes, repair washing machines, shooting, televisions, technician, ovens, persian cat - blue tortie
Ice morning Ivanovden not scared craftsman who performs professional repair of washing machines, stoves, dishwashers, ovens, TVs and other black and white appliances in homes every day
Trackbacks / Pingbacks Ice morning Ivanovden not scared craftsman who performs professional repair of washing machines, stoves, dishwashers, hwt ovens, TVs and e - January 12, 2015
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Top Posts & Pages Repairs of washing at home - the main tasks for the day of the master Qualified repair washing machines and other household appliances in homes and day every day washing machine hwt filled with water. Master, you repair it? Repair of washing machines at home - clogged filter blocked electronics problem hoses, locks, sunroof and attractive spring flowering shrubs winks between machine is not spinning. Where to find the master to repair the washing home in Sofia? Emergency repairs of laundry hwt and bakery on Sunday - best master repair appliances every day repair washing machines Is the magnetron repair of microwave ovens and quite neparvoaprilski service laundry and stoves giveaways washing machines can be cause for repair or result clogged filters and pumps Quality repair of washing machines and microwave in the last day in April
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There are several companies that offer, but are quite expensive, expensive and second use. You can

Working in the darkroom, we reach for the paper package. Vadim from a sheet of paper and put it in the copying frame. But what is this paper? vitek Plasticized or baritna? Here, I admit this is an issue that so far we have not discussed.
In socialist Bulgaria existed only non-plasticised pad paper / cardboard, polukarton / - do not know whether the substrate has been treated with barium sulfate / barite / or - not. There have been prior papers that were with kartotena pad, but were not baritni and no longer remember the smell of FoHar / Barry smells in a way that does not forget - smell /, but in this case, although unforgettable smell alone on myself, I do not remember how it smelled Bulgarian Photo:)
Somewhere in the 60's of last century in the West have appeared plasticised photo paper - this is a paper on both sides is covered with a thin plastic vitek with a particular shade of white / neutral white, warm tone, tone cream, etc. / - ie paper is packaged and the plastic is applied to the emulsion / not used barite - however vitek plastic vitek is quite smooth and white, as opposed to the pure paper, and no need of this white powder in this case /. The advantage compared baritnata paper is that the processing is accelerated, as only an example - the final washing instead of 1 hour is only 2 minutes, and the drying may be performed by the expanse of clips because plastic prevents the paper to bend. Plastic vitek assumes no water, so we just wait for the water to drain and evaporate from the surface - generally - a few minutes. If I decide one night to copy a large frame format, the picture got it after 1 hour of taking the decision vitek - Magnifier, baths, developer, samples, final copy, washing, drying, if a layered paper and 3:00, if a baritna paper:) Why do the final cleaning is only 2 minutes? Because fixer accumulates only on the edge - from the front and have plastic wrong side and there fixer can not absorb, remains only the edge, where we have a thin strip of real paper - still lamination and watering the emulsion is carried out while the paper is large rolls of which are cut the desired format, which means that no edge of plastic that protects.
Many people will talk about the difference in tone between Plasticized and baritnata paper. Yes, the papers are different. And tears are very devastated when baritnata paper - her to wash her drying - do not wash well, stuck or drying then stuck her chrome-gloss sheet press her glass of making it sushim / in this case - I hope this is not the window in your living room! /.
The processing of plasticized paper you will need to have a small dishwasher. For formats to 24h30.5 cm including I use your bathroom sink - if you have a large sink and want larger formats - perfect. Uncork a stream and the picture is dzhurka. Mia them more than two minutes, vitek because they wash trickle but nice waited to drain from fixer before them dipped inside. For larger formats it is nice that you get Patterson dish washing plasticized paper. That's the whole investment.
There are several companies that offer, but are quite expensive, expensive and second use. You can wash your finished photos in a large bowl, or if you have a bath - in the bathtub. You should be careful not to stick the pictures to each other that then washing it must begin again. Best use modern fixers because they wash quickly. Shown two pictures vitek of dishwashers are the company Patterson. But there are other companies in the market that offer similar equipment. Look at eBay's second use. This company vitek is Anova Darkrum but its dryers are expensive.
My heart throbs from baritnata paper, but I admit that I really easy to work with layered paper. It is not a shame to admit. Moreover, if you will prepare a portfolio that will examine many people vitek better is plasticized paper - because this is a very strong paper, even if someone coughed with spittle on paper, it will not spoil the gloss or He'll bend her rabchetata or will remain fingerprints. And no tears. And you put a picture in a frame ... go and look for it barite you or plasticizers. No knowledge. Well, there is knowledge, if you have the same paper of the barite to you, but if you do not?
Besides the expensive dish for baritnata paper / for large formats, or small formats - in a basin or tub / drying baritnata paper you will need press. We have a gloss-type presses, which had an argument with a friend that had not been presses and dryers vitek were. Well, Mako sell a press, but is worth a thousand euros, I do not believe you go to buy one. Her image is not put wet. Poizsahva his / or perhaps even completely vitek dry, but not stone / and then

Thursday, May 14, 2015

13. What is magnesium anode? Protection type of water tank boiler that neutralizes, paying magnesiu

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4. With a shorter and more economical programs dishwasher you can save up to 84 kWh of energy per year, provided that you use the dishwasher once a day! This equates to approximately 80 times / cycle automatically washing wtxl dishes or about the water you need to wash the hand three months! The amount of water saving dishwasher is about 1497 liters per year!
13. What is magnesium anode? Protection type of water tank boiler that neutralizes, paying magnesium ions. Over time is consumed (2 to 5 years) and replaced by a workshop for boilers Plovdiv
How to deal with yellow stains under the arms of some clothes? These yellow spots are produced by perspiration and by a combination of sweat and antiperspirant deodorant (antiperspirant) which contain aluminum salts. These stains are very stubborn and not be washed only with gel or powder laundry detergents and stain most do not deal with them. Because stains are laundered are obtained wtxl deposits that literally ruining drehata.Ima several ways to prevent and eliminate these stains: 1. It is an important way in which the antiperspirant is applied. It should be snug, a thin layer may not be repeated and allowed to dry completely before you put the garment. In most cases, however, one perspire wtxl and again appear petna.2. Replace antiperspirant with deodorant without aluminum plain soli.3. Stain to rinse with cool tap water before izpirane.4. It should not use bleach because reinforces yellowing instead it premahva.5. Cleaning can be used for cleaning wtxl of bathrooms: one for removing limescale on tiles and faucets that does not contain bleach. Colored clothing is better first to try in secret, so as not to damage the color of the garment. This method is quite effective, well irrigated wtxl and stain the area around it, leave to act 10-15 minutes, it can rinse optional wtxl and wash as usual. Depending on how layered stain, you may need the garment to be treated as described above and wash several times.
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Wednesday, May 13, 2015

At least two hours before, even better the night before preparing the marinade Cut the ribs into sm

The recipe itself is very simple and you can use chicken pieces of your choice, but it is the method that is truly child-resistant, not anything dirty and this marinade is concentrated ekar de gas at most really tasty !!!!
At least two hours before, even better the night before preparing the marinade Cut the ribs into small pieces, inspired chicken wings by removing lint, the wash and wipe, doses decidetele you according to your guests, I will demonstrate the method " NIGELLA "fast and dirty
Massage well moving the bag, put it to rest in the refrigerator and sometimes remember to shake and massage the bag so the flavors will mix, giving the meat a great taste
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Tuesday, May 12, 2015

Communication Gender remember Giulia Galiotto, How can we expect justice to be heavy a date on the

As a woman The importance of calling things by their name The truth, please, on the death of journalists stencils Faceless Letters Read here say & write to / from IQD Contacts Petition for isituzione hotpoint tumble dryer a Guarantor of the victims of violence and their families hotpoint tumble dryer Crush women: the "lesson" of La Nuova Sardegna OPEN LETTER TO THE EDITOR OF THE NEW SARDINIA
San Michele of Mucchietti - Sassuolo (Modena), 11 February 2009 seemed a happy couple, instead Giulia suffered harassment, especially moral, Marco. Until he killed her, massacrandola stoned, closed in a sack and thrown into a river. Then he even sought and staged a suicide. hotpoint tumble dryer
Communication Gender remember Giulia Galiotto, How can we expect justice to be heavy a date on the calendar? Today is February 11. Giulia Galiotto was 30 years old, and 11 February 2009, was murdered by throwing stones from her husband Marco Manzini. Since I read this post written by Faby and when I saw the episode of Criminal Love dedicated to his story, I can not think. His pictures, like those of too many victims of femicide, I entered in the head and does not want to go. A spectacular smile, impossible to forget. She, one of too many women killed by their spouse, partner, supposedly best friend. I do not want nothing spectacle, but there are no answers to the family of Julia still needs. We need, for them and for us, to know that justice exists, and that those who make mistakes pay. Because before to events like this, and unfortunately there are so many, there are nuances. Marco attracted you in the garage of his parents, hit her repeatedly to death, has changed, he slipped into a bag, dragged away, he staged a suicide by throwing it into a river, he has reused a letter written by her 4 years before, he has meticulously clean his car. Yet the murder conviction was not accepted premeditation. I do not understand. And for this I ask justice. Justice for Giulia, young victim of hatred and inability to communicate except through a petty act of violence. U ccisa because women because tolerant, because vulnerable. He killed because his wife and as such, in a moment of difficulty, considered an obstacle? Julia wanted to divorce, he was about to get to safety. He has not done in time. He was not ready to listen, to follow the course of events. You can not die like that, looking into the eyes of the person you married get you stoned, attack you in a fury. Faced with crimes of this kind, the competent bodies should show hesitation or indecision. hotpoint tumble dryer I ask for justice for those who for three years can not find peace: Galiotto family, a family really formidable. I think of mother Giovanna, dignified and determined, a beautiful way of speaking. And his sister hotpoint tumble dryer Elena, so young affected by pain insurmountable. And I ask for justice for all women victims of domestic violence. Giulia because we all of us. And we can not let her tragic, bloody, hotpoint tumble dryer unjustifiable disappearance leave us indifferent. If I'm not mistaken, March 28 there will be an appeal in the Court of Assizes in Bologna. Do not let mom, sister and father of Julia feel alone in this struggle. We make our presence felt to those who is working on this case. Strange things happen in Italy, judgments unacceptable normalize abominations, gang rapes and femicides considering not premeditated. hotpoint tumble dryer Vice partial mind? But who are they kidding? Gender-based violence must be recognized and combated judgments model. Who removes responsibility, justifies, silt is complicit. We show zero tolerance and we do not let that happen. We continue hotpoint tumble dryer to watch and we feel the weight of our attention.
La Gazzetta di Modena husband: so I killed Giulia was nearly 16 last Thursday, February 12, when the police have tracked down Marco Manzini in the emergency room of Sassuolo, where he went to be healed hotpoint tumble dryer in his left arm that he He had fractured in the altercation with his wife. Only four hours later, at around hotpoint tumble dryer 20, the alleged uxoricida, challenged by investigators, collapsed. And Manzini, interrogation, finally explained everything in detail, telling hotpoint tumble dryer what really happened the night before. At 20 the couple feel for telephone and Marco, who also in an earlier conversation he invited his wife to dinner (especially that Giulia hotpoint tumble dryer Galiotto had reported with joy to his sister Elena), tells her that it does not do anything because it has to go in the gym. Giulia surprised hotpoint tumble dryer and irritated asks Mark if he would dine at home or if he ate something out. It 'was hotpoint tumble dryer at that point that Mark has confessed to G

Monday, May 11, 2015

Put the flour in a container to coat the peppers, salt and pepper. Past the flaps in the flour, in

salt, pepper and oil for frying
The lined baking tray with aluminum paper, place the peppers, well washed. No need to remove the stalk, I will do everything after. Preheat oven to 250 and cook the peppers for 40 minutes (remember, bosch classixx from a cold oven). Now pull fuorii peppers from the oven and place in a paper bag or one of the bags you need to freeze, close the bag and let it sit for an hour. Take back the peppers, skin Privatel, petiole, seeds, elavateli quickly under running water. Arrange the peppers on a plate and make it flaps no wider than three fingers.
Put the flour in a container to coat the peppers, salt and pepper. Past the flaps in the flour, in the meantime you did heat the oil for frying in a pan. Wait until the oil is very hot and you put no more than two pitches at a time, so you will keep the temperature of the oil well and hot peppers will not absorb too much oil. As soon as they are golden, remove the foot from the pan and place them on paper towels to remove excess oil. As soon as you finish frying, prepare the sauce of arugula with the help of a mixer. Inside put, the anchovy fillets, capers, arugula thoroughly washed and drained and extra virgin olive oil. Do the work that will be a mixer until creamy sauce, you taste the flavor, bosch classixx if it were to fail, I personally I recommend adding a tablespoon of cheese, or a pinch of salt is enough. Prepare a tray or a serving dish, arrange the layers of pepper golden and now cooled and every stratum put a teaspoon of sauce ... You can serve the dish along with your other starters. Enjoy your meal
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Sunday, May 10, 2015

I read and reread some of your actions, and I find shocking the way -step stepper feel them so clos

The eggs from the supermarket were pale when sbattevi in the pot to make an omelette. The eggs from the supermarket, with their shell clean, brushed, bleached, six to six in their plastic packaging. Eggs aunt were in a paper bag and were stained stewi with earth, straw, feathers, chicken shit, but they had the red yolk, eat them raw and sweetened after the flu, straight out of the ass of the hen cup, I would think now, but that's not the point. The point is the shells and what's inside. When I met you I was an egg released from the hot ass of a chicken. When I met you you were a person from paper bag, the kind they use in the movies stewi to shove bottles, you were an egg released from the hot ass of a chicken in a paper bag and inside the shell, for those who could overcome the disgust idea of what was on that shell, all the shit that you carried back inside the shell, for those who could not think of the porosity of the shell, to shit like that could have entrarti inside, there was a red yolk and nutritious, there was something fresh and good, you were there. Now you're an egg from the supermarket, like all the other eggs in plastic packaging. You are now the egg in the plastic packaging from the supermarket, what, when you get home with your spending and start to withdraw - first frozen, then the butter, sliced meats, fruits and vegetables, eggs - has cracked the trip, there is always an egg with the shell cracked, even if you're careful, supports the package on top of the shopping bag that ports without moving his arm to avoid the risk of bumping into the wall or into the door. Now you are a supermarket with egg shell washed and bleached, there is no danger of infection, to hold you in my hands, but inside, inside you have no taste, you do not have color, there is a rush of blood when you break the shell on edge of the plate and widen the two halves, and if you had fertilized egg with the shell washed and bleached, it would come out a chick from battery, a cockerel to antibiotics with the meat dry and tough, tasteless, a distant memory of what you were, you were going to become. You're an egg that has chosen the wrong feet, ass wrong, an empty shell, clean and brushed, an egg to eat it raw is not cool enough, a broken shell, who knows what would become, if I had my choice, ass .
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Associated items This article was published in Histoire d'une stewi jeune fille, Tuscatti / ioscrivo January stewi 22, 2011 by Madame psychosis. Navigation And the ifs we lost for nothing [*] And did they get you to trade [...] cold comfort for change? [*]
I think it's normal, unfortunately, stewi take a step forward and three back, or jump in as hopscotch and stand with one foot in one phase and the other in another. stewi Who knows when it ends, as if.
I read and reread some of your actions, and I find shocking the way -step stepper feel them so close to my feelings. I felt really hit ... why not require a lengthy analysis in follow you again :) Greetings.
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